Mysterious Lord Gu’s Palm Treasure

Chapter 199

Chapter 199: Gu Jiusheng Is Sober

Chapter 199 Gu Jiusheng is sober

The heavy snow overnight covered the entire imperial capital, and the snow on the ground had a certain thickness all night, and there was a thick layer of frost on the windows. The snow has not stopped since the morning, in order to facilitate the entry and exit of vehicles. , the servants have been up and cleaned a long time ago, and the roads to and from the manor were cleared in a short while.

Bai Xun was awake all night. When she opened her eyes, she saw the light shining through the gaps in the curtains. She looked at her side subconsciously. The man still closed his eyes and never moved.

He slept very well, and he didn’t seem to wake up at all. Bai Xun felt a little disappointed. Before falling asleep, she thought that maybe when she opened her eyes in the morning, he would have woken up, but it was a pity that when she opened her eyes, he still looked like this, Nothing has changed.

Yesterday, Bai Xun slept quite easily. After all, Ning Xiao woke up, and this person is not in serious trouble as long as she takes care of her for a while. Her spirit that was not very good is now half a point.

She lay beside the bed and leaned over to see Gu Jiusheng who was sleeping with An Ran. The man’s eyelashes were very long, and his eyes were tightly closed to block the sharpness in his eyes. He was more kind and calm. All four limbs were wrapped around her body and strangled tightly. Bai Xun had protested more than once, but this person just listened and had no intention of changing.

Now there is no suffocation that can be felt in sleep, and she is not used to it now.

The fingertips touched his eyebrows lightly, and the corners of Bai Xun’s mouth twitched lightly. If he still can’t wake up in a few days, he will have to take him back to Country A. When he finds a master, he will always be able to find a cure. method.

“Good morning.” She leaned over and said with a smile.

Just put his lips together and gave him a good morning kiss, and the man’s eyes with a little clearness appeared in his pupils.

Bai Xun was stunned for a while, and then he blinked to realize that it was he who woke up.

“You’re awake!” She happily threw herself on the man.

Gu Jiusheng hooked her thin lips lightly, raised her palms to caress her back, and tapped her white fingertips down her spine, “Well, are you planning to molest me while I’m sleeping?”

His voice was hoarse and a little weak, as if he was using all his strength to speak to her.

“Great, I’m almost dying of worry.” She pressed her forehead against his.

The man’s fingertips touched the corner of her mouth and gently stroked her eyes, “I’m sorry, I made you worry, you must be very tired, right?”

He could see the exhaustion on her face and the powerlessness deep in her eyes, he must have terrified her when he fell.

“Well” she rubbed the man’s forehead and shook her head, “I’m not tired, just wake up, don’t close your eyes again, I’m afraid.”

He smiled and hugged the person in his arms. It was true that he had just woken up, and it was true that he was weak.

“How many days did I sleep?”

From the moment he fell down, Gu Jiusheng knew what his physical condition was. I’m afraid it wouldn’t be so easy to heal. He still knew this, and I’m afraid that these two days have really terrified her.

“Six days.” She buried her face in the man’s neck, and he still had the faint scent of medicine on his body, which made people couldn’t bear to let go.

Gu Jiusheng stroked her long hair and kept kissing her forehead, “Frightened, right? It’s my fault.”

He fell asleep like this without opening his eyes. He could imagine how she was in a coma. Thinking of her alone, his heart ached badly.

“You have to listen to my words carefully these two days and take care of your body.” Bai Xun rubbed his cheek.

His awakening may not last long. Gu Jiusheng was seriously injured, causing some symptoms originally hidden in the body to appear. Now his soul power is still struggling to support, if he can’t think of a way. , I’m afraid it will be really difficult.

“Kiss one.” He rubbed Bai Xun’s thin lips.

The woman raised her eyebrows and pinched his face, “Just waking up and playing a hooligan to me.”

After all, he still rubbed his lips obediently. The man clasped the back of her head with one hand, swallowing the girl’s breath bit by bit, half reluctant to let go, and wrapped her mouth in his mouth. The ruthless hand seemed to hold her down forever as if to integrate her into her body forever.

I don’t know how long it took until there was a knock at the door, and Bai Xun broke free from his arms.

There was an unnatural blush on her little face. She still knew exactly what kind of reaction would happen after wrapping her around this morning.

