Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 105: The Truth of the Village

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In front of them, the silhouette rising from the coffin was not some ghost or ghostly apparition. It was Frank, recognized as the inaugural City Head of Spear City.

Frank’s mysterious disappearance had been tied to the eerie events that transpired in Yellow Hill Village. Based on the timeline they pieced together, he had been unaccounted for over a quarter of a year. It was nothing short of a miracle that Frank was still amongst the living after vanishing for such an extended period.

The very notion that he had endured in this spine-chilling, spirit-laden village all by himself was beyond comprehension. By all accounts, any other person in his shoes should have perished ages ago. While Miles burned with curiosity regarding Frank’s survival, there were more pressing issues to address.

As Miles confronted him, Frank replied with an even tone, “I had duly informed HQ about the goings-on in this place. If you heeded that intelligence, you’d have the corresponding document. Anyone familiar with that dossier should be clued into my predicament. Candidly, considering my precarious condition, I can’t delineate the entire scenario for you. My attempts have been to discreetly influence the villagers to provide you with clues. This influence, though, is tenuous, given the dire straits I’m in.”

“At first, I was uncertain about the true motives of your team of ghost tamers when you descended upon this village. Regarding the elderly lady, yes, I orchestrated her presence there. The coughing wasn’t a decoy. It was meant as a beacon, a subtle hint that there’s someone on your side, and I’m not an adversary. I wanted your focus on the spirit, not on me. Regrettably, my intentions got lost in translation.”

Miles retorted, his voice laced with frustration, “Don’t pretend to be the innocent party here. Had it not been for your cryptic clues, I would have been oblivious to someone like you even being in this place. I’ve perused the file you alluded to. Crucial details had been expunged. While you portray a façade of assistance, you’ve, in fact, muddied the waters. At the outset, I was dealing with a singular spirit. Your involvement has added layers of complexity to this already perplexing supernatural challenge.”

Offering an apology, Frank said, “I regret the unforeseen consequences.” Yet, his face was as impassive as stone, betraying no trace of genuine regret.

Undeterred, Miles pressed on, “Was it an oversight? Or was there a malevolent intent to lead us to our doom? I ventured into this hall previously and attempted to unlatch the coffin, only to be thwarted by you. What were you hiding from? Did you fear the wrath of the vindictive spirit? I gather the sole sanctuary in this haunted village is within that very coffin, isn’t it?”

As Miles confronted Frank, the latter returned his gaze with a distant and emotionless expression. “My confinement to this coffin isn’t driven by the dread of death. The real peril lies in allowing the malevolent spirit outside to reclaim this coffin as its own. If that were to happen, the sheer magnitude of its terror would amplify beyond comprehension. It wouldn’t just be a village in peril; an entire city could plunge into turmoil. If you or your actions inadvertently release this menace, meeting our end in this forsaken village might be a mercy. When you were inches away from prying the coffin open, that sinister spirit lurked nearby. Such a gamble was too risky for me to entertain.”

A chilling sensation, tinged with indignation, surged through Miles’s core.

“You’re suggesting that this malevolent entity was a breath away from me as I tried to unseal the coffin? That’s preposterous! The initial time I made the attempt, the hall was devoid of any spirit. I combed every nook and cranny!” Miles protested vehemently.

Frank challenged him, “Did you truly scrutinize every corner?”

Suddenly, a pang of realization struck Miles. He swiftly turned his attention to the altar, focusing on a portrait frame, which was now eerily vacant. Upon their arrival in the village, it showcased the visage of a dashing young individual.

“That photograph…” Miles stammered, his voice quivering with trepidation as he fixated on the barren frame. “The depicted individual… was he the ghostly entity?”

Frank nodded gravely, “Precisely. He is the spirit that haunts these grounds, ever-vigilant in watching this coffin. Wherever the coffin finds its place, the portrait is never far behind. I am perpetually under its surveillance. So, as you were about to breach the coffin, know that the ghost was observing your every move.”

“It eagerly awaited the opportune moment to regain the confines of the coffin. Once inside, my fate would be sealed, followed by yours and all present. If our roles were reversed, would you have permitted the coffin to be unveiled?”

“The reason you could spend a night in this hall unscathed isn’t due to its inherent safety. My presence within the coffin was your shield. You were never truly isolated. The spirit never found a conducive window to unleash its wrath.”

Frank continued, “You’ve displayed remarkable intuition. Even if some of your deductions were off-target, the end result was accurate. This ancestral hall is a paradox – it’s simultaneously the most perilous and the most secure location. The spirit and I both reside here. If you tread cautiously, you’re momentarily secure.”

“I’ve laid all my cards on the table. Any more questions? If not, perhaps we can join forces, strategize, and eventually cage this spirit, thereby restoring normalcy to Yellow Hill Village.”

