Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 46 - Trivia at the end of the semester

After everyone lay down, Mrs. Pomfrey first went to Ryan’s bed to check on him. After all, Ryan looked the worst.

After releasing a spell on Ryan, Mrs. Pomfrey made an angry voice: “I don’t know why the headmaster put so many dangerous things in the school. As a result, students were injured. For example, you, Ryan, right The two ribs on the side are broken, the two bones are cracked, and the contusion of the lungs is not a minor injury. “

“But you must be able to heal me, right?” Lane said slightly to Mrs. Pomfrey.

“Of course, all you suffered is trauma. It can be cured in one night. But you may need to spend the night here.” After she released a spell to fix Ryan’s ribs, she threw out a sick suit. . “But seriously, for your age, your first aid is very good, to avoid more serious injuries. Can I ask where did you learn these?”

“You see me as a heavenly man. My grandfather had been selling medicated meals in Chinatown in London before and knew some Chinese medicine. I followed him to learn these.”

“Ah, I know. When I was in St. Munger, I heard some therapists say that many traditional Muggle treatments in the Far East were taught to them by local wizards. But there is a good place there. For thousands of years, The wizards lived in harmony with ordinary people. “Mrs. Pomfrey brought a large bottle with the raw bones on it.

She poured a glass from inside and handed it to Ryan. Ryan took the glass and drank it, feeling like a flame burning from her mouth to her stomach, accompanied by some strange smell that could not be said. It feels similar to the enhanced version of Huoxiangzhengqi water.

Madam Pomfrey watched as Ryan finished taking the medicine and said, “I actually can use my magic to pick up a bone in a second, but that requires overdrawing your body. It is better for you to drink medicine in this state. Now You need to sleep in the school hospital for one night. “

Finally, Madam Pomfrey went to bandage Ron. Soon, Dumbledore directed a stretcher with his wand and floated, with Harry Potter lying on it.

“Professor, is Harry alright?” Ryan asked Professor Dumbledore one after another. Professor Dumbledore told them not to worry, Harry was just stunned by some magical damage, and he could rest in bed for a while.

After listening, Ryan said goodbye to Hermione who was going back to the dormitory. Then I talked to Ron who needed to be hospitalized for observation (Ms. Pomfrey suspected that Ron might have concussion sequelae, and insisted that he be hospitalized for one night.) Then he said good night to each other and turned to fall asleep.

Early the next morning, Ryan visited Harry, who was still in a coma on the bed next door, and after praying for him in his heart, he left the hospital with Ron.

The days after were boring. It is worth mentioning that the last Quidditch match was held. Gryffindor had a fiasco in the game against Ravenclaw because there was no backup finder. But it seems that everyone is not so frustrated, after all, the players have tried their best.

Every day at noon, Ryan and the three of them will go to the school hospital to ask about Harry’s condition. On the third day after the adventure, the day before the year-end banquet, Ryan went to the entrance of the school hospital to ask Mrs. Pomfrey. This time Harry finally woke up.

Mrs. Pompley Kane gave them five minutes of talk time. They came to Harry’s bed and saw him lying half on the bed against the pillow.

“Harry, are you better now?” Ryan asked after stopping Hermione who was trying to hug Harry excitedly.

“It’s much better now, it is estimated that he will be discharged in the afternoon.” Harry replied with a smile.

“Oh, Harry, we all thought you must be-Dumbledore was very worried-” “The whole school is talking about it,” Ron said, “What was the situation at the time?”

Sometimes the truth of the story is more bizarre than rumors, Harry told them all the originals: Kilo, Mirror, Magic Stone and Voldemort. Ryan they listened very attentively, and every time they reached a thrilling place, they gasped nervously, and when Harry talked about the face under Quirrell’s turban, Hermione screamed in silence.

“It seems that the man is still back. We still can’t relax our guard.” Ryan finally concluded. Several other people nodded with emotion.

“So, the magic stone is gone?” Finally Ron asked, “Lemey is dying?” “I said the same, but Dumbledore thought-what did he say?” Very clear-headed For people, death is just another great adventure ‘. “

“I have said that he is a little nervous,” Ron said. The hero in his mind became so unreasonable that he was shocked.

“No, I don’t think so, just because we are too young to understand.” Ryan said. Then he turned to Hermione: “Remember the story of the young girl Malposa in Greek mythology ~ ~ Hermione patted her forehead:” Yeah, the legend says she gave up eternal life because she thought she was a mortal, Need human sorrow. I can’t understand it, but I also know that at least eternal life is not necessarily a good thing. “

Harry and Ron listened dumbfounded. To cover up the awkward situation, Ron quickly digressed and began to talk about what they did that day when Harry challenged the final level.

Finally Ron said: “You said, did Dumbledore intentionally want you to do this? Give you your father’s invisibility cloak to guide you to do that?”

“Oops,” Hermione couldn’t help but say, “If he really is like this-I mean-it’s too scary-you are likely to be killed.”

Ryan made a dissenting opinion: “I think Dumbledore may just want to guide and exercise Harry, but he didn’t expect that person would mix in this way. After all, the principal is just a powerful wizard, but he is not a god. , It’s impossible to know everything. “

“I think Ryan is right.” Harry said, “I think Dumbledore knows what we are doing, and constantly guides us, and teaches us a lot in secret. After all, he thinks that I have grown up to face Voldemort. The problem is no longer a ignorant child. “

“So Dumbledore is the greatest wizard of this century.” Ryan said: “But what you need most now is to recover quickly, because tomorrow is the year-end banquet. I heard the seniors say that this is Hogwarts one of the best. Must not be missed. “

Just then, Madam Pomfrey broke in.

“You have been staying for almost fifteen minutes, and give me out soon.” She said firmly.

Ryan they can only leave goodbye to Harry after leaving the school hospital.

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