Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 117: I Want It All

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Sun, a normally assertive woman, was noticeably rattled. Her earlier self-assurance had been shaken when Wesley had come close to losing his life. Although her exterior demeanor conveyed composure, a tumultuous storm of fear brewed within her, especially when she locked eyes with the youth before her, Miles. Though he was just a high school senior, he was not to be underestimated. Her fear of him wasn’t because of his ability to control spirits but rather due to his unapologetically cutthroat approach.

Miles, despite his tender years, was skilled in harnessing the power of others to deadly effect. Neither June nor Captain Build from HQ could shield Wesley from him. And what was truly unnerving was that it wasn’t Miles himself who had acted, but Professor James, seemingly acting on his behalf.

To Sun, it felt as though Wesley had been forsaken by everyone, and it would have been a travesty of justice if he had met his end. Even when Miles chose to show leniency, his stature as a formidable adversary was unquestionable.

Clearing her throat, Sun began, “Our transaction should proceed at the rate previously set by my superior. We intend to buy what you have. What’s your take on this, Mr. Miles?” The tightness in her face betrayed her inner turmoil.

Miles observed her for a moment, “You appear a bit distressed. Everything alright?”

Gathering herself, Sun said, “No, I’m perfectly fine.”

“That’s reassuring,” Miles responded, lightly tapping a bag on the table which appeared to contain something morbid. “The contents of this bag aren’t your average ghost; it’s rather unique. If I treat this as a mere transaction, I’ll be at a disadvantage. We need to renegotiate the terms.”

Sun hesitated, “That shouldn’t be a cause for concern, should it?”

In a different time, Sun would have quickly dismissed his suggestion. Wesley had already provided an offer that was substantially higher. Raising the stakes even further would tarnish her reputation as a shrewd businesswoman. Yet, the chilling near-death experience Wesley had endured under Miles made her cautious. She felt that one wrong move could provoke Miles, leading to unforeseeable repercussions.

“How would you like to proceed with the pricing, Mr. Miles?”

“Let’s not be hasty,” Miles said, starting to undo the bag. “First, allow me to show you what I’m offering to ensure you’re getting your money’s worth.”

As he revealed the bag’s contents, Sun’s face drained of color, and she instinctively recoiled.

A ghost lay within the bag. The potential threat it posed was beyond comprehension. Presenting it at this juncture seemed like Miles was laying a trap, potentially wanting an excuse to unleash it on her.

“Why so apprehensive? Ms. Sun, you seem overly alarmed. Rest assured, this spirit is docile and poses no threat. Look, I unveiled it, and all is well,” Miles remarked, his voice dripping with sincerity.

But to Sun, Miles resembled a street thug nonchalantly walking with a menacing, unpredictable beast, pretending it was the most natural thing in the world.

While the statement may suggest the dog is harmless, in truth, it’s only harmless to its owner.

Sun, being a typical city dweller, wasn’t accustomed to or prepared to confront such perilous beings.

“If you genuinely feel unsafe, you might want to step back a bit. Believe me, I mean no harm. Why would I wish to trouble you over something so minor?” As he finished his sentence, Miles produced a decapitated human head from the bag.

Its ashen face was bereft of life’s warmth. The eyes were clenched shut as if attempting to deny reality. The freshly severed head looked grimly authentic.

The instant Sun saw the head, her anxiety morphed into sheer astonishment. It was unmistakably Frank, a past City Head of Spear City. Living and working in this region and in her particular line of business, Sun had an innate ability to recognize local influential figures.

Miles, noting her reaction, smirked. “Your expression suggests you know him. Frank vanished several months back while investigating a supernatural occurrence at Yellow Hill Village. The usual rate for two ghosts might seem modest, but adding a former City Head to the mix? Shouldn’t that significantly up the ante, Ms. Sun? Ready to talk terms?”

Gathering her wits, Sun hesitantly moved closer.

Watching Miles interact freely with this ghostly entity implied the ghost was potentially under his control and not immediately harmful.

Yet, as she drew nearer, the macabre head on the table suddenly sprang to life, eyes snapping open.

Terrified, Sun let out a scream, losing her balance and crumpling to the floor.

Elsewhere, Professor James was actively overseeing the company’s security staff. Guided by the ghost tamer, June, they were meticulously transferring a ghost coffin from one transport to another.

Observing the coffin, Professor James wasn’t filled with dread. Instead, a fervent curiosity and enthusiasm welled up within him.

“This ghost coffin may be the linchpin for our upcoming projects. If we can decipher its mysteries, it could be a game-changer,” he contemplated. “The results of my investigations could reshape how the world perceives the supernatural.”

Lost in reflection, Professor James was itching to delve deeper into the coffin’s enigma in his research facility.

Interrupting his thoughts, Captain Build stepped closer, his voice laden with caution. “Professor James, while I might be an outsider in this matter, my duty compels me to caution you — this artifact is incredibly potent. Given what I know about Miles, if this coffin truly possesses such profound value, he wouldn’t part with it so casually. Especially not for a mere 550 million. He did hint at a ghost residing within. This could be a ticking time bomb. If I could implore you, please reconsider using it for experimental purposes.”

“Releasing that ghost could unleash a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions,” Captain Build warned, his voice dripping with apprehension. “I’m familiar with the safety protocols and barriers in place at the research institute. But even the most advanced precautions might falter in the face of unforeseen threats.”

