Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 18 - Under the battle in the world of plants vs zombies

Dave, who was sitting there drinking water, was taken aback by the sudden cries of Ryan, and the water in his mouth was choked by the intake pipe, making a coughing sound. Ryan quickly stepped forward and slapped him on the back. It took a while for Dave to relax.

He raised his head and looked at Ryan: “I can’t solve a problem like a great scientist, how could you little one solve it.”

Looking at the look of unbelief on Ryan’s face, Mad Dave went on to say: “My enemy is called Dr. Zombie. He is a very intelligent zombie. He has developed many strange zombies, and he is also good at electronics and Machines can make robots bigger than houses. As a result of the failure of an evil experiment, Dr. Zombie synthesized the wisdom of many scientists. “

“The most important thing is.” Dave said in a low voice. “He can grab the pre-life knowledge that turned into zombies. For example, I just thought he was a pure zombie expert. So I made several robots as helpers, but every time the robot became his minions.”

Dave shook his head as if remembering something that made her feel unpleasant: “Although I am not as good as him in software, I also found some things. The programs he uses have many characteristics of other famous experts, and those Experts were killed in zombie attacks without exception. So I guess that it is very likely that zombies will eat human brains and gain knowledge for Dr. Zombie. “

Speaking of which, Dave began to become frantic: “When I was almost desperate, by chance I started to study these plants that no one had studied before, and it turned out that Dr. Zombie lacked effective means for these plants. Even if he can devour and digest knowledge with evil means, he cannot learn to know new knowledge through normal means. So this is why he desperately controls his hands and attacks me, because only the great Dave knows that these will attack zombies What happened to the plants, only by eating my brain can Dr. Zombie know how to deal with these plants. “

After these words, Crazy Dave glared at Ryan with his eyes of different sizes, as if to say such a powerful enemy, how can you, a child, have the power to fight him, to know his accomplishments in this respect, quite Experts in this world have accomplished this.

Lean looked at Dave, who was full of disbelief, and said, “If you believe me, let me go to your underground laboratory, and I will show you the solution to the problem.”

Looking at the firmness shown in Ryan’s eyes, Dave shook his head and took him back to the basement (Ryan did not sit on the sofa this time).

Came to the base of the computer in the basement, Lane chose to extract a copy of the knowledge from the world of the ice age.

As a golden light floated by, a USB flash drive appeared in Ryan’s hand.

After inserting the U disk into the computer, with the help of artificial intelligence, the difference machine, the energy tower and the robot’s stereoscopic projection were quickly projected in three dimensions, and various data were marked around.

Dave pushed Ryan away and looked at the things in front of him with an amazing voice: “This is completely another civilized thing. Completely mechanical programming can enable these robots to log, mine, take care of greenhouses, and even take care of Patient function. “

“More importantly, this robot has a terrible reliability, relying on at most the material and craft level of the early 20th century. It can work in an environment of -150 ℃.”

“The most incredible thing is that this big guy is driving. It is actually those ancient steam power.”

After dancing wildly, Dave turned his head to look at Ryan: “I finally know where your luck is. This robot does not rely on any electronic components at all. Even Dr. Zombie has no strong electronic intrusion ability. Way to invade an operating system core composed of gears and perforated steel plates. “

“As long as the steam energy tower power supply and differential machine programming are used, I think I can start producing these robots soon, so that my army of plants can quickly add value, and I should be able to see the day when zombies are completely eliminated in my lifetime …”

Speaking of which, Dave crouched down and lined up with Ryan. “This technology is very important to me. Both you and I are businessmen, so do n’t go around so many bends. You can make a price. Things are determined to be won. “

Lean thought for a while: “I’m just a kid, I don’t know exactly what this item can get from you.”

“Well, since you are willing to believe Dave, then Dave will prepare you for trading commodities. You will definitely think this is a perfect deal.”

Although there is now a way to build a new robot, the two people still get the door to build a fortification to prevent zombies. Even with the help of magic, the two spent hours until the sun went down to get all the work done.

“Shouldn’t there be any other people in this village? Why didn’t they come out to help.” After finishing his work, Ryan thought of something in the game and asked Dave curiously.

“It turns out that there are people in the town I live in, but when I found out that the zombie’s target was mine, I moved to this abandoned town. It has been three years since UU read the book . “

Back to Dave ’s house, Lane went to the bathroom to clean up, and Dave was ready to trade items.

Done properly, Dave was sitting on the sofa waiting for Ryan.

“I can transfer ten plants to you, three of which can be selected as advanced plants.” After these, watching Ryan looked at him with emotionless eyes. He smiled awkwardly and then said: “Of course, in addition to these, a small greenhouse farm recovered this time will also be given to you as your plant cultivation base. After the robot is built, it will be ready for you.”

Hearing this, Ryan smiled at the corner of his mouth, and there was a steady stream of plants in the farm greenhouse. Seeing Lane smiled, Dave also breathed a sigh of relief and said, “In addition, there is a farm house and the house you own now. After the robot is built, I will clean it up for you.”

Finally, Dave took a small pocket from behind and handed it to Ryan. Ryan stretched out a hand to take over the pocket, because he estimated the wrong weight of the pocket and nearly smashed the bag on his feet. He opened his pocket. It was found that there were some rough chestnut-sized gold ingots. When they were added together, they could weigh several kilograms. If they were taken back, they could be exchanged for about 1,000 gallons. Seriously, the alloy currency of Kanon (Note 1) dare to press pure gold coins For the exchange of gold, the goblins of Gu Ling Pavilion are too dark.

In addition to gold, there is a notebook.

“I think you are a complete human society and may need these golds. Anyway, I can’t use them, so I will give you all the collected.” Dave said, rubbing his hands. “This notebook records my experience of growing plants, you can take a look.”

After selecting the plants, Lane said goodbye to Dave, and then walked out of Dave’s house. The choice returned to the Wanjie grocery store.

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