Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 108: The Unsolvable Ghost

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In the present moment, three ghost tamers synchronously unleashed their supernatural abilities. Their actions were marked by brave recklessness; they did not ponder the consequences of overexerting their powers or the chance that the ghosts might rebel and attack them. Their single-minded aim was to subdue and imprison the formidable apparition that confronted them.

Miles previously had two specters obedient to his command, but due to losing dominion over his ghost domain, he could only conjure and command the headless shadow. Though the ethereal powers inside him had grown stronger, they seemed somewhat inferior when set against the imposing male figure displayed in the image before them.

Stretch was the first to engage the ghost. A ghastly ghost, devoid of skin and dripping with blood, was attached to his back like a second shadow. This ghost now lunged at the male figure, trying to subdue it. But rather than feeling the expected suppression of the male ghost’s power, Stretch felt an excruciating ripping sensation.

Once obedient to him, the blood-soaked apparition on his back was now being brutally wrenched away by the male ghost.

Stretch let out a piercing, anguished cry as his back was gruesomely torn apart. The ghost that had once been bound to him was now being brutally extracted by the dominant figure as if it were being torn away from the tattoo.

Yet, in the midst of this chaos, a silhouette of another ghost emerged from the background. It extended a hand made of pure, concentrated shadow, aiming to grasp and possibly decapitate the male apparition’s head – a hand that was known to sever other spirits effortlessly.

But Miles, watching the scene unfold, felt a deep-seated dread. The male ghost’s head remained undisturbed, resisting the shadowy ghost’s efforts.

Almost immediately, the headless ghost came to a standstill. It became eerily immobile, reminiscent of Miles’s earlier loss of control over his ghost domain.

“What kind of creature is this?” Miles whispered, his complexion ashen with disbelief. The sheer might of the second ghost appeared futile against this adversary. Was it possible that this ghost was invincible, with no vulnerabilities and no conceivable way to capture it?

Yet, just when all seemed bleak, another ghost tamer, Frank, sprung into action.

A dense, greyish fog began to radiate from his form. As it thickened around him, his physical presence started to blur. Soon, he became one with the mist, morphing into a hazy humanoid figure, making it nearly impossible to determine whether it was man or ghost lurking within.

A faint, sickly cough resonated from this shadowy form, reminiscent of an individual teetering on the edge of life as if afflicted by a severe illness. The sound was chillingly ominous, evoking an atmosphere of intense unease.

Immediately following the eerie cough, the male apparition underwent a gruesome transformation. His face, initially pale, slowly turned an inky black. What followed was even more horrifying: his flesh began to crumble, flaking and falling away from his bones. The air grew thick with a putrid odor reminiscent of rotting carcasses. It was as if the very essence of his being was decaying and disintegrating before their eyes.

Observing this, Miles commented, “It’s taking effect,” his face showing determination and concern.

Frank’s power was evidently having an influence on this malevolent ghost. Based on the current circumstances, it appeared Frank wasn’t just channeling the strength of a single spirit. The unnaturally dense mist and the eerie cough echoing from within were indicative of the combined might of two specters.

Frank’s voice, faint and feeble from within the fog, emerged, “We have to restrain its movements and ensure it doesn’t approach the ghost coffin. Your efforts have been commendable in this aspect. This ghost has a unique ability to absorb the essence of other formidable ghosts. Regardless of the power level of the ghost it consumes, its own strength magnifies exponentially. Presently, it can overpower three ghosts at once. When isolated, any single one of you would stand no chance. Without your own ghostly allies, you’re reduced to mere mortals before this behemoth. Its capabilities are both mystifying and terrifying.”

Challenging Frank, Miles retorted, “You had this knowledge all along yet chose to remain silent. A cunning strategy on your part.”

With a hint of fatigue in his voice, Frank replied, “Had I disclosed this earlier, would any of you have had the courage to confront it? Furthermore, this ghost’s augmented strength is a direct consequence of your interventions. My vision extends beyond this immediate situation. Were I not present in this village, the ghost would’ve surely broken free.”

Coldly, Miles shot back, “Your so-called ‘vision’? Had you not meddled, we might have already subdued this entity.”

Frank, in his weakened state, responded, “There are moments when sacrifices are imperative for the greater good of our nation. You lack the wisdom to grasp such complexities.”

Fixing his gaze on Frank, Miles said, “Your motivations, whether noble or selfish, are known only to you.”

“Debating this now isn’t productive,” Frank declared.

