Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 51 - Assassin Legacy

“Can you send us to the world that fights zombies?” Kenway said.

“Of course, as a businessman, the customer’s opinion is my direction of effort. But can you tell me why you did not choose that ordinary future world? And chose this world that may have war. If you don’t want to follow me Say it or not. “Ryan asked curiously.

Kenway smiled and replied: “First of all, I learned from the plant you just showed and what you said. You have a connection with the world that fights zombies, and may even have a long-term connection, which means that the world is not so bad.”

“Second, I want to throw away the wanted flowers on the Caribbean island for a long time. I think the future census of people should be more rigorous so that my daughter and I can hardly get into that world. Plants vs. zombies World shop owner, you can be my referral and let me blend into that world. “

“Again, you know what I am good at now. What do you think I can do in a peaceful world?”

“In the end, living people will be more terrible than moving dead people. At least in the world fighting zombies, don’t worry about the problems of too many living people. After all, that world should have a simpler folk customs.”

After listening to the reason why Kenway chose Plants vs. Zombies, he nodded with emotion: “Do you have anything else to bring? I can give you a few hours to pack up. After all, once you emigrate to another one If it is the world, it would be difficult to come back. After finishing tidying up and memorizing the name of my groceries shop in my heart, then find any door and push it to come to me. “

“I will be back in an hour.” Kenway said. After talking, he called his daughter and left with her hand in hand.

Lane watched them walk out the door and began to observe the fruit of his mutant dragon grass. Now that the fruit is beating slowly like a heart, Ryan feels it is likely to grow a new variety plant that he has never seen and belongs to himself.

Half an hour later, the fog at the door flashed, Kenway brought her daughter back, he was wearing a leather-style assassin hoodie, fully armed. Behind him seemed to wrap a large bag of things with a tablecloth. Her daughter also carried a small package, and she also held a puppet bear.

“You move so fast!” Ryan said with some surprise. Because he didn’t expect it, this complete move can be done in half an hour.

“Actually because of security issues, I am always ready to take my daughter to transfer. So many things are prepared in advance, just need to pack and go.” Kenway replied.

After Ryan and Kenway signed a contract on a piece of parchment, the content was that Kenway handed over all the knowledge he knew to Ryan as compensation, and Ryan was responsible for sending their father and daughter to the world of Plants vs. Zombies.

After the contract was signed, a blood-red mist wafted from Kenway’s head, and then a thick book with a red cover fell on the shelf. The title above was “Kenway’s Assassin’s Creed.”

After seeing the book, Ryan nodded, and then wrote something to Kenway on a blank letter paper on the table.

“The leader of Dave ’s world is also one of my best partners. This is a letter I sent to Dave, about your situation, I hope he can take care of you. I also tell in the letter He, you can temporarily live in my house. After all, most of the time I will not live in that world. The house is empty and empty. It is better to live for you. Let me say hello to him in the end. “

Kenway took the letter and nodded, and Ryan opened the space door to the world of Plants vs. Zombies. At the same time, the sound of the system comes out:

——Send two people to other worlds, adult male, tiny extraordinary strength, 15 offset points. Underage women, no extraordinary strength, 5 offset points.

Charge for this stuff? Ryan was dumbfounded. After Kenway and his daughter hummed “Farewell Wine” (Note 1) through the space door, he was about to check what was going on. The system suddenly heard a new voice:

-Detected a large-scale change in the fate of the guest world.

——Multiple changes of children of fate were detected.

——The overall situation of the world has changed little.

——Get 35 offset points

Ryan, whose offset point suddenly changed to 39, felt a burst. It’s just that he still has to check and see how the offset points of the teleporter are spent. Otherwise, the inexplicable deduction of points will make him distressed.

Spent several minutes, and finally he only found a few articles about the system in the dozens of pages of system instructions.

First, the transfer of characters in different worlds requires an offset point to ensure the accuracy and safety of the transfer. The different energy levels of each character determine the transfer of the offset point they need.

Second, the premise of teleportation is that the shopkeeper has opened the teleportation door to that world.

Thirdly, the shop owner can directly inquire about the energy required for delivery in the grocery store. (Ryan: “Let me know if I knew it.”)

Fourth, credit is not allowed in this shop, so only when the transaction can be confirmed, UU reading contract will take effect.

It seems that the Wanjie grocery store is not bad. At least it will not engage in loan sharking, and it can avoid being white wolves with empty gloves.

Holding 39 points of “big money”, Ryan decided to quickly spend them to improve his strength. After all, what Ryan lacks now is strength.

He selected “Kenway’s Assassin’s Creed” to prepare for learning, and found that only 3 points were needed to complete all the knowledge. This includes fighting techniques, multiple foreign languages, sailing manipulation, camouflage, the manufacture of various props and so on. Sure enough, things that do not involve extraordinary power are cheap.

Is followed by Eagle Eye, a way to develop your sixth sense. Because Lane lacks certain genes in the Kenway world, Lane wants to learn this ability in two ways:

The first is to change the genes to obtain the same eagle-eye ability as Kenway. 5 offset points are required.

The second is to use Ryan’s own magic to replace the display of certain blood power, but it can only enhance the sensitivity of the sixth sense and other five senses, and the effect is far behind the original eagle eye. Of course, the price is cheap, only 3 points.

The last item is the leap of faith. No matter how high you jump, you wo n’t get hurt if there is a haystack underneath. To learn this, you need to involve some changes in the laws of the world itself. To learn, you need 300 offset points.

Ryan thought for a moment, and chose all the knowledge learning and magic alternative versions of Eagle Eye.

After the flower went to the 6 offset point, Ryan sat in a chair and received more than ten minutes of knowledge instillation, and finally mastered these things.

After he stood up, he was ready to experience some newly gained power. After all, he watched so many videos in his last life, and Ryan has always envied the handsome action of the protagonist in Assassin’s Creed.

Note: I highly recommend the ending song “Farewell Wine” of the Assassin’s Creed Black Flag

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