However, Professor James merely offered a reassuring smile in response. “Consider this: a millennium ago, bolts of lightning were feared deities’ wrath, striking down any living being in their path. Whether you were royalty or a mere peasant, such phenomena inspired deep reverence and dread. Yet, who would’ve predicted that a thousand years later, we’d have harnessed such volatile power to light up our homes, power our devices, and define the modern world?”

“I’m not unduly concerned about harnessing the energy of a malevolent spirit. Everything that exists in our world, no matter how intangible or fearsome, can be understood and controlled. The existence of ghost tamers is testament to that, even if their efficacy is debatable. This ghost coffin may very well be the key that unlocks new frontiers in my research. And any risks associated, in my opinion, are worth the potential discoveries.”

Captain Build grappled with trying to fathom the depths of a researcher’s mindset. He could sense that Professor James was on the precipice of potentially treacherous revelations, and this made him deeply uncomfortable.

Just as Captain Build was about to express more reservations, Sun, still looking shaken from her prior engagement with Miles, quickly approached.

“Professor James, there are certain details in my negotiation with Miles that I’m hesitant about. I require your expertise and counsel,” Sun’s complexion was ashen, and her voice carried an unmistakable note of urgency.

Even though Professor James held the title of a research institute’s head, his influence stretched far beyond just academic realms.

The primary mission of Wesley’s company was to facilitate and support the lab’s endeavors. However, most of the pivotal decisions fell squarely on Professor James’s shoulders.

“Why not delegate these corporate concerns to someone more suited? I have pressing research matters awaiting my attention and cannot be bogged down with business operations,” Professor James retorted, his patience evidently wearing thin.

“Professor, this involves Frank, the former City Head of Spear City,” Sun interjected.


The mere mention of the name made both Professor James and Captain Build freeze momentarily.

How could such a prominent figure have slipped from their collective memories?

Professor James’s mind raced. He remembered that Frank didn’t perish and had merely been ensnared in some sinister trap at Yellow Hill Village. There had been sporadic reports about his whereabouts initially, but contact had been lost over time. Therefore, they assumed the worst after only seeing Miles and Stretch returning.

“Is Frank still amongst the living?” Captain Build inquired anxiously.

Sun nodded, her expression somber. “He’s there,” she gestured towards Miles, who was casually seated under a shelter.

Adjacent to Miles, on full display, was Frank’s decapitated head, an eerie testament to the chilling dealings that had transpired.

At a quick glance, Captain Build’s eyes widened in recognition and shock. “Has Frank been captured by Miles? How could this have possibly occurred? Is it possible that Frank is the merchandise that Miles intends to barter with you?”

To consider using a City Head, a position of such prominence, as leverage for some ghostly transaction?

What strange game was Miles playing at?

Miles’s audacity was unparalleled. It seemed there was no limit to the risks he was willing to take.

“We need to get him back,” Professor James declared immediately. “Frank isn’t just anyone. He once held the title of City Head for Spear City and was deeply involved in the mysterious happenings at Yellow Hill Village. Securing him is paramount for the next phase of my research.”

“Miles is open to negotiations, but his demands are steep. It’s beyond my authority to make such a commitment,” Sun chimed in.

“The finances are not a concern. Just make sure Frank is returned safely. Whatever else Miles demands, I won’t meddle,” Professor James asserted. Then, with a hint of apprehension, he asked, “How much exactly is he demanding?”

After a brief pause, Sun replied hesitantly, “He’s asking for everything we have.”

Professor James, surprisingly calm, responded, “Money holds no allure for me. If he desires all our assets, so be it.”

But Captain Build, ever the voice of reason, retorted, “This is blatant blackmail. If you give in to his demands, it would be tantamount to surrendering the entirety of our company to him. With no funding, sustaining the research institute will be a challenge. Even if our superiors eventually allocate additional resources, the delay could be significant. Don’t you wish to pursue your research unimpeded?”

He continued, “Moreover, demanding everything suggests his interests lie beyond mere wealth. The prior transaction of 550 million should’ve satisfied any monetary ambitions.”

“If not wealth, then what is his ulterior motive?” Professor James pondered aloud.

Captain Build theorized, “I suspect he seeks something far more invaluable, likely associated with ghost tamers. Once an individual achieves financial independence, their priorities shift – health, personal passions, legacy, and so forth.”

“Given that he is a ghost tamer, his desires would understandably gravitate towards artifacts or knowledge pertinent to his kind.”

“But haven’t we already pledged our support to aid him in mastering a second ghost and prolonging the existence of a vengeful spirit?” questioned Professor James.

Captain Build responded, “That was part of our prior agreement. It seems that deal is no longer valid. It might be beneficial for you to have a direct conversation with him.”

With a glance at the ghost coffin now secured on their transport, Professor James said, “I can’t afford any delays. I must head back to the laboratory without any further ado, and Frank is crucial for the initiation of my experiments. Sun, retrieve the ornate golden box from my car. It’s rectangular and should be right beside my seat.”

“Understood,” she acknowledged and swiftly left on her errand.

She soon reappeared, holding the specified golden box.

Captain Build, intrigued, asked, “What is that exactly?”

Clutching the box, Professor James elucidated, “It’s the pinnacle of our recent discoveries, yet to be introduced to the world. Only a handful have been privy to its capabilities, but initial feedback suggests it holds immense potential.” Holding it securely, he began to approach Miles, intent on negotiation.

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