Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 42: To The Sky We Go


I gave orders to all af them on how things should be handled. I also gave them protocols on if they are discovered. I also took Shiro my ninken with me.

I stealthily go towards the Sky Village alone. Then I put a lot of boulders in my storage wrist bands which were full of projectiles and explosive tags I still have pouches with kunai and shuriken but I keep most weapons in my wristbands.

I made them myself.

I then go just below the flyind Sky Village. Its flying around 37 meters (121 feet) so yeah not exactly low but also not high like above the clouds. I then prepere and get up on a tree pump my legs with chakra and together with my super strength technique I jump high and destroy the tree I was standing on. I jump about half way then I summon a boulder below my feet, and jump again. I am almost there and then use chakra strings to attach myself there.

As soon as I my feet touched the structure I stuck to it... this is weird I am upside down on a flying city. Well anyway I put about 56 explosive tags at the bottom of the city I mede these myself and made them stronger than normal. I also hid all of them well, like in cracks and places where no one will notice. I then put my ninken under my hoodie so no one will notice. I transform into a normal looking person and just to be sure I make a shadow clone which will transform as someone else and follow me in case I am followed.

I then get in the city and look around.

There seem to be a lot of civilians living here. I just wander around first and make a mental map. I then went towards the red light district which wasn't weird now couse I was transformed into an adult.

After going in there I call the most beautiful looking lady over and I make a scumbag perverted face.

Me:" Hey there whore, wanna have some fun. Don't worry I will pay you handsomely."

She looks at me like I am scum. Then we go to a motel that I pay for. We go to a room as soon as we go inside it I knock her out. Close the door tightly, tied her to the bed and take out some torture tools and put silencing seals all over the room. I then look at her, she has brown eyes, oval face and beautiful balck hair. I must say she looks good for a whore.

I wake her up and she sees me with the torture tools she looks surprisingly calm but I can tell she is terrified well this is mostly an intimidating method after all I don't belive I have to torture her becuse she isn't a ninja trained to withstand torture.

???:" Are you some creep or something, you know if you leave a scar in my body, the ninja will kill you, I am their favourite."

I then make a serious face and say.

Me:" Oho aren't you a brave little whore.

I don't really care about the ninja but I promise you that I will not leave a scar in your body or hurt you if you tell me what I want to know."

She looks at me with calm eyes... but I can tell from her body language that she is relieved but still suspicious.

???:" How do I know you will keep your word."

I make a cold face and say.

Me:" Listen lady the only thing that is mine in this life are my balls and my word... I am not willing to break neither of them."

She looks at me smiles and says.

???:" You know you are just my type of man if I wasn't in this business.... well there is no use talking about what ifs."

She is trying to manipulate me.

I look at her turn my back towards her and say.

Me:" There is only one woman I will ever love in my life and she is dead."

Me shoulders start shaking and I say.

Me:" These -These monsters... the Sky ninja these guys took her from me... they they.... had their way with her."

I start producing tears at an alarming rate. Well this whore should know a lot of info about this place. Also I used a sad and tragic story to try to make her loosen her lips.

She looks at me with sadness and she starts telling me the info I want.

Then she starts talking. Surprisingly there isn't a kage ruling the Sky Village it is actually run by some nobels that decided to ban together. There are 5000 ninjas: 3000 chunin, 1000 genin, 1000 jounin... she also gave me some other info.

Damn if what she said it true... this could get real dangerous real fast. I make a clone immediately and write a message in a scroll, though I did put in the scroll as a side note that this information was all gathered by a questionable source, ans it has not been confirmed to be 100% true.

The clone will give it to a root ninja who with a team of 3 will return to konoha to give this info. There I wrote almost everything the whore said then I give it to my clone.

After the clone goes outside the motel stealthy. The whore looks at me she probably knows something is definitely wrong with my story cause I just made a clone.

She then says.

???:" Wh-."

But I cut her of with a senbon on her neck.... then I put poison in her blood.

She will have a heart attack in 10 seconds. I untie her and vanish the singns that she was tied and clean the seals around the room and pick up all my things. Well then I have a job to do.

