Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 41 - examination

The day after the discussion in the library, Harry and Ron received the confinement notice.

That night, Ryan and Hermione were practicing a metamorphosis spell at the table. Harry and Ron rushed in from the outside, and after sitting down, before breathing, they began to talk about what he and Ron met in the forbidden forest at night.

Sure enough, they met Voldemort who was sucking blood. But because no one was making trouble this time, Harry met the unicorn a little earlier than the original. Although the unicorn was seriously injured, it still saved its life and is now recovering from the Maren tribe. In addition, the Maren also gave an unlucky prediction.

“The Horseman’s prophecy shows that Voldemort will make a comeback. They saw all this from the astrology.” Harry said excitedly. “I thought Snape just wanted to make a magic stone to make a fortune, but he wanted to give the magic stone to Voldemort in the forbidden forest to help him come back.”

“Please, don’t say that name.” Ron said tremblingly.

But Harry continued excitedly: “Wait for Voldemort to get the magic stone, and then rush into the castle to kill me, then this prediction will be fully realized.”

“Harry!” Ryan raised his voice and interrupted Harry’s endless talk: “As far as I know, all the prophecies are vague and have multiple interpretations. Certainly you should not conclude that you are pointing too clearly. The answer. Not to mention that Dumbledore is also in the castle, I do n’t think anyone can rush in to kill you, and it ’s less than a week before the exam, I think going to bed early to maintain tomorrow ’s good condition is the most important Yes, it ’s no use thinking now. “

Harry seemed to be choked, and then they and Ryan climbed the stairs back to the dormitory and rested.

Time won’t go any slower because of someone’s nervous Voldemort’s movements. With the passing of the week, Ryan’s final exam at Hogwarts’ first year begins.

Exams are the most annoying and frightening things for students, but they are an indispensable part of a student’s career. This has always been the case at home and abroad, even at the magical school of magic Hogwarts.

Fortunately, Ryan comes from a country that is good at exams and often exams. Hogwarts’ first-year review of this kind of exam is very easy compared to the weekly examination that year, the monthly exam once a month and the review before the college entrance examination.

So when he was sitting in the examination room, holding a new feather pen that had read the anti-cheating mantra, he felt that he was confident.

Is only the biggest difference from the ordinary people’s test in the world, that is, Hogwarts test and magic hands-on projects.

Each teacher’s requirements are different. For example, Professor Flitwick told them to walk into the classroom one by one to see if they could make a pineapple dance across a desk. When Ryan watched the novel and saw this place, she wondered why pineapples don’t take long taps. Later, after reading the operation of the previous classmates, I learned that I only need to let the pineapple twist while skipping the desk at the same frequency. This is much simpler than Ryan imagined adding two legs to the pineapple.

Professor McGonagall watched them turn a mouse into a snuff box-the more exquisite the box, the higher the score; if there is still a mouse whisker on the box, it will be deducted. Ryan transformed a steampunk-style box full of pinion gears and reeds, and the gears on it could also mesh with each other. This is the technique he mastered after mastering the “House of Winter Industry Manual”. Ryan nodded when he saw Professor McGonagall applauding his work.

In the underground potion classroom, Ryan’s preparation of the forgetting potion was quite satisfactory. Fortunately, Harry drew Snape’s attention completely. Otherwise, the professor stared at the back of the neck, and if there is no problem, the problem will be scared.

Harry looked terrible these days, and he seemed to suffer from pre-test phobia like Neville. But everyone else is okay. The previous review was very comprehensive and very serious. So at least Ron and Hermione were confident when they took the exam.

The last exam is the history of magic. As long as you persist for an hour, answering which quirky old wizards invented the automatic stirring crucible, they are free, and they can easily play for a full week until the test results are announced. When Professor Binns ’ghost asked them to put down their quills and roll up the parchment that they answered, Lane could n’t help but cheer with the other students.

“It’s much easier than I thought,” Hermione said when they came out with the crowd to the sunny ground outside, “I don’t actually need to remember the ‘code of conduct for werewolves in 1637’,” And the goblin rebellion. “

“I ’ll tell you when I ’m reviewing, but you do n’t believe it.” Ryan said: “These events involved complex historical and political games and even affected the distribution of power in the magic world today. Such a complex issue is not Will be used to test our first-year students. “

Hermione began to relive the exam content, which reminded Ryan of the fear of the previous life when facing the school bully. Finally, under the repeated prompting of Ryan, Hermione finally closed her mouth.

They slowly walked down a gentle **** ~ ~ to the lake and plopped under the tree. There, a big squid was lying in the warm shallow water to bask in the sun, and the twin brothers of Weasley and Lee Jordan were fiddle with its tentacles.

“I never understood why squid live in such freshwater lakes, what do you think?” Hermione touched Ryan with her elbow.

“It may be because this has a magical creature lineage, such as Kraken or something. But seriously, every time I see this, I always think of squid or squid. But I think such a big squid must be Very old, only suitable for making meatballs after breaking, my mother’s specialty is squid meatballs. “

“Ah, I remember. The squid **** your mother made last time are really delicious.” Hermione, who once tasted Mrs. Sally’s craft at certain events in elementary schools and communities, said.

Just as Ryan and Hermione’s flying thoughts began to crook the floor, Harry’s annoyed voice suddenly sounded: “My scars have been hurting-I used to hurt, but it has never been so frequent.”

“Go and see Madam Pomfrey.” Hermione suggested.

“I am not sick,” Harry said, “I think this is a warning means danger is coming”

“But Professor Dumbledore is here, and Hagrid will not betray Professor Dumbledore. No one can pass the guards of Luwei, so you don’t need to worry. Your scar may be because you are too nervous.”

“Yeah.” Hermione followed and persuaded. “It’s all exams. I woke up last night and was busy reviewing the notes of the deformed class. Then I suddenly remembered that we had taken the exam.”

Harry sat there without saying a word, as if thinking about something. Suddenly, he jumped up, Ryan and they were a little worried about Harry’s condition and ran to the castle with him.

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