Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 751 - Memory and the future

It took more than ten minutes for everyone to read Snape’s memory together. When he met Harry Potter’s mother when he was young, he met Harry’s father on the train. Because of the quarrel between Snape ’s friends who like black magic, Harry Potter ’s father bullied Snape so much that Snape scolded Harry Potter ’s mother for the life of regret. Words.

After that, the whole situation changed sharply: Lily married James, and later joined the Phoenix Society to fight with Voldemort, and Snape joined Voldemort’s command and became a Death Eater. In an accident, the secret he overheard became the culprit in killing Harry’s mother.

Then there was the story of Snape’s sinking and redemption in the dark, until he lurked into Voldemort’s side again at the end of the last semester following the orders of Dumbledore. When he last met Dumbledore before leaving Hogwarts, he said he would take the opportunity to kill the snake that was Voldemort ’s Horcrux, and asked Dumbledore to leave before lending to Dumble Lido’s Gryffindor dagger.

At the end of the memory, after he entered the Quidditch Stadium. Snape found that he had the best chance of assassination, so he killed Nagini at the expense of his life with the Gryffindor dagger hidden in his body when his wand was taken away by Voldemort.

The last scene of the memory was Snape’s last effort to read Lily’s name in front of the thunderous Voldemort, and everything sank into darkness.

Sure enough, as Professor Dumbledore said, Snape took the initiative to embrace death. He felt that what he should have done at this time was already done, so he did not need to persist in the world with guilt.

By this time, everyone had risen from the meditation basin, and everyone’s face looked a little heavy. As the only female among these people. Hermione stood upright with her hands clasped on her chest, still muttering something in her mouth.

Ryan leaned on her side, only to hear her read in Latin: “I have fought that beautiful battle, and I have ran away when I ran, and I have kept the faith, since then. A crown of righteousness will last for me— “

“So … so Professor Snape did cause the death of my parents, but he also saved me with his life.” Harry showed a very tangled expression, then looked at Dumble with hopeful eyes. Professor Lido.

“Harry.” Blue eyes stared at the green eyes through half-moon-shaped lenses. “For a variety of reasons, Snape did make many irreparable mistakes when he was young. But you also saw it, he After discovering his mistakes, use all the time left in your life to make up for the mistakes you made. So, I hope you do n’t focus all your hatred on him. “

“I didn’t hate him that much, at least he didn’t really hurt me personally. And I also understood that it was Voldemort and the long-standing bloodline discrimination that permeated the wizarding world.” Harry was slow but Said firmly. “I think over the years, he has made so many contributions and even gave my life. I must let everyone know that there is such a person who resists Voldemort in the dark.”

“As for the indirect killing of my parents,” Harry paused here, then squeezed his lips hard. “I think Professor Snape should meet my parents now. Let them resolve their grievances.”

After Harry finished speaking, the office became quiet. Dumbledore slapped Harry’s shoulder approvingly and said nothing, but Ryan could see Dumbledore’s eyes filled with relief, he should be very happy that Harry hadn’t fallen into some kind of revenge.

Harry, I will help you too. Lane also smiled and said, “You can go downstairs to find Mr. Lovegood in a moment, I just saw him celebrating with Luna downstairs.” He should be happy to help you write an article about Professor Snape and send it to the newspaper tomorrow morning. “

“There are also broadcasts.” Hermione added, “Li Qiaodan is also downstairs. I just saw him and the Weasley twins together. He should and would be very willing to preach the time and energy he devoted to this war. , People of resources and even life. “

“Thank you, thank you everyone!” Harry hugged everyone in the room happily. After finally embracing Dumbledore, Dumbledore said to Harry: “Well, I think you should go to the square and Those young people have a good celebration together. “

“What about you?” Harry asked with a slight tilt of his head from Dumbledore’s side, watching Ryan and Hermione. “Aren’t you going downstairs together to celebrate now, especially Ryan you. Everyone hopes to see the hero who defeated Voldemort now.”