Then I go outside the motel stealthy also, and change my disguise to an old man.

I go to a shitty hotel and kill the owner and make a clone to act like him.

This will be a temporary base of operation.

-Time Skip- (Tomorrow/Midday)

I spent all night putting explosive tags in places that no one will find them like sewers and under the public toilets. I used clones to do that with a stick... no way am I doing that by myself.

I slept untill mid day. Then I get up and eat some ration bars. I am not eating anything in this village... after all it is still enemy territory I don't know what they do to it, and it is a great way to get poisoned by an enemy ninja.

I then wait again untill it's night time and go outside. This time I go towards the leaders place knock him out and make a clone to impersonate him and to have him put explosive paper tags around the leaders tower.

I take the leader to my base tie him up.

He really was arrogant he only had 2 jounin guards that I killed with poison when I transformed in maid and gave them water and had 2 other clones impersonate them.

I really am grateful to the seal that Tsunade taught me I now have so much chakra to make a lot of clones.

There were also 11 servants in the house, I didn't kill them because they didn't know what was happening. And would be a great cover for my plan.

-Time Skip- (Tomorrow)

I was going to torture the leader but he gave up everything so easily. And by everything I mean everything, even the existence of 0 tails and where to find it. How to get to it.

Also he told me where all his money is. I looked through and he had 535 million Ryo. I now have a mountain of money in my storage scroll which I put in my wrist storage where I store my weapons.

I look at his dead body, I then go towards the leader tower. I go inside normaly. You know if you act confident like you didn't do anything wrong then people will think you did nothing.

So here I am I go in the leaders office the guard which is my clone looks at me and says.

Clone:" Do you have an appointment."

I look at him with my elderly disguise and tell him.

Me:" Yes of course I do."

He nods and lets me in.

I go inside see my clone he looks at me and nods. Then I dispel him. I get his memories... this is why you mustn't have a weak leader. Cases like this happen and the leader gets replaced.

They are a new village so they probably got arrogant just because they have some new and fancy gadgets. If this was one of the great villages I wouldn't have been able to get inside. Even if I did get inside by some miracle and was able to bypass the sensory barrier.

I definitely wouldn't be able to leave alive.

I see in his memories he just talks to some other people and I also learn on how this village stays a float... it does so by using the prisoners whom they use different methods like starvation, dehydration, pain, hate etc... to get dark emotions to generate chakra for the 0 tails, then they use that chakra to keep this thing afloat.

I make another clone to impersonate the leader again. I will deal with the 0 tail later.

I will also steal some more money from these rats.

I just stole 177 mil from another notable noble family which I killed all their members easily I just stealthy put poisoned gas inside they had chunin and genin guards which didn't notice anything wrong unrill it was to late... Now I am going to rob the 3rd and last family that build this Village.

I go to the last familys house they live in the western side of the city, in a stone mansion it looks like a god damn mini castle. I also sense

16 genin, 5 chunin and 5 jounin and 61 civilians in this house... this noble is more carefull than the leader.

I make 3 clones and they stay outside together with my ninken to not let anyone escape. I also put silence seals Fuinjutsu all around the mansion, never hurts to be careful.

I then undo my transformation I need to be able to fight at my full power.

Then I go into the house stealthy and I wait patiently untill a jounin has to go to the bathroom as soon as he is about to pee. I immediately throw a kunai him but he turns around and intercepts my kunai with his, he looks at me and says.

???:" You are surrounded. Just give up and I promise we will let you live."

I see so they noticed me.

I also sense the other jounin have also just surrounded the bathroom.

Well then I throw a paper tag in the opposite wall of the door and then as soon as the jounin get inside they look at the seal and get Paralysed it is a paralysis seal.

I attack the jounin that blocked my kunai, this time I slashed at him and before our kunais touched I used wind chakra and I cut through the kunai but he jumps back but still gets a slash in his torso. He is really skilled.

I then throw 5 kunais towards the Paralysed Jounin, the free jounin then goes to black them but the kunai explode killing them all.... well then this just alarmed a lot of people it seems I will have to exterminate them all....


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