Mysterious Lord Gu’s Palm Treasure

Chapter 186

Chapter 186: My Name

Chapter 186 My Name

All medical teams were withdrawn from the town in batches. Naturally, the medical team of the Bai family had to return to Haicheng by helicopter with the arrangement here. When the team was being adjusted, many doctors were reluctant to part with the people here. In the moment of a month, everyone has a very deep feeling, and it is still very reluctant to part with this day.

Bai Xun and Gu Jiusheng also came here to see them off. Since they are the medical team of the Bai family and the people arranged by Gu Jiusheng, Yan Yi arranged to send them back. Quan Jingting still has some finishing work, so there is no need to Trouble them again.

Uncle Gan stood at the door of the cabin and looked at the colleagues who got on the plane one by one, with mixed feelings in his heart. Fortunately, how many people came when they came, and how many people did they go back, and there were not many, this is the best.

But his heart was always a little empty, and he didn’t know what to do.

“What are you thinking about?” Bai Xun looked at Uncle Gan looking around, how could he seem absent-minded.

Uncle Gan withdrew his gaze, “I didn’t see Li Xu’s child in the morning. Why has he disappeared since yesterday? Did he go home?”

But why didn’t he tell the old man when he got home? He got along very well with the child during this time. Uncle Gan was still a little uncomfortable when such a cold child disappeared.

When    mentioned Li Xu’s name, Bai Xun was stunned. If Uncle Gan went back and read the news sent back here, he would have been able to see Bai Xu. His old man would not be kept secret for too long.

But Uncle Gan is not the kind of unreasonable person. Speaking of what Bai Jianhe and Nian Wenying did, the most innocent person was Bai Xu.

He clearly did nothing, but he had to endure so many things.

“I think he should have gone back early. Isn’t he a student? He should rush back to class.” Bai Xun said.

Uncle Gan nodded, “That child is very good. If you teach him well, he will have a bright future in the future. I don’t know which school in Haicheng. I have to go and see if I can find this child.”

These days of confrontation, let Uncle Gan see the best side of Bai Xu, although his old man did not know that this Li Xu was Bai Xu, but they got along really well.

is not afraid of hardships or tiring. Compared with his peers, his professional quality is also excellent, and he can even see a doctor independently. Who would dislike such young people.

“If you have fate, you will definitely be able to find him.” Bai Xun comforted Uncle Gan.

The fate in this world is not easy to say. If two people have fate, they will definitely meet again. Besides, Uncle Gan can like Bai Xu so much because he and Bai Xu meet each other’s eyes.

“But I don’t even know what he looks like. So does this kid. He wants to say goodbye to me.” Uncle Gan sighed.

If you can’t see it, you won’t be able to recognize it even if you’re on the opposite side.

“Well, I’ll ask the volunteers who came to support him if they have a list and detailed information, so that we can find his address, right?” Bai Xun said.

“That’s good, that’s good, you must tell me when you find it. I have to go back and find the child. I heard from his friends that the child’s life experience is not very good, and he must have suffered a lot of grievances. I want to go and see. He, by the way, ask him if he is willing to come to our Bai family to work after graduation.”

Bai Xun nodded, pulled Uncle Gan and said a lot, which also reassured the old man.

“Then I’ll go first, please take good care of the young lady, Mr. Gu, you must pay attention to safety.” Uncle Gan looked at Gu Jiusheng and said.

“Don’t worry.” Gu Jiusheng nodded.

Only the two of them stayed, and the old lady Gu received news, so they don’t have to worry about it, they can do what they want to do with confidence. Up to now, the old lady is still extremely supportive of these two children.

After all, they are the children of their own family. What Bai Xun and Gu Jiusheng did was a great deed for accumulating yin virtue, how could they object.

“Then my mother will trouble you, tell her I will go back soon.” Bai Xun took Uncle Gan’s hand.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go first, remember to pay attention to safety and take good care of yourself.”

The four planes took off from the newly built airport in the town. They were as vigorous as when they came, but the mood was different. The people who came to see off at the airport kept waving goodbye to the rising plane.

It was silent when they came, and they were full of joy when they left. This is their meaning.

“Let’s go back.” Bai Xun held on to Gu Jiusheng’s way.

The luggage has been packed, and they are going to return to Dijing soon, and then go from Dijing to Xu’s hometown. After Ning Qi removed Xu from his body, he soon returned to Dijing with Ning An.

