Mysterious Lord Gu’s Palm Treasure

Chapter 49

Chapter 49: It Will Be More Accurate

Chapter 49 This will be more accurate

Although the man on the bed closed his eyes and his consciousness was blurred, the strength of his hand was not light at all. He tightly clasped her five fingers, and she almost felt pain as she held it tightly. After struggling on the ground for several times, she gave up. For a doctor, especially a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, she clearly knows that piercing that acupoint can cause pain or numbness in the entire arm.

This is what he forced, don’t blame her for being too ruthless.

Yan Yi gave her the water glass and put it aside. In fact, he wanted to say that Miss Bai was really good. Jiuye had already dragged her when he heard her voice. This was a unique sense of security.

It seems that as long as he stays by her side, Jiuye will feel a sense of security in his heart, so he pulls people hard and doesn’t let go.

And as long as he is by Miss Bai’s side, Jiuye’s hostility can be restrained very well, like a beast whose sharp teeth have been pulled out, he has turned into an extremely tame herbivore.

“Miss Bai, are you hungry? I arranged to prepare dinner for you.” Yan Yi asked.

After the toss and gos, Bai Xun didn’t even eat lunch. It was already night, the rain had stopped, and the moon was already hanging high in the sky.

“I’m hungry, go get ready.”

Just after Bai Xun finished speaking, he raised his hand and plunged the needle into Gu Jiusheng’s acupuncture point without any hesitation. slowly disappeared.

She rescued herself from his hand. Bai Xun held her hand and rubbed it. Her entire palm was all red. After shaking her hand, she pulled out the silver needles in his hand one by one, and the fever had subsided. No need for this anymore.

“Miss Bai, let’s go out to eat first.” Yan Yi stood at the door to guide her.

The servant put the prepared medicinal bath bucket in the large bathroom and began to keep adding water to it. In fact, there is a hot spring room behind the living room of the glass room. This place happens to have a good hot spring. Gu Jiusheng also watched it at the beginning. I fell in love with this place, so I chose to build this glass house in the East District.

It is good for his body to have more hot springs, but it is not good for him to soak too much.

“Miss Bai, the amount of water has been put in according to your request, do you want to put the medicine in now?” The servant stood on the edge of the barrel and asked.

Bai Xun walked over and reached out to test the temperature of the water. Gu Jiusheng’s body temperature was low, and the water in the natural medicated bath was also lower than that of ordinary people. However, for the effect of medicinal herbs, special attention should be paid to the dosage of medicinal herbs, a little more and less effect. But it’s a world of difference.

She lowered her head and threw the prepared medicinal herbs in little by little according to the dosage. The servant took a wooden stick as thick as an arm and kept stirring it. She took a handkerchief and wrapped it on the handle of the medicine pot. Pour the brewed concoction into it.

“Okay, after you take off his clothes and bring people in, the soaking time is too long for the first time, and it’s done in an hour and a half.” Bai Xun said, smelling the fragrance of Yoyo.

Yan Yi manually helped the man with his eyes closed on the bed up, Bai Xun put the needle bag and waited for him to bring the man in.

“Miss Bai, don’t you have to avoid it?” Yan Yi kindly reminded him.

Jiu Ye is going to take off his clothes at this moment.

Miss Bai here would be a little inappropriate, after all, men and women don’t get along, and Jiuye is asleep at the moment, he has to take care of Miss Bai’s feelings.

“There is no distinction between men and women in the doctor’s eyes.” After Bai Xun said this, he walked over and turned away from Yan Yi.

To understand the patient’s condition, in addition to the pulse and complexion, there are also parts of the body that are very important. From the veins to the skin to the bones, they are all good channels to understand the patient’s condition.

Besides, she just discovered that Gu Jiusheng might have a powerful spiritual seal on her body, so she must figure out everything right now.

Yan Yi raised his hand to help Bai Xun to support Gu Jiusheng, even if Miss Bai helped, Jiu Ye didn’t like others touching him, even if he was in a coma. If Miss Bai undressed him, he wanted to come to him. Not angry either.

The two servants here are holding wooden sticks and slowly stirring the medicinal soup in the wooden barrel, controlling the water temperature to be within the range confirmed by Bai Xun.

The girl’s slender and fair fingers touched the white bathrobe bag on Gu Jiusheng’s body. Bai Xun didn’t tangle too much. He raised his hand to untie the strap, and lifted the bathrobe on the man’s chest. His abdominal muscles were distinct, and the skin on his body was wearing Sickly fair, you can almost see the blue-purple blood vessels surging under the skin.

The man’s lean abdomen could be seen undulating and smooth lines with his breathing, and he could see the black shorts lines on his crotch. Yan Yi raised his hand to support Gu Jiusheng from behind, so that he would not fall into a drowsiness.

Bai Xun stared at some clearly visible wounds on his body, such a pampered person, why would there be such wounds on his body, Bai Xun raised his hand and stroked the wound on his left chest, which looked like some animal scratches, And it is very deep, and the traces that have been stitched still exist.

You can tell from the faded marks of the scars and the degree of healing that the scars should be about ten years old.

With such a temperament, it seems that he was raised in the city, and he received aristocratic education since childhood, which has nurtured his gentle and elegant temperament, and will never have anything to do with the wild beasts.

Bai Xun raised her hand to take off the pajamas from behind for him. When her fingertips touched the man’s skin, she felt a burning gaze. She raised her eyes and straightened her gaze, only then did she see that the man who was sitting on the bed had opened his eyes. Open eyes.

His face was still pale at the moment, and the whole person looked weak, but at this moment there was a meaningful look in his eyes, looking at the fingers that Bai Xun was stroking on his body.

“You’re awake.” Bai Xun took the towel aside and wiped his forehead.

Yan Yi’s eyes filled with joy, “Sir, you are awake.”

Gu Jiusheng raised his hand and held the woman’s slender wrist, “How long have I slept?”

“About six or seven hours, your fever has subsided, and now you need to take a medicinal bath.” Bai Xun sat face to face with him.

Seeing the warmth in Jiu Ye’s eyes, Yan Yi consciously retracted the hand that he was still holding on to the man, and silently stepped back to the bathroom, preparing to put down the curtain through the transparent glass.

Every time Jiuye looked at Miss Bai, his eyes were full of warmth, and the desire in the depths of his eyes was able to swallow and tear life into pieces.

“It’s already dark outside.” Gu Jiusheng crossed Bai Xun and looked at the cold moonlight penetrating through the glass opposite.

“Well, it’s already dark.”

Bai Xun consciously withdrew the hand he held in front of him again, and the man’s mouth had a slight smile, “You are also in the rain, did you catch a cold?”

“I’m fine, don’t worry.”

While speaking, Bai Xun felt a cold touch on the top of his head, his eyes were facing each other, the tip of the man’s nose pressed against hers, and the warmth in his eyes could drown a person inside.

“This test will be more accurate, let me see if you really don’t have a fever”

The moonlight shone through the glass door to the position at the end of the bed, Yan Yi raised his eyes and looked at the pair of beautiful people beside the bed whose foreheads were touching each other.

I received a notice from the editor. On the 22nd, Master Gu put the first order on the shelves. How much do you want me to update on that day? These two days have to hum hum chi code words, woo woo woo.

(end of this chapter)

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