“No.” She murmured.

Gu Jiusheng loosened the hand that held her, panting slightly.

“You calm down, I’ll get you a towel and wipe your hands, you have a good breakfast.” Bai Xun broke free from his arms and got up.

“But I don’t want to eat it.” He snorted, like a child’s murmur.

Now his other desires have completely overshadowed his desire to eat, Bai Xun turned back when he heard this, leaned over and squeezed his face gently, “No, you have slept for six days, you need to eat something.”

I have been hanging with nutrient solution these days, but how can nutrient solution be better than these serious foods.

Gu Jiusheng looked around, only to realize that they were not in the whole family. I am afraid that apart from the Quan family, it was now in the Ning family’s territory.

“I’m going in to wash.” Gu Jiusheng said and was about to lift the quilt and get up.

“No, you’re not getting better from your injury now. Even if you wake up, you can’t get out of bed right away. You have to stay in bed for a while.” She pressed the man back and tucked him in the quilt.

Gu Jiusheng raised his eyebrows at Bai Xun’s action, but still sat on the bed and waited for her to come back from the bathroom.

After Yan Yi knocked on the door, she didn’t wait for Bai Xun’s response and didn’t dare to continue knocking on the door. After all, Bai Xun was really tired during this time, and she had to take care of Jiu Sheng and check Ning Wei’s condition. It would be good for her to rest for a while. .

When Bai Xun returned with the pinched towel, he opened the door, and Yan Yi at the door breathed a sigh of relief.

“Mrs. good morning.” He bowed his head.

“Come in, he’s awake.”

A simple sentence made Yan Yi smile. This was the happiest time for him to laugh, “Really?”

As soon as he entered, he saw the man sitting on the bed, he hurried over, “Jiu Ye, it’s great that you woke up.”

God knows what he has gone through during this time. The Gu family has so many things backlog, and it is necessary to stabilize the company that is affiliated with them and not let them know how Gu Jiusheng is now. It is really killing people.

Fortunately, Gu Jiusheng woke up, and many problems could be solved easily.

“We are still at Ning’s house now, Yan Yi, you also prepare, we will return to country A at night.” Bai Xun ordered.

Since Gu Jiusheng’s situation is beginning to stabilize, she will be able to return when she returns from Tongchang Temple. In any case, she always has to go back to her place.

“Yes, I’m here to prepare.” Yan Yi happily went out.

Bai Xun carefully wiped the towel over his face, “You still need to stay in bed for a while, you can’t get out of bed easily these days, but staying at Ning’s house is not an option. I answered grandpa’s call yesterday. I’m worried about your situation, let’s go back first.”

Gu Jiusheng closed his eyes and still let her wipe his face, “Well, it’s all up to you.”

Bai Xun could hear his weakness, and also knew that his current body was just holding on to talking to her. He put the towel aside and sat by the bed to massage his arms.

“Gong Li, he’s dead.” Bai Xun lowered his head and carefully rubbed each of his knuckles.

The man held her palm back, touched her forehead lightly, and said in a gentle tone, “Are you sad?”

The relationship between her and Gong Li is not understandable to ordinary people. In Bai Xun’s world, she regards the boy she brought out of the sheepfold as her own younger brother, and teaches him to write, to teach him the art of war, to teach him spiritual power, and to help him. He took the throne of Mobei step by step.

The relationship between the two of them is indeed very deep, otherwise Gong Li would not have come here to look for her.

Bai Xun leaned against his chest, “This is the path he chose by himself, and he can be considered liberated.”

He also paid the price and got a relief. Bai Xun is not sad, it is fake, but she will still respect Gong Li’s choice, she treats Gong Li as her younger brother.

For Bai Xun, he will never forget that young man forever.

“You didn’t say that a person’s life is always on the road of parting. Since it is his own choice, we should also respect his choice.” Gu Jiusheng coaxed softly in her ear.

Bai Xun knew those truths, but he was always sad in his heart.

“I’ll never leave you, dear.” He whispered in her ear.

hugged the person in his arms tightly. When Gong Li left, she must have been very sad, but she was not able to be by her side, and when she was most vulnerable, she was not able to be by her side. This was enough to make him feel bad for a long time.

Yan Yi obeyed Bai Xun’s words and brought in the prepared breakfast. Gu Jiusheng can only eat some light food now, not too nutritious food, always take it slowly.