“Ning An’s physical condition is actually not very good.” Bai Xun held Gu Jiusheng and opened his mouth.

The    man looked down at her, “Not so good? Didn’t you say you could be rescued?”

“I found out when Hao was still on him. To put it bluntly, Ning An is almost like a walking living dead. He has been able to hold on to the breath given by Hao. If there is any problem with Hao now, I’m afraid It’s just a dead body.”

Therefore, the most urgent task now is to be able to refine the medicinal pill that saves Ning’an, so as to reshape the internal organs.

Now she is like robbing people of death.

“Actually, Ning An felt it himself, he just didn’t want to worry about Ning Xiao, so as I said, he will definitely survive, after all, I will save him, but will he be able to survive in the end? Living healthy and healthy, this is not necessarily the case.”

You only get what you pay for. I am afraid that Ning An will have to rely on medicinal soup to maintain her life in the future.

Bai Xun can save people and cure diseases, but only the lives of living people. For dead things, they can turn corruption into magic, so don’t think about being able to live like ordinary people.

She is not a **** in the sky, she must let him gain something and then lose something.

“It seems that nothing in this world can be changed against the sky.” Gu Jiusheng suddenly said something strange.

“Huh? What did you say?” Bai Xun looked up at him.

The man shook his head, “It’s nothing, I just feel it. When things are over, let’s go out for a walk and see if the scenery in this world is very different from the Phantom Continent.”

Bai Xun’s heart tensed. She deliberately avoided many questions and didn’t want to mention them, but now Gu Jiusheng’s words made her have to think about it. She didn’t know how long they could stay in this world.

Xiaobai brought her to this world to be reborn because of the abundance of spiritual energy here. Now she has recovered her memory and her spiritual power, but she does not know when she will go back.

And most importantly, the way Gu Jiusheng came here is different from hers, and with the appearance of the Fallen Angel, it is unknown whether he will be able to return unharmed.

“Are you hiding something from me?” Bai Xun suddenly stopped and looked at the man beside him asking very seriously.

Gu Jiusheng was stunned for a while, then raised his hand to touch her nose, “What do you think this is?”

“Why do I think you’re a little weird these two days?” Bai Xun narrowed his eyes.

“No, are you too tired to see Ning An’s doctor, or we won’t see him.” Gu Jiusheng took the person over.

Bai Xun grabbed his sleeve and said seriously, “Then you have to promise me, you must not hide anything from me or I will be angry, I will really be angry.”

Women’s sixth sense is always very keen, especially when facing the man they like, this sixth sense is even more acute, and they can find suspicious points from the other party’s clues.

However, Bai Xun’s suspicion of Gu Jiusheng was not emotional. In terms of emotion, she absolutely believed in this man. She was referring to other places that were very strange.

“No, I won’t hide anything from you.” Gu Jiusheng coaxed her forward.

“Are you sure, what if you lied to me?”

“Then punish me to sleep in separate beds with you and not be able to kiss you for a week.”

“What kind of punishment are you doing? How can someone punish you like this…”

The plane arrived at Haicheng Airport soon. Uncle Gan took his team out of the passage and was naturally welcomed very warmly. Many citizens spontaneously brought flowers to the airport to greet them.

They were all very cheerful, holding banners and welcoming them.

There are also family members with medical staff waiting at the airport to welcome their families back.

Bai Shanyuan came to the scene with a bouquet. For her, Uncle Gan’s existence was similar to her father’s. They came back from such a dangerous place, and she naturally wanted to come to greet them, and she was really worried during this time. Uncle Gan’s safety.

Originally, she did not agree with Uncle Gan to go to M country. If Uncle Gan was not stubborn, she would not let him go.

“Uncle Gan!” Bai Shanyuan walked over and handed the bouquet to the old man, “Welcome back!”

“Miss, how did you pass.” Uncle Gan took the bouquet from Bai Xun with a smile.

Bai Shanyuan had a bright smile on her face, which was very different from her listlessness some time ago, “I received a call from Bai Xun, and she told me a lot about you over there, we are a family, you When I come back, I will definitely come to greet you.”

Saying that, Bai Shanyuan spread her arms and hugged Uncle Gan, “Thank you, come back intact.”

Uncle Gan was moved and patted her on the back, “Thank you, Miss.”

