Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 61 - coincidence? coincidence!

Lane thought that this parchment treasure map might come from a mysterious organization or a secret sect, or even some adventurers. They found such a treasure map by taking risks or collating ancient materials.

Only such treasure maps, which have been obtained through painstaking searching, can be worthy of this deadly adventure and the inheritance of precious knowledge obtained after the success of the adventure.

Especially when Ryan discovered that the thief was a vampire and strengthened this thought. After all, in the anime I watched in my last life, vampires have a lot of research on history, and even have a lot of secrets about treasures.

But now the thief actually said that this thing was made by himself, Ryan felt a little weird, but Life Magic told Ryan that the thief was telling the truth.

A little unwilling, Ryan continued to ask the vampire thief: “If you did it, why does this parchment map look so old?”

“I used old ink and old parchment.” The vampire’s answer explained Ryan’s question.

This kind of trick commonly used in the antique market, how come I didn’t expect it? Lane began to reflect on himself. Just before he started to reflect, he thought of another question: “Why do you want to draw a map and put it on your body?”

“Because …” Speaking of this, the vampire thief began to hesitate a little, and Ryan also felt that his soul began to fluctuate, probably to recover.

Seeing this, Ryan didn’t say a word, raising his crowbar was another beating. In fact, Ryan himself is a pacifist and he doesn’t like to use violence. But this time I almost sent my life away, so when I saw the culprit, there was more violence.

Persuasion (physics) is useful, even the legendary vampire ca n’t carry Ryan ’s powerful persuasion. This also shows from the side that vampires are similar to humans in most cases. They are not as unconscious as the legend, but just a moving corpse. Of course, if a moving unconscious corpse, then Ryan will be difficult to convince Much bigger.

Release the magic again and soothe the soul of the vampire. The vampire completely explained why he wanted to bring such a map. Yuan Lei intends to use this map to lure lone tourists, and then robs tourists with a few fox friends.

As for why the altar was chosen, it is because the altar is indeed a real tourist attraction, which can be found in the information of various places, without causing the victim to doubt. But there are few people there and the terrain is rugged, so they can stop the road and rob.

Hearing this, Ryan felt that he had nothing to say. An adventure he took at the risk of his life was actually caused by a fake map that coincided with the real adventure location when a robber tried to rob. Ryan felt this kind of coincidence was a bit weird, but it is not unacceptable to think about so many coincidences in history.

After getting the truth of the matter, Ryan searched and took his 7 Gallon coins, and threw the vampire bundle here again. Put the two dirty purses found from him in the lost and found office on Sakya Street, and then returned to the house in a daunting manner.

In the remaining days in Iceland, Ryan did not continue to hang out, but lived in the bed and breakfast with his parents, while writing homework, while absorbing the knowledge gained from this adventure.

The vacation time soon came to an end in this calm day. The Lane family packed their bags and took a flight from Reykjavik International Airport to London.

After returning to London for only one day of rest, Ryan was called by Hermione to meet in the library.

“Thank you for giving me my gifts. Those amulets are very interesting. I have seen them in some books. It ’s just that the sweets you sent were confiscated by my parents. You know they are dentists and I do n’t want me to eat too much. Lots of sugar. “Hermione told Ryan after the two greeted each other.

Then they took out the homework they had finished and began to discuss. Hermione showed extreme admiration for Ryan’s completion of the homework while traveling, and said that this kind of learning spirit is worthy of her learning. (Ryan: I just want to finish writing and have time to salt the fish.)

After discussing the problems encountered in the homework, the two people walked out of the library and sat down on the roadside benches to exchange the latest situation with each other.

Ryan did not tell Hermione about his adventures. He felt that Hermione ’s age was not suitable for knowing such cruel things. Especially think about Hermione ’s establishment of a house elf rights promotion in the original text. The sorcerer slaughtered all the magical creatures on the island.

So Ryan took out an entire album from his schoolbag and pointed at the photos to introduce the attractions, wetlands, glaciers, and volcanoes when he had been there. The dead bird on the treetop, take a special boat to watch the huge North Sea Siren underwater. There is also Sakya Street full of various exotic cultures.

“Oh, this is awesome. Unlike I can only stay at home reading books every day, even the magic wand can’t be used. I’m really worried about what to do if I don’t practice for so long ~ ~ Hermione is here After listening to Ryan’s account of this travel experience.

“Right.” Hermione seemed to think of something to Ryan after complaining: “Have you written to Harry recently?”

“Written, more than one.” Lane replied. “Unfortunately Harry didn’t reply to a letter to me. I don’t think it’s normal.”

“Me too, Ron said he would find a way, hoping that he would have a way to receive Harry’s reply. Anyway, Harry’s disconnection is quite worrying.” Hermione said.

After, Ryan took out Demstrand’s first to fifth grade textbooks he shared and shared them with Hermione, because the two had previously agreed that if they found interesting old books, they needed to share them with each other.

Hermione frowned when she saw these books: “Lane, I don’t think we should read these books. After all, these are black magic.”

“But this is Demstrang’s textbook, not those messy and dangerous black magic books. As one of Europe’s three major schools, Demstrang’s textbook should not have too many problems.” Ryan explained.

“Not to mention the pure blood families, more or less will teach these things to the children. And our wizards of Muggle origin basically have no access to this knowledge, I heard the Weasley brothers say that many of the Ministry of Magic The staff ca n’t even release a complete iron mantra. It ’s likely that many Muggle-born wizards have n’t been exposed to this kind of combat spell. Think about what we faced last year, I think this kind of combat spell We have to learn a little bit. “

“Then there is no need to learn black magic.” Hermione insisted on her point of view.

Ryan sat up straight and decided to explain the problem to Hermione carefully. He didn’t want to quarrel because of this kind of thing.

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