My Wuxian Identity Has Been Exposed

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Chapter 027 The sixth killer in the world: Night Demon!

[Sixth in the world’s top ten killers]

【Night Demon】

A very simple title.

Compared to Black Caesar and King of Assassins, it’s really not enough to watch.

Immediately, many people wondered, why the pattern is a bit low-end on the dignified killer list.

It’s just that they don’t know.

John only needs a name, enough to make the enemy shudder.

“I knew he was going to be on the list.”

“Come, toast to our legend!”

Winston, general manager of the Continental Hotel, raised a glass to John.

“He really ranks higher than me.”


Black Caesar looked at the sky with both admiration and regret.

As a living legend in the killer world, he naturally knew about the existence of the Continental Hotel, and more or less heard the legend of John.

It can be said.

Although Black Caesar and John have never met, they have been friends for a long time.

“Why does this guy look familiar?”

“I remembered, isn’t he Ann’s neighbor?”

“Even the neighbors are such terrifying beings, Ann, who are you?”

Tony stood by the hilltop mansion, looking at the sea, his heart pounding.

And his heart, the original Ark reactor, has turned into a triangle.

“He did show up.”

“This person suddenly had many unexpected branches of time seven years ago.”

“We would have intervened long ago if it hadn’t generally been evolving on the original trajectory.”

“Now I want to see how many chips you have to change your destiny!”

Ancient One and other magicians on Kamar-Taj have been waiting for the video inventory to appear.

Now, it’s time for them to filter objects.


[He, the ceiling of the killer world][He doesn’t have gorgeous tricks or extraordinary abilities, but his physical ability is at the pinnacle of orthodox human beings, combined with thousands of tempered killing skills, no one in the world can stop him. 】[When he loses his love and his last sustenance, then the Night Demon will reappear in the world. 】


John stood up angrily when he saw the last sentence.

Losing a loved one, doesn’t that mean Helen will die?

Without the last sustenance, it is equivalent to despair. What kind of desperate situation is that?

He couldn’t even imagine it.

And An Yi, who should have come out to comfort John, was also a little confused.


“I obviously did so much preventive work for John and Helen, and basically everything was prevented from burning.”

“Why is it still in vain?”

An Yi clearly remembers that John and Helen lived in peace for less than three years, but Helen died of cancer.

In the current situation, doesn’t it mean that Helen’s death was not an accident?

Is it possible that some people deliberately created the illusion of cancer in order to make John come back?


It may also be a general medical examination that cannot detect the hidden condition in Helen’s body.

In short.

An Yi’s mind is a little confused now.

“John, don’t get excited!”

It was the party Helen who came out to suppress the scene.

She knew John’s story.

But also because John, who stood at the top of an industry, gave up these honors for her, and was willing to be plain, so she cherished it even more.

Their relationship between husband and wife is even deeper than the original one.

“I’m fine.”

John suggested: “Helen, after this wave of reviews is over, we will go to the best hospital in the world for the most comprehensive examination.”


Helen sat next to John and watched the future with him.


John who came out was very disappointed.

Helen is dead.

In order to make John feel warm, Helen adopted a very well-behaved pet dog some time before her death.

And this pet dog became his spiritual support after Helen’s death.

But today.

A self-righteous idiot black second generation took a fancy to John’s car, followed and attacked him, and killed the pet dog in front of him.

Unlike the original rough attack.

This time.

That idiot with a strong background shot straight at John, pretending to be robbery and murder.

Rao is so.

It was still a stone that stirred up a thousand waves.

“I think this killer is a bit weak! He was actually killed by a group of thugs!”

“Although I know of the killers listed in the video, none of them are simple. But starting like him is really worth a bit of money!”

“Sad, sad, decadent life, how is this plot familiar?”

“Wesley’s previous start, isn’t it similar?”

It is in the midst of such contradictions and criticisms that John Blacken came.

He examined his body.

It was found that the bullet did not hit the fatal place, not even the blood vessels and meridians.

Unfortunately, the bullet didn’t penetrate the body and got stuck in the bone.

So ever.

He didn’t need any anesthesia, but just used the disinfectant water at home, and poured it on his wound like water.

Most people have experienced the taste of disinfectant sprayed on wounds.

That feeling, not many people like it.

What’s more, John’s such a large area and such a large amount of medicine.

If it were an ordinary person, I am afraid that he would faint in an instant.

But John sterilized the small fruit knife like nothing, and then slammed the bullet out of his muscle.

Then, he completed the suture treatment of the wound without changing his face.

“This is a cruel man!”

Those who demeaned him and looked down on him before have basically changed their evaluation of him.

But it’s more of a curiosity about how he’s going to get revenge.

After all, he was the son-in-law of a large underworld gang.

The truth is simple.

Blacken’s John didn’t hesitate at all, he just passed by.

And the gangster Vigo, after the phone negotiation with John failed, directly dispatched a large number of elite killers to besiege John overnight.


This group of so-called elite gangsters, for John, is simply a death sentence.

There is no such cumbersome design as Ghost, and it does not require as much preparation as Black Caesar. John only relied on his keen sensory judgment, like the Death God in the dark night, crazily harvesting the life of the elite gangsters. *

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