Dr. Zhao greeted Bai Shanyuan surrounded by his family, “Chairman, thank you for coming here to greet us.”

“Forget it today, everyone will go back and have a good rest. I’ll have a meal at the Haicheng Restaurant tomorrow, how about we all go to have a big meal together?” Bai Shanyuan looked at everyone happily.

“Okay! Thank you, Chairman!”

For the doctors who came to the M country to support this time, the Bai family specially allocated money for them as bonuses. Although the Gu family also gave some, but it was always a part of the Bai family’s heart.

Bai Xu and Wu Dong came out of the exit on the other side wearing masks. Because they didn’t like those scenes that were too lively and sensational, Bai Xu and Wu Dong came out of the town yesterday and booked a flight ticket to return to Haicheng this afternoon.

After leaving his homeland for such a long time, when Bai Xu set foot here again, his mood was different. He seemed to miss this place that he still disliked in the front-end days.

When he left Haicheng, he thought he would never miss this place again, but he was wrong.

No matter where he goes, there will still be the deepest attachment to this place.

“Let’s go back to school first, Fan Xia and the others are waiting in the apartment for the two of us to pass by.” Wu Dong put his arms around Bai Xu’s neck and rushed forward, “The next thing I want to do is to lie down and sleep after a big meal. Three days and three nights!”

God knows that he was almost not tortured to death when he was in the small town. He was so busy that he couldn’t wait for a week or two to not take a bath. He smelled his body several times and was about to vomit.

“Didn’t Fan Xia say I made you your favorite lobster, and didn’t you say that you want to go to the nightclub for ten days and a half months to regain the title of the little prince of the nightclub.” Bai Xu laughed at him. laugh.

Wu Dong is very easy to get along with, and is also a hard-working master. Although he is sometimes skinny and has no sense in his speech, he is a kind-hearted person. Otherwise, he would not have stayed there with him. long time.

“Didn’t I tell you, we can’t stay at the end, I saw the circle of friends they posted, I really like the commemorative medal, and now I can only wait for them to deliver it to me.” Wu Dong sighed.

Although he didn’t do this for the sake of fame, it’s good to stay behind and celebrate with everyone. The problem is that he just couldn’t stand Bai Xu’s words, so he ran out of the town overnight.

Now that I think about it, maybe I can still take a picture with the head of state M when I stay behind. What kind of honor is that?

“Anyway, the medal was in your hands at the end, and it wasn’t given to you by the head of state. Why do you care so much.” Bai Xu replied.

“That’s right, it wasn’t originally handed to me by the head of state. It’s the same if it’s delivered by courier or taken there, there’s no difference.” Wu Dong sighed.

But he saw the live broadcast. The intimacy and honor of Bai Xun and Gu Jiusheng when they were on stage were enviable. It is estimated that many people have become their fans now, which can be said to be envious of others.

Bai Xun’s reputation and prestige will be improved this time.

The airport is always noisy, and there is no need to deliberately observe so many people coming and going, but Dr. Zhao saw at a glance the two young men who came out over there, wearing black masks and wearing trendy clothes. Isn’t that figure of Bai Xu who has fought side by side with him for countless days.

“Uncle Gan, isn’t that Li Xu?” Dr. Zhao grabbed Uncle Gan and pointed in the direction of Bai Xu and Wu Dong going out.

Uncle Gan hurriedly looked back and saw the two children who were about to walk out of the hall. He was very familiar with the vest. After putting the flowers in his hand to Dr. Zhao, Uncle Gan hurriedly chased them out.

“Uncle Gan!” Bai Shanyuan called out.

That child just now, why did she look so familiar, that figure seemed to have been seen before.

“Who is that?” Bai Shanyuan asked Dr. Zhao next to her.

How could Uncle Gan see that person so excited?

“That child is a volunteer who has cooperated with us in the town. He is a medical student. He is young but capable. He has helped us treat many patients. Uncle Gan is very close to him. I took him as an apprentice, but the child left yesterday, and I didn’t expect to meet him at the airport.” Dr. Zhao said with a smile.

Now people are so happy to find Uncle Gan, and I think it was because of getting along in those days that they raised Li Xu as their grandson.

Bai Shanyuan followed curiously. These days, she has also been paying attention to the news sent from there. In the news, in addition to the Baijia medical team that went to support, Haicheng people also saw people who were fighting with masks on. Bai Xu.

