Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 8 - Branch ceremony

“Hannah Abbott!” Professor McGonagall shouted the first name.

Sure enough, this is the iron-clad Hannah Abbott mentioned in various fanfictions of previous life, Ryan vomited. But sorting by the first letter of the surname should indeed be her first branch.

I saw a little girl with red cheeks and two golden tresses. She stumbled out of the queue and put on a branch hat.

Lane He thought that at the end of the story, Hannah Abbott became the owner of the broken cauldron bar and married Neville Longbottom, and then look at this little rash girl. An excitement to participate in history emerged spontaneously from the bottom of my heart.

Hannah sat down on the stool, and after a while, she heard the branch cap prolonged and shouted, “Hufflepuff–!”

The people at the table on the right applauded and applauded Hannah, welcoming her to sit at their table, and the fat monk ghost beside the long table happily waved to her.

“Susan? Pence.”

“Hufflepuff–!” Susan hurried to Hannah and sat down.

The branch continues, and Ryan finds that every time the hat reads a name, the tone changes. It seems that the usual life of a hat should be very monotonous, it is really a poor hat.

Ryan began to guess which college he would be assigned to before he remembered his name.

Because of the pedigree, Slytherin is definitely impossible. As for Ravenclaw, Ryan, who is a scumbag, said that it is estimated that others cannot look down on themselves. So the possible colleges are Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

The atmosphere in both schools was pretty good, but after seeing Hermione assigned to Gryffindor, Ryan began to lean towards Gryffindor inwardly. After all, there is an acquaintance of a super-student, better than no one knows.

After Neville Longbottom returned the hat to Professor McGonagall, Ryan’s name was pronounced by Professor McGonagall.

So he buckled up the hat that had probably not been washed at all since the school was founded in 993 AD.

Communicating with the hat is a very novel thing, even if Ryan has experienced two lifetimes, he has never encountered such a thing before.

After the hat was put on the head, Ryan heard a subtle voice saying: “Although I think your idea is a bit impolite, but thank you for your concern, but the life of the old hat is not as boring as you think. I I can feel your kindness and courage, then I decided. “

Before Ryan reacted, the subtle voice turned into a loud shout: “Gryffindor.”

Lyn took off his hat and put his respectful hands on the stool, although the hat was dirty and torn, patched. But he is more representative of Hogwarts than this magnificent castle, because the wisdom injected by the Big Four makes it a representative of Hogwarts’ spirit.

After bowing to the professors, Ryan walked to Gryffindor’s long table and sat next to Neville.

After a while, Harry Potter was also divided into Gryffindors like the original text, and the people on the whole table stood up and cheered.

After Professor McGonagall returned from the branch cap, Dumbledore stood up from the golden chair in the center of the teacher’s seat. He looked at the students with a smile on his face and extended his arms to them. It seemed that there was nothing more joyful than seeing the students together. “Welcome!” He said, “Welcome everyone to Hogwarts to start a new school year! Before the banquet, I would like to say a few words. That is: stupid! Crying nose! Residue! Twist!” Thank you! “

He sat down again. Everyone applauded and cheered. Ryan looked at the opposite Hermione and asked, “What does the principal mean?” Hermione replied a little confused: “I haven’t seen it in the book. This may be a special welcome message from the magic world. . “

Nevi interrupted the two of them at this time: “Don’t think about those first. Hurry up and eat. Don’t you feel hungry?”

Lane saw that the empty tableware was just full of all kinds of food. He took some boiled potatoes, pea sprouts and tomato sauce with chicken according to his usual dinner habits. Even after living in the UK for ten years, Ryan is still not used to eating a lot of meat at night. Fortunately at home, the adoptive father is also a Chinese. The family’s diet brings some Chinese style.

When everyone ate almost the same, the rest of the food disappeared from the plate. Dinner plates and forks are as smooth as ever. After a while, the pudding came up, and there were all kinds of ice cream.

With the help of sweets, everyone had a smooth conversation. Ryan and Hermione kept asking Percy some academic questions. This lively atmosphere continued until the dessert disappeared.

With the disappearance of the last dessert, all kinds of tableware also disappeared, and the table became clean as if it had just been placed.

The restaurant was quiet, and Professor Dumbledore stood up again: “Everyone, I think everyone is full and full. So, I would like to make a few notes to you.

First of all, please pay attention to the first-year freshmen. All the trees in the campus are forbidden to enter. Some of our old classmates should also remember this.

Dumbledore’s shining glances towards Weasley’s twin brothers.

Secondly, the administrator Mr. Filch also asked me to remind everyone that UU reading books Do not cast magic in the corridors between classes.

“The review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of the semester. Anyone who is interested in participating in the college team, please contact Mrs. Huo Qi.

Finally, I must tell everyone that those who do not want to suffer accidents and miserable deaths, please do not enter the corridor on the right of the fourth floor. “

Hearing this sentence, a few freshmen laughed, but most people kept quiet. Because most students know that Dumbledore, the principal, never lie about safety.

Ryan knew that this was the level of the Magic Stone at the end of the semester. But this thing has nothing to do with him. After all, these things were prepared for Harry and Voldemort. The outsider himself should try not to blend in.

Although the magic stone is very precious, you will definitely be able to exchange a lot of good things when you get a Wanjie grocery store to meet your needs. But thinking about what Dumbledore kept staring at, Ryan gave up a bold idea. After all, he didn’t want to be regarded as the enemy by the most powerful white wizard.

Dumbledore paused, let everyone digest the news just now, and then said aloud: “Well, everyone, before everyone goes to bed, let us sing the school song together!” Almost all teachers were stiff.

Dumbledore flicked the wand gently, and a long gold ribbon flew out of the wand, twisting and winding like a snake on the high dining table.

“Everyone chooses their favorite tune.” Dumbledore said, “Be ready, sing!”

Lane felt a little embarrassed, but still according to the tone in the movie tidbit he had watched. Finished singing the whole song.

When Dumbledore announced that bedtime had come, the Hogwarts opening ceremony was officially over.

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