Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 65 - Real war

The preset terrain of the battlefield is excellent. A river flows from the left side of the battlefield. This river flows from the side of the valley town where they departed, and flows from the green leaf city to the sea. The river is very turbulent in this mountainous place, and only a small part of zombies can threaten the flanks from the river downstream.

The right side of the battlefield is the remnant of the mountain. The rugged terrain limits the possibility of zombies attacking in groups.

This time is a full dispatch of human beings. If they are unsuccessful, they will become benevolences. This is why Ryan saw that the people in this group were all old and weak. Because fighting the zombies must be quick and quick. In the decisive battle, a full blow must not be delayed. Otherwise, every dead fighter will turn into a zombie force, and surely tactics will not work.

At this time Kenway brought his men back. He said that in the vicinity of the suburbs, it is difficult to get in with too many zombies. There is really no way to further investigate the specific time of arrival of zombies.

Ryan volunteered at this time to try to investigate. He and Kenway drove a robot to the nearest safe point from the city.

After reaching a safe point, Ryan fully launched his new life magic. He immediately felt that there were a lot of filthy unnatural creatures in the whole city. He condensed his perception into a line and explored towards the city. Due to the new school of magic and his insufficient level, this perception has a distance limitation and is very vague, and it is impossible to distinguish specific units at all. But enough to perceive the distribution of zombies in the scanned piece.

After learning that Ryan’s scanning distance was limited, Kenway manipulated the robot to walk around the city. After going around the city, Ryan sketched the distribution of zombies in the city, and marked a few points in his perception that reacted more strongly than other zombies.

Because there are high-level zombies, Lane thinks it is likely that all the scattered zombies around him will be attracted to the high-level zombies. Because in his perception, the approximate number of zombies definitely exceeds the population of Luye City before the disaster.

Back to the camp, Lane told Dave what he had detected. Dave listened to their report and quickly sent Kenway back to the town to get all the plants that could be used outside through the steamboat.

After the order was given, Dave turned to Ryan to thank him for bringing the information. Because the intelligence represents two good news and one bad news. The good news is that these zombies may not attack until 48 hours later, so that the human army has enough time to prepare the fortifications.

The bad news is that after the last decapitation of the zombies, the left-behind senior zombies in Luye City attracted a large number of wandering zombies to strengthen themselves to survive this fragile stage. If this situation is not detected this time, it is likely that the human side will suffer a great loss.

After that, it was construction time. The human side operated the robot to build high platforms and protective walls in the position, excavated a large number of trenches in front of the position, and attracted water from the river to flood the low-lying areas at the front of the position to make swamp delay zombie operations. .

After lunch, a steam ship came from the direction of the town, and the ship was full of plants. Thanks to Kenway, an old captain, no one else could sail on such a fast river.

“Don’t these plants have a combat mode? Why do you have to pull the plants from behind?” Lane asked Dave puzzled.

“It’s very simple. Only in places with a lot of plants can plants enter combat mode. In this place, plants can’t enter combat mode at all. I didn’t expect that there are so many zombies. I also thought that only the plants on the robot can solve the problem. In this way, some plant seeds can be saved and used after regaining the green leaf market.

Unfortunately, the current situation can only be deployed in this area to prepare for the worst. Not to mention the fact that the combat effectiveness of plants has decreased in combat mode. In residential areas, street fighting is fine. In this field situation, the original plants are more suitable. “

Finally, Dave distributed all the pots again and let each combatant bring them.

Wait for less than half an hour after lunch at noon the next day, sitting in a tent to practice the magic of life left by Viking. A bell sounded on the platform, and Ryan ran out of the tent and ran up the protective wall, and found a green invisible zombie army walking towards the camp along the road before the disaster.

Tens of thousands of zombies even covered the small plain in front of the position. Ryan could even see some particularly tall zombies staggered amongst a group of zombies.

Fortunately, after the overnight construction of more than 5,000 robots, the human camp has built enough fortifications, and the front swamp and the camp are covered with potato mines. Torch stumps and various pea shooters are arranged in the trench, and a nut wall in front of the trench serves as a shield.

Around the core of the camp was a circle of seven or eight meters high protective wall connected to a high platform of about ten meters. The protective wall and the high platform are filled with various pitcher plants and corn cannons ~ ~ The height gives them a longer range, which can cover the plants in the trenches to fight. In addition, robots filled with plants are operated by humans as a reserve team, ready to replenish the lack of firepower.

Ryan’s mission in combat is to fight with the reserve team at the forefront and provide Dave commanding the rear with changes to the zombies in the front to facilitate the adjustment of human power.

Lyn found that the morale of the human side is very high, because this is the first time they have launched a counterattack. As for the possible fear, the end of the world has been so many years. Fear has long been afraid.

With a scream of screams from the zombies on the opposite side, the zombies swooped like a tide, and the war began.

The first batch was just some cannon fodder zombies, which soon collapsed under the fire of plants. The following batches were only a slight increase in the number of zombies, and were eliminated when they did not encounter the trench. It seems that this should be a reconnaissance operation launched by senior zombies, but Ryan also found that the zombies’ attacks were far less organized than the last time Ryan encountered. This may be because there are too few senior zombies, which makes them only rough. Of commanding zombies, which should be good news.

Finally launched a threatening assault at the beginning of the fourth wave of zombie attacks. They used several ice truck zombies as their assault spears, and a row of football zombies behind them.

They rushed towards the human position. Because of their stronger defense, they suffered a loss and crossed the swamp area to reach the first trench.

Seeing this situation, the reserve team that Ryan followed was also dispatched. They rushed to one of the zombie assault spears, preparing to eliminate this wave of zombies through the advanced plants equipped on the robot.

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