Although the identity of Bai Xu was not stated in the news, the students of Haicheng Medical University knew that it was Bai Xu. The news went without a hitch. Now the whole Haicheng knows that Bai Xu went to the country where the disease broke out. small town.

Bai Shanyuan never asked Bai Xun about this matter. After the matter of the Bai family was over, and after Bai Jianhe died, all the hatred in Bai Shanyuan’s heart was also put down. As for Bai Xu, where did he want to go and do it? Nothing has anything to do with her.

But the child just now, she looked very similar to Bai Xu.

Wu Dong and Bai Xu stood at the gate of the airport waiting for Fan Xia to come over.

“This guy is really good enough, you’re late.” Wu Dong looked at the watch on his wrist.

“I came back exhausted, but he was late!”

He was 20 minutes late for a full time. What is the situation? Come over in a while to see how he hurts him.

“This time is the evening rush hour, so it’s probably stuck on the road.” Bai Xu took out his cell phone that had been turned off for countless days and turned it on.

When    was opened, hundreds of messages popped up, 90% of which were from Lu Nian, the rest were from Xun Luxia, some classmates and Bai Wei.

“Yo, your news is quite fierce.” Wu Dong glanced at it, “But it’s true, your little ancestor is enough to bomb you directly.”

Thinking of Lu Nian’s entanglement skills, Wu Dong fought a cold war. If Lu Nian entangled him, it would not be his life or something.

“Wait!” Uncle Gan ran out from behind and shouted, “Li Xu! Wu Dong!”

Hearing his shouting, Wu Dong turned around and saw Uncle Gan who ran out. Wu Dong blinked, “Is that Uncle Gan? What should I do?”

They left early because they didn’t want to face such a situation. How could they still meet at the airport?

“You kid, you didn’t tell me in advance how you wanted to leave, so I searched for you for a long time.” Uncle Gan stood in front of the two and gasped.

“What are you doing for us?” Bai Xu looked at the old man and said.

During this time, Uncle Gan taught him a lot of things, and he was half his master. The two of them got along very happily, but he never told Uncle Gan that he was Bai Xu.

“Leave me your address and phone number, including where to go to school in the future, so I can find you later.” Uncle Gan said and handed over the small book he brought out of his pocket.

Seeing the old man’s appearance, Bai Xu didn’t know how to react.

“Uncle Gan, I may not be the kind of child you imagined.” Bai Xu finally spoke up.

He never thought of deceiving Uncle Gan, but now he doesn’t know how to tell the old man that he is Bai Xu, the son of Bai Jianhe, whom he hates.

“You kid, I think people can make mistakes. Don’t worry, as long as you come to me after you graduate from school, you will definitely become a very good doctor.” Uncle Gan patted Bai Xu on the shoulder. opened his mouth.

Bai Xu’s lips wriggled, and his hand holding the book tightened. Uncle Gan really likes this Li Xu.

Bai Shanyuan just walked to the door when she saw Bai Xu who was facing Uncle Gan. She didn’t speak, and stood in the distance without moving her footsteps.

Fan Xia’s car drove over and stopped in front of the two of them, and got out of the car in a hurry, “I’m going out late and ran into a traffic jam”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Bai Xu reaching out and taking off the mask he was wearing. Wu Dong reached out and rubbed his nose. He didn’t know how to tell Uncle Gan.

Until that face was exposed, Uncle Gan’s originally happy expression became a little more solemn.

“I didn’t have time to tell you who I am two days ago. Now I can give you an explanation. I don’t think you want me to work at Bai’s house.” Bai Xu put the notebook back into Uncle Gan’s hand. .

Uncle Gan naturally knew this face, and he would not forget the face that was somewhat similar to Bai Jianhe.

“I didn’t mean to lie to you, it’s just that I never had a chance.” Bai Xu took a step back and bowed to Uncle Gan very earnestly.

Seeing Bai Xu’s appearance, Fan Xia looked at Wu Dong curiously, “What’s wrong?”

Why is the atmosphere so strange.

“Don’t talk.” Wu Dong pulled his ear.

Uncle Gan was stunned for a while, looking at the child who bowed his head to him, he could understand why he said his name was Li Xu, and Bai Jianhe’s biological father’s surname was Li.

