Myriad Immortals Are Broken, I Return From Martial Arts To Restart Conferred Gods

Chapter 95

95: Daddy Comforts Yuanshi!

At this moment, the evolution is very fast.

When everyone reacted, everyone was turned into ashes by Guang Chengzi’s Fan Tianyin. ,

Dozens of true spirits instantly entered the Conferred Gods list.

It was another annihilation of the entire army, which was simply shocking and insoluble.

But Xuandu and the others, who were fighting Ye Chen in a decisive battle, found out in an instant.

They were used by Ye Chen.

Lingbao was taken by Ye Chen and lost his defense, which finally made things like this.

Tathagata was shocked at this moment, unbelievable, and looked at Ye Chen tremblingly: “What a Ye Chen, good plan, good plan, you just got the Six Soul Banner, and it turned out that Chi Jingzi came here with the Pantian Seal!! ”

Ye Chen said lightly: “The fellow daoist has won the prize!”

At this moment, Ye Kong was extremely happy in his heart.

They believed that Ye Chen was trying to seize Penglai “263” island.

However, Ye Chen’s original intention was not Penglai Island.

Xuandu, Guangchengzi, Tathagata, all snowed.

Now Tathagata and others looked at Ye Chen with eyes that were about to breathe fire.

This time, Ye Chen plotted against him again, and the plot was so miserable.

And Guang Chengzi was even more furious, and two of his personal disciples fell.

The current interpretation of education is almost dead.

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun can no longer control it!

Yuanshi Tianzun was furious, he didn’t expect Ye Chen to even hide it from himself.

Now is the Star Tribulation period, the entire Heavenly Dao is blurred, even the Saint can’t figure it out.

If things go on like this, Own’s interpretation of teachings will be on the verge of fire!

Yuanshi Tianzun almost spit fire in his eyes.

At that moment, Yuanshi Tianzun directly found daddy.

“Brother, we can’t go on like this, all the poor disciples are about to be on the list, you and I can do it separately!”

Daddy’s eyes were serious after hearing this: “Do it now, but it will disrupt your and my plan!!”

Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep breath: “I didn’t expect that this Ye Chen would be so scheming, and three people from Immemorial Golden Immortal, who belonged to the poor Taoist sect, have already died, so they must not fall again!!

Daddy thought for a while after hearing this: “You and I want to kill Ye Chen directly? Then the Tathagata family will definitely dominate in this prehistoric world! Be careful first, and wait!”

Since Huahu, daddy has escaped daddy’s control, and now he is getting stronger and stronger.

And the reception guide became Tathagata’s backstage, which made Tathagata not very afraid of daddy’s clone, Taishang Laojun.

Now the luck of Buddhism is very strong, and the east can no longer suppress it.

And the appearance of Ye Chen, although it may revive the Jiejiao, but it also becomes an opportunity to suppress the Buddhism and let the Xuanmen grow stronger again.

The contradictions in cutting off teaching are basically on the side of Buddhism.

Now daddy needs to rely on Ye Chen’s hand to weaken the luck of Buddhism. At that time, the avatar Taishang Laojun can even unite with the avatar who receives Zhunti, and the four Saint avatars can easily kill Ye Chen and Wutian!

From then on, this prehistoric luck will be attributed to human education and interpretation.

This is the general trend that daddy is really planning.

Saint is a plan that looks at the overall situation.

Daddy pays special attention to the overall situation and the strategy of the whole army, but actually doesn’t care about Ye Chen’s big show.

But Yuanshi Tianzun’s mentality is far inferior to daddy.

However, daddy didn’t suffer the pain, and he won’t be uncomfortable!

Weakening the elucidation and teaching will inevitably obey the instructions of the human teaching, which is also very important.

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun excited, daddy immediately appease Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep breath, and the anger was simply irresolvable.

“If it’s not for Saint, you can’t participate, because Dow will definitely let Ye Chen be on the list!!”

Daddy said: “Don’t worry, junior brother. Don’t let your disciples go out next time. Let Tathagata do it. After all, Journey to the West is related to the great prosperity of Buddhism. It doesn’t matter if you don’t go to explain the teachings. Wait, now you and I will kill each other.” Ye Chen, and you can’t curb Buddhism even if you teach, then Buddhism will become bigger. Now Ye Chen’s goal is Buddhism. After the luck of Buddhism plummets, the right time will come.

You and I are making a move, if not, I will make a wedding dress for someone else!!”

During the Conferred Gods period, daddy worked hard with Yuan Shi for a long time, but made a wedding dress for Tathagata.

These two Saints are also very angry!

After hearing about Daddy’s safety, Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep breath to stabilize his emotions.

At present, Buddhism is too strong, and teaching is too weak. Without Ye Chen and Wutian, the teaching will be over, and it will certainly not be able to resist the eastward expansion of Buddhism.

Now the disciple is dead, but for the sake of the future of the Great Sect, he must endure it.

“Brother is right, I understand!”

Daddy saw that Yuanshi Tianzun was obedient, and also heaved a sigh of relief.

“I also miscalculated, this Ye Chen’s planning ability is not inferior to Tathagata, even stronger, you and I are not too underestimating……”

As for daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun’s plan, although Ye Chen doesn’t know,

But Ye Chen can also measure it from the perspective of interests.

But at this moment, everyone in Heaven Court turned from panic and nervousness to ecstasy in an instant.

Bi Xiao jumped up screaming.

“Senior brother Ye Chen, you are simply too powerful. I never expected that he would do such a counter-kill under such circumstances. It’s unbelievable!”

Yun Xiao said in amazement: “Yeah, we all think that Senior Brother Ye Chen is hopeless, but I didn’t expect Senior Brother Ye Chen to do this!”

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit sighed: “If in the Conferred Gods period, we would have had Junior Brother Ye Chen plan, we would not have ended up in this situation. This Duobao is also a person with foresight and foresight, but this time Journey to the West and Star Tribulation was completely suppressed by Junior Brother Ye Chen , Junior brother Ye Chen’s talent really shocked us again!”


Yao Chi watched the battlefield turn defeat into victory so quickly, and was instantly shocked beyond description.

When Yao Chi looked at Ye Chen, he immediately felt that Ye Chen was simply a monster.

“Ye Chen, what a great plan, maybe this time, we really win!”

Yaochi took a deep breath, and immediately blushed again when the sound of the two-day break happened some time ago.

“That double break shortened the 3.2 Poor Daoist’s penance by at least 10 billion years. I wonder if I can have a double break with Ye Chen fellow daoist!”

For a while, Yao Chi fell into deep thought again.

At this time, Haotian found Yaochi: “Junior Sister, two direct disciples died this time, will the Saint avatar take action?”

Yaochi pondered for a while and said: “Probably not, otherwise Ye Chen fellow daoist would not have made such a plan. If the disciple of Chanjiao is dying, it is probably possible!”

Haotian nodded after hearing this: “That’s right, Ye Chen fellow daoist will naturally consider these, but this magical stroke is really jaw-dropping!!”

But at this moment, Tongtian in Zi Xiao’s palace originally thought that Jiejiao would definitely not be able to handle it!

For a moment Tongtian seemed worried and nervous.

But this time Ye Chen’s magic pen wiped out a group of Buddhist disciples who explained the teachings, and Tongtian was shocked and paralyzed in an instant!!.

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