My Wuxian Identity Has Been Exposed

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Chapter 022 Assassin royal family, born king bloodline!

Compared to the League of Assassins.

Even more embarrassing are Pierce and Dr. Zola.

They admired it very much before, so they had to cooperate with the partner, and they were headshot in a blink of an eye.

Even if they slap their face, they are not as fast as they are.

Pierce reluctantly said, “Put on hold for the time being the alliance with the Assassin Alliance.”


Dr. Zola changed the order again.

“But what we need is their body secrets.”

“The Assassin League has two giants, a Mr. X who died, and this Cross.”

Pierce said: “Temporarily stop the pursuit of others, limited tracking of Clos.”

Unexpectedly, Dr. Zola suggested: “Pierce, Mr. X’s corpse also has a certain use value.”


Pierce came interested.

“We can reversely deduce the bursting principle of that ability by studying his body structure.”

“Even if it fails, it can provide an idea for the winter plan.”

Dr. Zola is not an orthodox life form after all.

He is now an alternative artificial intelligence, and he only cares about cold interests.

Human morals and emotions mean nothing to him.

“It works.”

“But if we look again, there may be new discoveries.”

After multiple face slaps, Pierce became more and more patient and stopped making rash decisions.

And so is it.

The light curtain in the sky has changed significantly again:

The image of Clos disappeared, replaced by the decadent young man who had been almost forgotten before.

[Wesley, son of Cross, heir to the bloodline of the King of Assassins][He used to be a waste, but after the big change, he grew into a terrifying killer in a very short period of time][His growth rate is so unbelievable, his potential is so terrifying, in the near future, he will be the king of assassins stronger than Cross]

Then came the life of Wesley.

Worst stage of life.

Before the big change, Wesley had nothing but negativity.

He is a tool for the chubby female boss to make fun of.

It’s trash in the mouth of the girlfriend.

At the same time, it is also an ATM in the eyes of friends, and a dispensable waste in the mouth of colleagues.

Even if his girlfriend gave him a cuckold, and he vaguely caught a trace, he pretended not to know.

“Is he really a killer?”

“The trash I’ve seen is a hundred times stronger than him!”

“The most unbearable thing for a man, he actually endured it!”

“Such a man will either be destroyed or the Jedi will rebound, tsk tsk, I may have foreseen his future.”

Wesley’s decadence made countless people stunned, but more of it was verbal criticism.

This Wesley is a man’s disgrace, a male scum.

It is a sin for him to live an extra second!


Just when most of the world thought that Wesley would live negatively and eventually become a social scum, the sexy and beautiful Fox appeared.

Hot body, provocative eyes.

All makes the blood boil.

Her appearance brought a piece of news that Wesley could not have dreamed of:

Your dad is dead!

Wesley, who looked confused, clearly remembered that his father passed away when he was born.

So Wesley naturally saw Fox as a liar.

But the ensuing shootout, especially the magical drag racing technique, all washed his cognition.


Wesley was taken to the safe house by Fox.

Too late to leave, Sloan appeared.

A pass of cheating.

In the end, Sloan also handed Wesley a gun and asked Wesley to break the fly’s wings on the trash can.

Meanwhile, the gunsmith pointed a gun at the back of Wesley’s head, coercing him to shoot the flies.

under threat of death.

A familiar rhythm emerges:

With a strong heartbeat, time has slowed down countless times.


So slow that the fly’s wings are barely visible.

With the intensification of the heartbeat, the wings of the fly became clearer and clearer.



With the third to last, Wesley fired.

He didn’t know how to fire two shots, but six shots in one go.

After shooting the bullet, he was emotionally broken and ran to the side, ready to take out a sedative for himself.


Sloan took all the flies that were hit:

All six shots hit!

The six wings of the three flies were all broken!



A cold air rushed to the sky from the soles of the feet!

Whether it’s John, Sloan, or Fury in the aerospace carrier, Kim in Hell’s Kitchen, or Tony in the sea view mansion, everyone was stimulated by this scene.

How bad Wesley was before, how shocking it is now.

At the moment.

Everyone remembers the theme this time:

Assassin family!

The king of assassins recognized by the system!


Wesley rejected that crushing life and began special training with the Assassin League.

Abuse called special training against beatings.

A tease called fighting.

Incredible gun training.

Crazy courageous training.

Even hell is not so crazy.

“Is this special training that humans can withstand?”

“I suspect that this is not special training, but torture people in the name of special training!”

“Am I the only one who found that the medicated bath in the recovery room has commercial value? This is an epoch-making medical achievement!”

The whole world was in an uproar, talking about this scene now.

Wesley’s bipolar reversal brought huge amounts of popularity.

But now everyone sees him being tortured, and they all feel injustice.


Most felt that Wesley shouldn’t have stuck with it, or couldn’t stick with it.


The trash-like Wesley actually resisted abruptly.

And in just ten days, he managed to make the abuser, maintenance worker hurt his hand, and the fighting teacher, the butcher, to be injured. Fox, Sloan, and others were amazed. *

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