My Wuxian Identity Has Been Exposed

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chapter 009 Single-handed, one-man army

Fourth day.

It was also the last day that Black Caesar was about to be executed.

Black Caesar, who had already fallen in a pool of blood, had not given up.

He actually dug out a piece of metal from a bloody wound near his rib.

This is his old injury.

It has always been hidden in the body.

Every time that part is touched, it will produce a pain like cutting flesh, but he abruptly turned this pain into a daily rhythm, almost numb.

In this desperate situation, this piece of debris has become his life-saving straw.

Black Caesar pried the shackles with shards.

Immediately after.

In this way, he dragged his blood-covered, almost dying body, and forcibly cut a bloody path through the Dungeon full of killers.

“How is this possible? Is he a man or a monster?”

“After being tortured by that disgusting fat man for three days and three nights, he was able to kill so many enemies. Is he really human?”

“Is this Black Caesar, like Captain America, a monster that has undergone experiments and metamorphosis? Otherwise, there is no way to explain all this.”

There are still people who don’t believe that Black Caesar can do all this.

Even Smith and Ghost, who are also the top ten killers, find it unbelievable.

“Fortunately, he’s old.”

“After suffering such a serious injury, I’m afraid he will have to recuperate for a long time. At that time, his little girlfriend may have grown grass on the grave.”

“Black Caesar is fierce, but unfortunately he is only one person and can’t save his own people.”

“Manpower has a limit after all!”

In the midst of countless regrets, Black Caesar, who insisted on revenge, was exposed.

Black Caesar, who had only rested for a day, didn’t care about his injuries, ignored the persuasion of his partner, and insisted on bringing a weapon to the rescue.

“Liangliang! His call time was too long, and the other party grabbed his tail!”

“This wave has no solution! An old remnant soldier is surrounded and suppressed by a large group of elite killers, and the odds of winning are almost zero!”

“Why is Black Caesar so stubborn? It’s obvious that he can hide and take revenge after the injury is healed. Now it’s just a death sentence!”

“It’s a pity that such a smart person made such a stupid choice, and it was in vain that I regarded him as an idol just now!”

Black Caesar’s stubborn choice instantly lowered his rating in the public.

But at the same time, it won the favor of more women.

At this time.

Killers have surrounded him.

When the sexy and beautiful contact Vivian came out of the crowd, what everyone saw was not amazement, but despair.

“Have I been on the phone too long?”

Saying this in the mouth of a killer legend who never makes mistakes gives a strong sense of heroic decline.

“47 seconds.”

“It seems that when people are old, they will indeed become dull!”

“Yeah, it’s pathetic!”

The response of Vivian and Black Caesar made this emotion to the extreme.

The next moment.

Black Caesar’s words took a 180-degree turn:

“Vivian, I know they gave you a lot of money to betray me.”

“But considering the friendship in the past, I will still give you a chance to leave here alive.”


Crazy laugh!

Not only the group of killers who had blocked Black Caesar’s way out, but even the old partner Vivian showed a bitter smile.

“You’re getting emotional.”

A simple sentence, full of deep regret inside and out.

Negotiations failed.

Vivian turned away.

And the group of elite killers also began to target Black Caesar.

For them, Black Caesar, who doesn’t even have weapons, is already meat on the chopping block, and they can play whatever they want.


Black Caesar put down his cigarette butts and slowly raised his hands towards the approaching killers.

make a fist!

A strange sound rang out.


Eight green laser beams irradiated in the past, and the fully automatic anti-armor machine gun locked by the laser instantly shot ruthless bullets.

The killers who hadn’t reacted at all were instantly beaten into a hornet’s nest.

Just 10 seconds!

A mere 10 seconds!

The fully automatic anti-armor machine gun with 5,000 rounds per minute tilted out 500 rounds of bullets in just ten minutes, and two were 1,000 rounds.

Indiscriminate, all-round sweep.

Let no one escape the scene.

People all over the world were dumbfounded, unable to speak for a long time.

But the magicians of Kamar-Taj are exceptions.

Mordu looked at Black Caesar again and again, and couldn’t help sighing: “Teacher, he looks like Kaecilius!”

“Looks alike, but not the same person.”

“Kaecilius has betrayed the order and took refuge in Dormammu, pure darkness.”

“But this black Caesar still has a lot of human brilliance hidden in his ruthlessness.”

In the end, Ancient One ended with a heavy sigh.

after all.

Kaecilius used to be her very promising student.

“He failed the teacher’s expectations.”

Modu said angrily.

“I didn’t teach him well.”

“Or rather, I don’t have an example of a good teacher.”

Ancient One actually took the miss on himself.

“It’s none of the teacher’s business, it’s purely his ambition.”

Mordo vowed: “If there is a chance, I will make this traitor pay the price.”

Ancient One didn’t answer.

She was looking at the Void Light Curtain on the surface, but her real mind didn’t know where to go.


The attitude on the magic side is relatively otherworldly.

HYDRA’s response is relatively straightforward.

“find him!”

Former S.H.I.E.L.D director Pierce growled, “Black Caesar is a natural winter warrior, and if he can’t even take the super soldier potion, then no one else in the world can.”

Crossbones replied embarrassedly: “But we have dispatched most of our elite forces to capture Carrots and Ghosts!”

“Then use the reserve power!”

“The Winter Soldier, and the rewards for these three killers, will take us a big step closer to our goal.”

Pierce said firmly: “If the strength is not enough, just go and borrow someone from those idiots, and we can share the research results afterward.”


Crossbones then asked: “But such frequent dispatches may expose our existence.”


“I can cover this up for a while, you just let it go.”

Pierce first gave the Crossbones a deal to reassure him.


Crossbones had no other concerns and let go. *

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