Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 40: Becoming a Missing Nin!?

???:" Inuzuka -sama you are being summoned by Danzo -sama, to the hokage tower."

I just smile and tell him.

Me:" Yeah I will be there immediately, just let me get ready ok."

He then looks at me and says.

???:" Ok I was just supposed to deliver the message."

He then goes away.

I then think 'Why the hell would Danzo even call me... is he going to offer me to join Root... no I am a clan head and to high profile to join Root... Anyway I am not sending myself in a tigers mouth, I am not a Chinese protagonist. I then activete Strength of a 100 seal and use Shadow Clone. I used Strength of a 100 Seal because I made a shadow clone with the exact same chakra amount as me. Then I sent him to meet Danzo... I then pack all my things, if Danzo is planning to kill me or something I am running... it doesn't matter if I become a missing nin.

It's a shame cause I accomplished a lot in Konoha and I went through all that trouble to get in a position of power. I also had a lot of plans in Konoha. I make another clone to stay in my house as my double. I then go to the edge of Konoha sensing barrier and I am ready to bail out as soon as my clone pops himself if something troublesome happened.

I need to completely rearrange my plans then if I become a missing nin.... I am not going to create my own village like Orochimaru it's to much work and very little reward.... but I am going to need money to do my experiments.

Well first I will need to grow stronger, then I will impersonate a kage, I guess I will go with the hidden grass village an unimportant villge and well hidden, and it still has enough riches. Or maybe go to the land of snow and take over after all that is quite far and as the war is going on none of the 5 great nations is going to notice and after the war ends it will be to late because I will have 8 gates suicide pawns, that I will manipulate to work for me, or if I can't do that threaten them with their families from far away while my clone leads them.... then I would join akatsuki with a different persona...

I would also need a byakugan if I am going to always be followed or attacked.

I will take a main branch mook, or if I can't find one which is unlikely, I will wait untill canon and rip Hinata's eyes, she is weak and on top of it has a weak jounin sensei.

(30 minutes later.)

It has been half an hour... did they use a special method to not let me receive memories from my clone I then am about to create another clone to go for scoutings but then.....

Oh the clone in my house poped the other clone came and told me to come back to the house. I am still suspicious so I make another clone and tell him to go to the house while I follow him.

I then go to the house my clone that was waiting sees my other clone which he thinks is the real me and he then pops himself. I get some memories. Aha I see so I was paranoid about nothing... false alarm then... I laugh a little at myself.

But still always be prepared that is my moto, I made that up while in this world.

Then I think back to the conversation.

- Flashback- (Clone Pov)

I go inside the hokage's office I see Danzo and the other female council member the last one seems to be somewhere else.

I then look at them and I say.

Me:" Good morning Council Members may I know the reason I was called here."

I was going to call them by name each but except Danzo, I didn't really care to remember or know the other members names.

Danzo looks at me in his serious face and says.

Danzo:" Yami Inuzuka I see that you haven't been taking C rank or higher missions or going to the battlefield for a couple of years now."

A.hole why haven't you been to the battlefield also retard that is what I though. But on the outside I just looked guilty and said.

Me:" S -sir I wanted to fight all this time but because I became the clan head and I had to stabilise my clan then

Tsunade -sensei came and I became weakened for a period of time."

He seems unimpressed, probably because he thinks I would put my clan before Konoha.

Then he just says.

Danzo:" I understand but I need you for an important mission. Right now we are short on man power and aren't exactly on the best situation on the war side."

He then clears his throat and activates a seal and a sealing array is around the room I recognise it as a anti spy and silence seal, and then he says.

Danzo:" The village hidden in the Sky has rosen to challenge the 5 great ninja villages. I need you to go there and spy on them and relay their military strength and if you see them as a danger I need you to hold them back with whatever means necessary. I will also give you 20 genin from the genin corps and 72 anbu from my own Root division they are around chunin level."

He then looks at me directly.

Me:" I understand Danzo -sama I will complete the mission withought failure and I will try to slow them down as much as possible."

He nods and also adds.

Danzo:" You will be the leader of this mission and the only 'known' ninja that will take the mission. My Root members will remain nameless and the genin don't even know where they are going they think it is going to be a simple B rank missions. Also if you complete this mission you will be rewarded 2 S rank missions pay and they will be added to your record."

I then look at him and say.

Me:" I understand Danzo -sama."

Danzo: *sigh* " I wish I had more forces to spare, but this must be done with out most emergency."

Then he explaines me the routes I can take and how to go through the Mist's territory to be able to go to the land of sky which is quite far away.

-Flash Back END-


I get it now hahahahaha. That means that I got another little pawn on my chess game. The Sky Village huh. Well then things just got quite exciting. I need a plan on how to deal with the Sky village...


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