In fact, after Bai Jianhe’s death, Uncle Gan also talked to Bai Xun about Bai Xu and Bai Wei several times. At that time, Bai Xun’s comments about Bai Xu were all good. Uncle Gan read countless people. It can be seen that Bai Xu is different from ordinary people.

It was almost a long time, Bai Xu maintained that action, Wu Dong and Fan Xia didn’t step forward, just stared at Uncle Gan constantly.

After a while, Uncle Gan stretched out his hand and gently patted Bai Xu on the shoulder.

“I’m afraid your father didn’t tell you. I taught him all his skills back then. So many years have passed in a flash. When I was in the ward, I actually saw your father’s shadow on your body.”

Bai Xu raised his head and looked at Uncle Gan in amazement.

“You are a good boy, and you are a little different from many people. I did teach your father the ability to distinguish medicinal materials, but I failed to teach him the truth of being a man. Maybe you will be different.”

“what do you mean”

“If you can, if you are willing to worship me as a master, come to Bai’s house to find me. I really like you.”

Wu Dong breathed a sigh of relief, in fact, he was quite afraid that Uncle Gan would say something that should not be said to Bai Xu.

After all, they have heard a little about Bai Jianhe, and Uncle Gan is also one of the victims. I am afraid that he will not have a good opinion about Bai Jianhe’s son.

But from this point of view, Uncle Gan is quite reasonable, not a blind hater.

“Some things are over, and people always have to look forward.” Uncle Gan’s eyes were a little red.

He always thought of Bai Jianhe’s appearance when he was young, and he was a little dazed. If he could have paid more attention back then, Bai Jianhe’s life would have been different.

“Thank you.” Bai Xu said sincerely.

Uncle Gan is really kind to him, in fact, he also faintly perceives Uncle Gan’s feelings for Bai Jianhe.

“Bai Xu!” A female voice came from over there.

Bai Shanyuan looked up and saw the girl who ran from there and jumped into Bai Xu’s arms. She remembered that the girl seemed to belong to Lu Zhenjiang’s family.

Bai Xu was suddenly bumped, and he came back to his senses and bowed his head, hugging the person in his arms.

“You’re finally back. Are you feeling any discomfort? Are you tired? I’m so worried about you!” Lu Nian grabbed Bai Xu up and down and began to check carefully.

Wu Dong glanced at Fan Xia, and the people around him touched their noses embarrassedly, “She forced me…”

It’s not that he was forced to do nothing, this girl haunts him every day.

Wu Dong wiped away his cold sweat, but the girl looked normal, and his phone no longer had to worry about being bombed.

Those days are finally over.

“I’m fine, you don’t have to worry.” Bai Xu coaxed her.

“Really, but I heard that it is very dangerous over there.” Lu Nian pulled him worriedly.

“I’ll go first, you remember my words.” Uncle Gan patted Bai Xu on the shoulder and turned around.

Bai Xu looked at Uncle Gan’s back, and felt very sour in his heart.

“When you saw him, did you think of the past?” Bai Shanyuan asked.

Uncle Gan walked to her side and stood still, heaving a long sigh, “Yeah.”

“This child is different.” Bai Shanyuan looked at Bai Xu who was talking to Lu Nian.

“I remember you said that the dragon gives birth to the dragon and the phoenix gives birth to the phoenix, and the child of the mouse will make a hole, but now it seems that you are wrong.”

The things in this world are always unexpected.

Bai Xu’s ability to choose to come to M country under such dangerous circumstances has already proved his responsibility and mind.

The grievances and grievances of the previous generation should always end, and should not be carried over to the next generation.

“Yeah, I was wrong too.” Uncle Gan smiled.

Bai Shanyuan knew that Uncle Gan actually wanted to make up for it. Back then, he and Bai Yuanpei were really teaching Bai Jianhe as their own sons. Even if he went the wrong way in the end, they would feel more heartbroken.

It’s like his own child has done something wrong, and the parents are distressed, how can there be real and downright hatred.

Uncle Gan also thought, let Bai Xu take a different path from Bai Jianhe.

can be regarded as making up for the regret of his old man.

“Let’s go home, you must have wanted to eat at home after you’ve been out for so long.”

Uncle Gan and Bai Shanyuan got into the car together, and in the rearview mirror, you could see Lu Nian who was clinging to Bai Xu.

In the end, it is youth and youth, which has attracted the attention of many people.

(end of this chapter)

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