“We still have something to talk to Principal Dumbledore, mainly about the arrangement of many things after the end of this war. So we may have to wait for a while.” Lane said to Harry, “You first Let’s celebrate. “

After watching Harry leave, Dumbledore turned to the table and turned out two chairs in front of him, instructing Ryan to sit down. Then, with my elbows on the table, I said with a smile: “I do have a lot of things I want to communicate with you. The most important thing is that we all know that after Voldemort’s death, the war will soon be completely over. Then the next day Do you have any plans? “

“Of course it is to join the reconstruction work first. Too many things have been destroyed and too many people have been injured in this war. I think that since we have this ability, of course we are mobilizing all the resources in our hands to let the British magic world in Recover in the shortest time, “Ryan said.

“For example, we will go to Xiong Duosu and the Weasley brothers after we go downstairs to discuss the transformation of the post-war enterprise and the issue of loans to people in need. I ca n’t believe that Gu Ling Pavilion used to provide only The business of renting safes and pawns, plus a little bit of currency exchange with Muggle World. There is not even the simplest deposit or loan. “

Speaking of which, Ryan shook his head. He had never paid attention to these things before. He became a shareholder of the United Wizarding Bank of England before he discovered that the Gulinge was a Renaissance bank as a whole, and it was a complete mess in finance. This is why the business became so good after the opening of the United Wizarding Bank of Britain, because they filled a gap in the British wizarding world.

“You are doing very well.” Dumbledore nodded approvingly. “Especially the low-interest loan you proposed, several people I know think that the low-interest loan in the bank helps them to get out of their difficulties and get back on track.”

“It would be great if you can help others.” Ryan and the two nodded happily at the same time. It was a great thing to help others while achieving their goals. This made them feel their lives. The realization of value.

“But the post-war knot rebuilding will end soon. What are you going to do after everything returns to normal?” Dumbledore asked after he helped his glasses. “Join the Ministry of Magic, open a store, go to school as a professor, do magic research or do something else?”

“We plan to open a school, a school for the whole of Europe.” After glancing at Hermione, Ryan began to paint Dumbledore’s blueprint very seriously. “This is the idea that came out after the last trip to Tianchao. We hope to build a school similar to Tianzhao Alchemist Academy to provide a place for wizards who are interested in further education after graduating from school.”

“Yes.” Hermione nodded. “According to our investigation, except for some members of the pure-blood family, after graduation, there is basically no channel for further in-depth learning. And from the Malfoy and Mrs. Greengrass, we learned that some mixed or poor The reason pure blood born Death Eaters chose this path is because they can learn from Voldemort. “

“It turns out this is the case ~ ~ I must say that you are pursuing an ambitious goal and wish you all the best.” After hearing Ryan’s words, Dumbledore comfortably plucked his beard. “Yes, yours Are the teacher and location ready? “

“Of course you are ready.” Ryan smiled. He had already made a lot of preparations for this matter before, and he did not start doing it now. “Professor Lu Ping has agreed to my invitation, and Ollivander agrees to come and teach him some knowledge when he has time.”

“As for the position of the school.” Ryan looked up at the floating fortress. “We will open the floating fortress as a school, such a school that is different from the rest should be able to attract those who wish to acquire knowledge. And we will also find those technologies that are useful to society from the results of subsequent research and application. Go to promote the development of the magic world. “

“It would be great if this was the case.” Dumbledore watched Ryan as they arrived. “The British magic world as a whole has been stagnant for too long. I hope you can bring some new changes to this stagnant world as everyone hopes.”

After coming out of Dumbledore’s office that day, Ryan and they directly joined the celebrating crowd downstairs. From here they also received news from all directions: the people who had been cast the Soul Retribution gradually returned to normal, most of the Death Eaters were arrested, and only a few of them fled from the situation, but were also pursued. in.

At the same time, the Minister of Magic Amelia Burns announced the establishment of a post-war reconciliation and liquidation committee, under which she and Professor Dumbledore were directly responsible for comprehensively resolving various remaining issues in those wars.

In short, the old history has been completely rewritten, and a new and bright future is coming.

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