The revelation that the malevolent ghost could overpower three other specters implied that Miles’s crimson domain, the headless shadow, and Stretch’s tattooed apparition had been neutralized by the male ghost, rendering them completely ineffective.

Piecing it together, it became evident that this domineering ghost likely terminated Tian and Sheng, absorbing their energies to bolster its own overwhelming power. As for Page and Yiming, their inherent specters were probably captured by the newly acquired headless ghost, which had been absorbed by the skin parchment.

Three spirits were facing off against another three. The equilibrium had been reestablished. This likely explained why the headless apparition wandered freely around the village without causing any disturbances.

“Page’s ghost wasn’t absorbed by this entity. Instead, it merged with the headless ghost. This suggests that Page’s demise isn’t as straightforward as it seems,” Miles mused, his face hardening as he pieced the clues together.

His eyes, sharp and penetrating, locked onto Frank, whose form was obscured within the dense fog.

It was apparent to Miles that Frank operated in the shadows, engaging in covert activities and possibly dangerous machinations. While Frank might be aligning with them currently, his true intentions remained an enigma. The potential for betrayal lingered in the air. Thankfully, Miles’s strategic release of the headless shadow earlier had tipped the scales in their favor.

Without this foresight, their fates would have been sealed.

This mysterious man from the image possessed the unique ability to neutralize the powers of three distinct ghosts. Now, with the ghostly forces evenly matched, the ball was in Frank’s court. He had patiently awaited this moment, where the odds favored him.

Miles, with a tone laced with accusation, said, “You’ve been manipulating us all along. We’ve been on the front lines, enduring the heat of the battle while you hid in the shadows. I’m curious to see how you, the puppet master, intend to cage this ghost.” Deciding to minimize his own exposure to risk, he strategically positioned himself next to the mystical coffin.

Should Frank falter in his endeavor, Miles had a contingency plan. He would seek sanctuary within the confines of the ghost coffin. Although its true purpose remained ambiguous, Miles surmised that if Frank could access it without falling prey to the ghost, so could he. Hence, he was primed for a hasty retreat if necessary.

From the depths of the enveloping mist, a deep furrow appeared on Frank’s brow, signaling his awareness of Miles’s maneuvers.

“Did he outthink me? Has he discerned the true significance of the coffin?” Frank internally deliberated.

Miles, with a taunting smirk, shot back, “Don’t waste time contemplating my moves. Show us what you’ve got. If my choices displease you, by all means, end my life. But bear in mind, my demise will disrupt our equilibrium. Think you can manage the aftermath?” Miles’s hand hovered over the coffin lid, ready to fling it open if the situation deteriorated.

Frank might have wished to silently exploit their hardships for his gain, but Miles was determined to shift the narrative.

Stretch lay immobilized, convulsing in agony on the cold floor. The formidable entity had subdued both Miles’s ghost domain and the headless shadow. Now, the onus to combat this menacing ghost rested solely on Frank’s shoulders.

Perceiving Miles’s unwillingness to further aid him, Frank grasped the gravity of the situation. Without delay, the mist that enveloped him intensified and billowed outwards, blanketing the entire chamber in a thick shroud of darkness and impending doom.

From where he stood, Miles strained his eyes, attempting to catch even the faintest outline of the man from the portrait amidst the fog. However, as the mist grew denser, it gradually veiled everything, cloaking the man’s image until it disappeared completely into its enveloping embrace. The atmosphere turned so opaque that even discerning an object just a few inches away became a daunting task.

“This enveloping mist is eerily reminiscent of the ghost domain,” Miles contemplated. Although the fog didn’t seem to inflict any physical harm, it instilled an unsettling feeling. The thick haze played tricks on the mind, making even the most familiar surroundings seem labyrinthine as if one could easily lose their bearings within a room they had known for years.

“In this near-blind state, there’s a very real threat of that ghost materializing right next to me out of nowhere. And if Frank were to weaponize this fog against me, even indirectly, the outcome could be catastrophic,” Miles thought, growing increasingly wary of his surroundings. To anchor himself amidst the disorienting gloom, he rested one hand on the ghost coffin, letting its solid presence guide him and prevent any missteps.

He began weighing his options, “Maybe taking refuge inside the coffin is my best bet right now. Whether Frank triumphs over the ghost or falls to it is none of my concern. But being caught off-guard and losing my life in this foggy abyss is not how I intend to go out.”

Resolute in his decision, Miles swiftly unlatched the coffin lid and, without a second thought, slipped inside its protective confines.

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