Processing this cascade of revelations, Miles grappled with a tempest of emotions.

While part of him bristled at Frank, another part rebuked himself. However, directing his ire at this man seemed unwarranted. Frank had indeed cautioned them to remain united, avoiding vulnerable isolation. In the grand scheme of things, that advice had indeed borne fruit.

“You believe certain clues and indicators were purposefully placed in your path, leading your team to the misguided notion that the elderly woman was the ghostly entity.” Frank clarified, “In reality, I had manipulated her presence to subtly communicate that I’m aligned with you, not against you.”

Stretch, who had till now been a quiet observer, found his voice, “There’s something nagging at me. Those villagers we crossed paths with earlier, what were they? Ghosts or humans?”

Having determined that the entity emerging from the coffin was very much human, other puzzling pieces still jostled in his mind.

Responding, Frank elaborated, “They are, for lack of a better term, ghostly entities. Their exact nature eludes me. What’s clear, however, is that their existence is tethered exclusively to this village. They bear semblance to ghost slaves but possess distinct characteristics. Ghost slaves are manifested by sinister spirits, but these phantoms are products of the ghost coffin. Given that the entity within the coffin isn’t a ghost but myself, it possibly explains their more human-like demeanor.”

“And due to my confinement within this ‘ghost coffin,’ I’ve acquired a limited capacity to manipulate their thoughts, enabling me to indirectly communicate with you through them.”

Still grappling with the flood of information, Miles probed further, “Earlier, you referenced this coffin as the ‘ghost coffin.’ What’s its significance?”

Drawing on his memories, Frank replied, “I had documented the ghost coffin in my earlier reports. If such information eludes your files, it either implies your security clearance isn’t sufficiently elevated or you aren’t the true authority here. I’m restricted from sharing such confidential insights with you.”

Miles’s expression turned stormy.

Hastening to defuse the brewing tension, Frank interjected, “Please, don’t take offense. When the time is right, the truth will unravel. Our immediate concern is to ensure this ghost coffin remains beyond the grasp of that malevolent spirit.”

Emerging from the coffin signaled a paradigm shift. Frank explained, “The equilibrium here has been disrupted. The potency of that spirit’s terror intensifies proportionally with the ghostly populace in this village. The escalating casualties from your end have effectively rendered this village wholly subservient to it. Yet, your prior tactics were commendable — liberating another ghost to supplant the village’s ghostly entities did, in turn, diminish its influence.”

“Did you scheme to release the captured ghost I had as well?” Miles probed further.

Frank clarified, “No. The individual you heard coughing outside on that fateful night was a villager named Genrong, whom I momentarily controlled. My primary aim was merely to unnerve you, compelling your team to regroup and avoid isolation. Unfortunately, my grip on him eventually slackened, leaving him susceptible to the malevolent entity’s influence, which led him to your doorstep.”

Frank continued, “Hence, it was this formidable entity, not me, that coveted the spirit in your containment. For reasons unknown, its quest was abruptly abandoned.” As he divulged this, his gaze instinctively drifted towards the barren portrait frame adorning the altar.

Frank took a moment to gather his thoughts, then explained, “To simplify things a bit, consider this village as a shifting realm. Those you cross paths with here can oscillate between being genuine humans, mere echoes of my past self, or ghostly apparitions. However, there’s a concrete truth you need to understand: as of now, the only genuine living souls in this village are us three. Everything else — every occurrence, every entity — is intrinsically linked to this ghost coffin.”

Miles, piecing things together, surmised, “So, our initial objective — to unravel the mysterious occurrences here — was merely a facade. The true mission was to extricate you from this entanglement.”

Frank nodded. “That’s one way to put it. However, the stakes are monumental. Any misstep could topple the precarious equilibrium, leading the ghostly forces here to erupt in chaotic fury. Personally, I believe your intervention here was unnecessary, even potentially hazardous. If the higher-ups sanctioned this operation, their primary concern wasn’t my well-being. Their true agenda revolves around this artifact,” he elaborated, indicating the ornate coffin.

Miles’s eyes were riveted to the coffin, pondering its significance. To the untrained eye, it seemed a standard burial vessel. However, its allure was such that even ghosts vied for it. Its intrinsic power and value must be profound. Yet, Frank’s reticence on its exact nature made its mystery all the more tantalizing.

Their deep conversation was interrupted by Stretch, whose anxiety was palpable. “Sorry to intrude, but have you two concluded your exchange? There’s a palpable shift outside.” He pointed towards the window.

The village, which had momentarily bathed in a semblance of daylight, was now steadily being shrouded in shadows once more. Although night’s grip wasn’t as instantaneous as before, the changing ambiance was a clear harbinger of impending challenges.

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