My Wuxian Identity Has Been Exposed

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Chapter 035 It’s time for Q&A again!

Similar ingredients, similar taste.

It’s just a little tweaking because of the number of people.

But such a game mode seems to be more suitable for competition with a larger number of people.


Many of the people who appeared in the light curtain this time were unfamiliar.

“The one-eyed dragon looks like a ruthless man, isn’t it a gangster?”

“John, this is double the lucky one who got the inventory and participated in the quiz!”

“A woman with a bald head? But she looks like a man! There is no aura. Could it be that the temple has welcomed the guests?”

“Haha, the super-rich of Hammer Industries also showed up. Last time it was Tony Stark, this time it was his competitor who came to participate, is this on purpose?”

“Stephen? This guy seems to be the world’s top neurosurgeon. I tried to interview him, but I was scared off by his vicious tongue.”

“Yo, there is actually a cute and beautiful girl, she is really lucky! But her odds are infinitely close to 0, she is purely here as a foil.”

The world is commenting on the 6 people who took part in the quiz.

That is, An Yi, with a little special attention.

“They’re all acquaintances.”

“Fury and Ancient One are definitely the two with the best odds.”

“Especially Ancient One, this world is afraid that there are not many secrets that can escape her time to peep.”

“John’s wave is basically fighting for 2 and 3!”

An Yi pouted.

At the same time he is also happy.

Although Ancient One thinks about retirement all day, with her presence, the magic side will always be stable.

Now that she has an opportunity to ask questions from the system, she should not be killed so easily.

At last.

An Yi’s eyes fell on the Scarlet Witch who was still an underage girl.

“The current Wanda is not the Scarlet Witch, but one of the many experimental subjects of HYDRA.”

“That’s not good.”

If Wanda is rewarded, it is mostly cheaper HYDRA.

This is not the picture An Yi wants to see.


In the Void Light Curtain.

“Big killer.”

Fury was the first to target John he thought was the most threatening.

“Is something wrong?”

John was wary of Fury.

Because in An Yi’s daily chat, An Yi once made a bad comment on a one-eyed black marinated egg.

Black marinated eggs?

Still one-eyed?

Not who Fury is!

Tired of houses and black.

It made John not too fond of Fury.

“It used to be okay, but it’s okay now.”

Fury couldn’t understand the unwarranted exclusion.

Originally, he wanted to make an appointment with John to exchange information with each other and cooperate to win points.

But John’s attitude.

And Fury wasn’t the kind of stalker.

So ever.

Fury directly strangled the thought of cooperation.

the other side.

Ancient One ignored Stephen and took the initiative to come to Wanda.

Wanda instinctively backed away, wary.


Ancient One murmured, “I feel an incredible potential in you.”

Wanda didn’t respond.

That look, as if looking at a magic stick who eats and drinks and cheats money.

“take it easy!”

“Since fate arranged for us to meet, there must be a reason.”

Ancient One’s hands, which had no traces of time, gently reached out to Wanda and stroked them gently.

Wanda resisted at first.

But the places where these strange hands touched were the dark wounds she suffered from various experiments; and after these dark wounds were touched, there was a warm and comfortable feeling.

This is a pair of hands very similar to my mother.

a time.

Wanda is a little nostalgic.

“Tony got a clue for a new element!”

“This time it’s my turn!”

Hammer was very excited.

If he could get the Ark reactor, or even the blueprints for the entire Mark battle suit, he would laugh in his dreams.

But he knows his knowledge is limited, and he also knows his strengths.

So ever.

He shouted wildly: “Everyone, if you can provide me with an accurate answer later, I will personally repay 100 million beautiful coins for each question, and I will transfer it immediately after I go back.”

“You think we do arithmetic just like you?”

“Still think the price of the prize is not worth the hundreds of millions?”

The future Doctor Marvel’s habitually vicious tongue.

Hanmer’s face turned blue and red due to choking.

Exactly at the moment.

The system began to enter the prelude to the game, and promptly cut off this boring war of words.

[The quiz competition is about to begin. 】[All contestants are prohibited from interfering and making trouble. Violators will have their lifespan deducted directly. 】[In view of the fact that there are still minors on the scene, the competition will introduce a “request for help” function, and all contestants have an opportunity to seek help from relatives and friends. 】

Seeing this auxiliary mode, Fury smiled, John also showed a smug smile, and even Hammer couldn’t restrain his secret joy.

But Wanda still looked bitter.

Because she really didn’t know who to turn to for help.

Her only remaining relative, Quicksilver, probably doesn’t know more than she does.

【first question! 】

[Among all the contestants on the scene, who has the strongest power? 】

【A Fury, B John Wick, C Ancient One, D Justin Hammer】

The first question is the question of punishment.

“I was just ignored, it’s good…”

Stephen spread his hands, not knowing whether it was sarcasm or sarcasm.

But his gesture of preparing to watch the play was completely revealed on his face.

“Is that the killer?”

Wanda instinctively looked at John.

At the moment, she was still very simple in her thinking and chose B directly.

“My combat power is definitely not as good as Night Demon, but this question still has hidden attributes.”

“The power at my disposal should be the power I can manipulate.”

“In this case, it is none other than me!”

Fury happily chose A.

“Ha ha……”

“The answer to this question must be me!”

“The power you have is not more powerful than someone else, but more money and more influence than someone else.”

Hammer was extremely high-profile and chose himself directly.

At the same time, he also urged others: “You won’t choose me, right? The strength of Hammer Industries is very powerful! And we have a close relationship with the military. In terms of influence, who can compare to the presence of I?”*

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