“Yan Yi, could you please help me to see how Chen Yi and Jia Yan are doing?” Bai Xun looked at and took the tray from Yan Yi’s hand.

The two people were also injured a little bit, and they were recovering from a room in the Ning family for two days. After Bai Xun gave them some medicine, he didn’t have any extra time to take care of them.

“Don’t worry, the two of them are fine.” Yan Yi said with a smile.

Jiayan and Chenyi are in much better condition than Gu Jiusheng, there is no need to worry at all. When he woke up in the morning, he saw them going to the back mountain to exercise.

“That’s good.” Bai Xun brought Gu Jiusheng porridge and sat in front of him.

Seeing their intimacy, Yan Yi felt that he was leaving and was going to go back to Country A. Before he knew it, it had been almost two months since he arrived in Country M. Gu Qingjun was also in trouble with the Gu family. They finally wanted to gone back.

“Eat more, try it and see, this porridge can be boiled well by Ning An, and you know his craftsmanship.” Bai Xun opened his mouth and said.

Gu Jiusheng obediently swallowed the porridge in the spoon. I have to say that Ning An’s craftsmanship is indeed quite good.

“How’s Ning Zhen?” Gu Jiusheng looked at her.

“He is much more relaxed than you. He woke up yesterday. One course of treatment has been completed. He will be better after just resting in bed for a month. He just injured his muscles and bones.”

With her ability, she can take care of her, but the most difficult thing is Gu Jiusheng’s situation.

“Of course there is no problem with our baby, of course.” Gu Jiusheng rubbed the tip of her nose lightly.

With his cooperation, a bowl of porridge was eaten cleanly by the man in a short while. Bai Xun wiped his mouth and handed over the milk. After watching him drink the milk, the corners of his lips lightly placed the bowl on it. go back.

“Okay, it’s cold outside now, you still stay indoors, it’s been snowing for several days, look at the snow scene.” Bai Xun said and pointed out the window.

It was all white outside, and from Gu Jiusheng’s point of view, you could see the servants who were busy on the snow.

Bai Xun brought his own breakfast and was robbed by a man as soon as he was about to eat it. He held the bowl and blew seriously, “Madam served me just now, and now of course I want to serve you.”

Looking at the spoon he handed in front of him, Bai Xun smiled and lowered his head to let him move.

“Would you like to come up and lie down with me for a while, you must be very tired these days.”

After feeding breakfast, Gu Jiusheng held her hand and opened his mouth.

Bai Xun looked at the time, it was still early, he could stay with him for a while, or go out in an hour.

The man caught the girl who was lying under the duvet with him, and lightly hooked the tip of her nose, “Is it cold?”

“Not cold.” Bai Xun hugged him and rubbed.

“Sleep again, have a good rest for a while, I’ll accompany you.” Gently rubbed Bai Xun’s forehead.


“Is there anything you want to say to me? I’m listening.”

felt that the hand holding her was a little weak, the smile in Bai Xun’s eyes dimmed, and hearing his rustling voice in his ear, Bai Xun’s hand tightened and tightened.

Until the man was not talking, a shallow breath came from his ear.

Bai Xun got up and looked at him, holding the man’s hand tightly, “Sleep well, I’ll be right back.”

The time he wakes up every time will not be too long. Because of his soul power, he will probably continue like this forever. The number of times he wakes up will gradually decrease, and the time will start to shorten little by little until he can’t wake up again. Come.

It’s started now, isn’t it?

After    changed clothes, she carefully tightened the quilt for him, pushed the door open and walked out.

Yan Yi was a little worried when she saw her appearance, “Madam, are you going out now?”

Jiu Ye woke up and his wife looked serious.

“He fell asleep, you guard him, we will return to Country A when I come back.” Bai Xun looked at Yan Yi and said.

After listening to her words, Yan Yi nodded and looked at Gu Jiusheng who had his eyes closed on the bed, Jiu Ye always loved his wife, and he woke up after sleeping for so many days, why did he fall asleep again.

It was Chenyi who accompanied Bai Xun to Tongchang Temple this time. The car drove along the Ning family’s manor, Jiayan sighed and stood at the door.

I don’t know if Bai Xun can find a way to save Gu Jiusheng.

(end of this chapter)

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