Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 713 - Visit at night

After explaining the usage and dosage of the melanem therapist, Lane left Hogsmeade’s hospital. Just as the two of them walked out of the hospital gate, an owl flew over and dropped a letter to them.

“It wouldn’t be the sneaky guy last time.” Hermione asked subconsciously while looking at the envelope in Ryan’s hand. “Can it be so rash to do this kind of secret work? Even if the mysterious person is seriously damaged.” It’s not as cunning as before, but it should be difficult for Mango and his eyes to be so densely connected. “

“Ah, no, of course not.” Ryan gave Hermione a glance at the envelope. “This was sent by Neville to us. Ms. Melim should have written a letter to him while we were treating.”

After speaking, Ryan opened the envelope and found that the letter was very simple. In addition to the normal head and end on a whole piece of parchment, in the middle of the parchment just wrote a word with an oversized letter: Thank you. However, the paper and the tears left on the paper that were scratched due to excessive force can tell how excited Neville was when writing this thing.

“As a hero, they have such a terrible ending.” Hermione sighed with emotion after leaning with Ryan and reading the parchment with him. “We are only doing what we should do now.”

“Okay, now you can tell me who was the one who sent us that anonymous letter and then sent us a fairy tale book of wizards.” After returning to his manor, Hermione couldn’t bear it. Asked the inner curiosity. “Since we are going to find them at night, you should tell me who is the one behind the scenes.”

“Okay,” since Hermione asked, Ryan told the truth about her previous findings. “According to my previous tracking, I found that the person who left the book last appeared near a manor of the Greengrass family.”

“Greengrass, why are they?” Hermione asked strangely. “If I remember correctly, the Greengrass family is more noble than the Malfoy family according to the pure-blood wizards. It is one of the top 28 holy families in Britain. I can hardly believe them Will choose to fall back to us at this time. “

“I also feel a little strange.” Lane shrugged. “But the evidence I have is pointing to the facts. To further understand what happened, I think we can only go to them and ask them specifically tonight.”

At more than five o’clock in the afternoon, the city of the sky successfully reached the sky near their estate in Lane. After carefully checking the current situation of the city of sky and turning on the full defense, the two of them flew away from the magic castle in the sky with the wings of a group of puppet patrols.

“Ah, the feeling of flying wings in the sky is simply great, yes, ask you a question. Why don’t we kill the mysterious people now?” On the way back to the manor, Hermione asked through the Phoenix imprint To. “I think if your strength is added to this sky city, even a mysterious person can’t resist it.”

“You’re right,” Lane replied, “but since the last time the mysterious man nearly got killed by the principal Dumbledore after he was dragged by me during the attack on Hogsmeade, I never showed up in public again. It is very difficult to find out if a wizard like a mysterious person wants to hide himself, just like when we ran to attack before, they could not take us same.”

“So, it depends on our luck next.” Hermione sighed softly. “We must find a battlefield where the mysterious man cannot leave within a short time, and then summon the sky city to give him a fatal blow. But this also means that in the subsequent battles, we must be cautious when using the sky city to ensure this The intelligence of the city will not appear in the hands of the mysterious man. “

“That means it’s not necessary. Once used, make sure those witnesses can’t tell the news, right?” Ryan summarized Hermione’s suggestion, if she couldn’t come up with such a **** plan a few years ago. of. But after experiencing so many battles and Ryan’s conscious guidance, the current Hermione can be said to be completely different from her original.

“Yes,” Hermione said, looking a little unhappy. “This **** war forced us sometimes to take some extreme measures to guarantee the victory of the war. But for a fairer and more energetic New World. I believe all this is worth it. “

“You are right, this war is not just a war against justice over evil, it is also a war that belongs to us. In order to achieve our purpose, we always have to bear more than others.” Lane Finally concluded.

After sitting for a while after dinner, Ryan and they went back to the room to rest. Until 11:30 in the evening, the two talents opened their eyes on time from the bed, and then got up to pack up their travel equipment.

Both people wore a set of leather armor that had been repeatedly strengthened by alchemy tonight, with various magic props on their bodies. After all, they were n’t going to visit other people ’s homes tonight, but just sneaking in secret. It is even possible that the entire event was a conspiracy, and there would be a large group of Death Eaters and even Voldemort himself waiting for them. So both of them chose costumes suitable for fighting.

“Let’s go!” After confirming that both Hermione and herself were packed, Ryan took Hermione’s hand and disapparated. After a snapping sound, the two appeared on a small hill bag more than ten meters high. Through the night vision ability that the body strengthened many times before, the two found that the mountain was a piece of emerald green grass like a carpet, and one The manor stands in the middle of the grass.

“No wonder their surname is Greengrass.” Hermione whispered whispered as she looked at the vast green grass below the mountain that was rare even in Britain. “Did we just walk in like this?”

“Of course.” Lane gave her a positive answer. “Malfoe told us the specific location of the Greengrass family estate before, and the reason why we did n’t directly teleport in, but chose to show up at the guest entrance of this estate ~ ~ is to show our kind Attitude. An attitude willing to negotiate. “

“Aren’t our goals necessary to destroy the dominance of the pure-blood families that occupy all aspects of the wizarding world in Britain? Now that we clearly have the decisive power, why should we pull them in?” As she walked towards the Greengrass estate, Hermione asked her own question.

“There are several ways to destroy the dominance. Thorough cleansing is a means rather than an end.” Ryan smiled awkwardly, and he began to wonder if he had left Hermione white when he saw Harry Potter in his previous life. The tendency is more disgusting, so after seeing a real person in this life, he subconsciously reversed Hermione’s ideas, and now it seems that it is a bit overkill.

Especially coupled with the stubborn character that Hermione herself has, this has caused her to be more radical when she is dealing with problems under the premise of efficiency first. For example, now, she tends to eliminate the various problems caused by those pure blood families from the most basic way through fixed-point removal, because this is the most efficient.

“Well, you are right.” Hermione nodded. “I believe you can successfully control the situation.”

“Of course I am confident to control the situation. After all, this war will take some time to end. I believe that before the end of the war, we can threaten these pure blood by weakening the power of the pure blood family and increasing the power of the Mazong wizards. To the lowest degree, “Lane said firmly.

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