Myriad Immortals Are Broken, I Return From Martial Arts To Restart Conferred Gods

Chapter 92

92: To Save Face, Xuandu Fights Ye Chen!

Facing the confident Ye Chen in front of them, Tathagata and Guang Chengzi felt overwhelmed instantly.

However, now it is the attention of the whole prehistoric, if the answer is not to type, then this will cause huge consequences.

The luck of Buddhism and the luck of teaching will drop instantly.

If facing the interception of teaching, if the three teachings admit defeat, how can the teaching’s luck not be suppressed?

Tathagata snorted coldly: “Why don’t you dare, there are only a few people you intercepted, I’m afraid, all the disciples you intercepted will be buried!”

Ye Chen smiled lightly: “It’s okay, it’s their fate to be on the list, and in the next round, they will still be alone, so prepare to break the battle!”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he floated away with Wan Wan.

Tathagata looked very embarrassed when he saw so many Buddhas died!!

Immediately waved his hand and took away all the Buddha corpses.

“Wukong, quickly protect your Master and learn from it!”

Sun Wukong still hasn’t recovered from the shock.

The four continued on their way. ,

This time Sun Wukong was silent a lot.

Sun Wukong looked at Shen Gongbao and asked: “Junior Brother Shen, who is that demon girl? She is so terrifying? Even so many Buddhas have been beheaded!”

Shen Gongbao sighed: “This person is also famous. Ten Thousand Years ago, he was the first person to win Taiyi Golden Immortal in the Obon Festival!”

Sun Wukong was taken aback for a moment: “What will the Yu Lan Basin be?”

Shen Gongbao explained: “Before Ten Thousand Years, there was a Dao Discussion Conference in Lingshan, and the top ten masters of the Great Desolation were released during the competition!”

Sun Wukong was stunned: “The top ten masters in the wild? How come my grandson hasn’t heard of it? How can my grandson’s Cultivation Base be ranked?”

When Shen Gongbao heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, not knowing how to explain it to Sun Wukong!

Sun Wukong thought for a while and said: “That’s right, my old grandson didn’t participate, and you don’t know, it’s also right, who are these top ten masters? How can Tathagata Buddha be ranked?”

Shen Gongbao stretched out three fingers.

Sun Wukong was stunned: “Ranked third, so what is the Daoist ranking just now?”

Shen Gongbao stretched out two fingers: “Second!”

Sun Wukong exclaimed instantly: “Who is the first?”

Shen Gongbao said: “It is the demon Buddhist Lord Wutian!”

For a moment, Sun Wukong was shocked. It turns out that there are so many masters in this prehistoric world.

One-handed suppression own Tathagata can only shoot the third.

This is a blow to proud Sun Wukong.

Shen Gongbao patted Sun Wukong and said, “Let’s continue westward!”

After returning to Jinao Island, Wanwan said excitedly: “Ye Dage, how are you doing?”

Ye Chen laughed: “Okay, very good, this time, you can be said to have greatly increased the momentum of my interception. At the beginning of the war, you should make the first contribution, and the poor should reward you. How about Pan Dao and you will be rewarded by Penglai Island?” Zongli sect!”

“Ah! Penglai!”

In an instant, Wanwan was so pleasantly surprised that it was simply indescribable.

Ye Chen nodded: “Yes, Penglai, but now Penglai is occupied by Jiejiao, now you go to conquer Penglai Island, if there is a quasi-sage to take action, Pindao will do it himself!”

After hearing this, Wanwan immediately said: “Don’t worry, Ye Dage, it will be a success!!”

After finishing speaking, Wanwan immediately walked out of Jinao Island and headed straight for Penglai Island.

It turns out that these overseas fairy mountains are all Jiejiao islands.

Later, Jiejiao died, and all these fairy islands were snatched away by Chanjiao’s disciples.

After returning from teaching this time, these fairy islands should also start to come back.

This Penglai Island, come and take it back!

Wan Wan went straight to Penglai immediately after getting Ye Chen’s authorization.

Penglai is like a continent, tens of thousands of miles away, and there is an excellent spiritual vein running through the whole island.

At this moment, this Penglai Island has been occupied by Chanjiao disciples.

And set up a large formation to protect the island!

After Wanwan came to Penglai Island, she immediately used the Primordial measuring ruler given by Ye Chen, and it was a blow in an instant!

“Boom!” “Crack!”

This mountain protection formation was arranged by the Antarctic fairy.

After the downfall of Chanjiao, the Antarctic Immortal seized Penglai Island!

At this moment, the Antarctic Immortal is still in Yuxu Palace.

Unexpectedly, Wanwan would directly attack to snatch Penglai Island, and the Antarctic Immortal was shocked and angry in an instant.

Immediately came to Penglai.

“Zizi dare!!”

In an instant, the quasi-holy aura of the Antarctic Immortal was overwhelming, directly suppressing Wanwan.

However, the next moment, this terrifying aura was instantly dispelled by Ye Chen.

“Hmph, bullying the small with the big, are you always this kind of person when teaching?”

Nanji Xianweng roared angrily: “How dare you attack the poor Daoist dojo!!”

Ye Chen was dumbfounded when he heard it, and then laughed out loud

“Hahahahahaha…beautiful, that’s a good word, you just snatched a few Ten Thousand Years from me!”

The Antarctic Immortal snorted coldly: “There is no one to cut off the teaching, this island is a land without an owner, why can’t the Poor Dao be used as a dojo?”

Ye Chen said lightly: “This is Karma. Since you own it, it is Karma. Today, the disciples of the Poor Dao are here to get it. Antarctica, do you dare to fight the Poor Dao?”

The Antarctic fairy does not have the guts to fight Ye Chen!!

But if there is no war, this Penglai Island must be given up, so that the Antarctic fairy cannot come to Taiwan!

At this moment, Ye Chen is ready to fight, if the Antarctic fairy wants to fight, then Ye Chen will do it.

But it cannot force Yuanshi’s clone to join the battle with Taishang Laojun prematurely.

If there were no such concerns, Ye Chen would not be tolerated.

Ye Chen knew that at this moment, both Saint and everyone in Honghuang were all looking at the East China Sea. ,

This time it is a battle to solve the Conferred Gods contradiction.

Then, whether the battle of Penglai Island will trigger the attack of the Saint clone is really not sure.

Just as the Antarctic fairy was pondering, suddenly, the great Mage of Xuandu fell in front of the Antarctic fairy.

Nanji Xianweng (Qian Zhaohao) was overjoyed when he saw it! “Senior Brother Xuandu is here!”

Xuandu nodded: “I have to come!”

Now in the battle of White Tiger Mountain, the fallen Taiyi Zhenrenlong.

If Penglai Island is defeated this time, then the prestige of explaining teachings will drop to the bottom, which Yuanshi Tianzun cannot tolerate.

However, letting Dongji Qinghua Great Emperor make a move would not look good.

Then we can only let Xuandu come to save Renjiao and explain the face of Jiaojiao in the prehistoric times.

The Antarctic Immortal took a deep breath: “This Penglai Island, the poor Dao will not let it go, just take it away if the Dao Fa is too heavy!”

Ye Chen nodded: “Very good, I happened to see Xuandu fellow daoist Supernatural Power today!!”

In Xuandu’s hand, a Tai Chi diagram instantly appeared.

At this moment, everyone exclaimed in an instant.

Xuandu took out the Taiji map, Innate is undefeated, how can you defeat Ye Chen.

This time it’s not a competition, but a real competition of Lingbao addition rules. .

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