My Wuxian Identity Has Been Exposed

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 002 Inventory of the world’s top ten killers

“Reviews live in front of the world!”

“Top Ten Killers?”

Winston, the general manager of the Continental Hotel, took a sip of red wine with a sly smile on his lips.

“We are the world’s largest killer organization, and the quota is almost going to be swept up by us, right?”

“That’s not right, there are a few freaks over there in the [Assassin League].”

“In addition, those secret organizations must have top killers.”

At the end, Winston couldn’t help but sighed: “He will definitely take a spot; if John doesn’t retire, we will definitely have one more spot! At that time, our hotel business will definitely be more exciting, and our influence will rise.”


“I will have the opportunity to join the council in the future.”

Winston smiled lightly and took another sip of red wine.



The aerospace carrier is busy.

“Report, can’t find any frequency signal!”

“Report, all contacts did not feel abnormal!”

Sitting in the main control room, Fury, with a hint of hesitation in one eye, asked, “Go ask Tony!”

“I beat him just now, he didn’t do it.”

Phil Coulson replied, “Tony is also using all his strength to trace the root of this strange phenomenon.”

“Even he doesn’t know, so there’s only one possibility left.”

“Assuming this is all an alien conspiracy…”

Fury remembered those long-lost figures.


Level 9 agent Maria Hill reported: “This is the top killer information of the major organizations we just compiled!”

“Put it aside for now!”

“I want to see what game this is going to play!”

Fury is in no mood to look up the information now, staring at the sky light curtain that is about to change.



Ancient One and her students looked up at the light curtain, seemingly exploring the mysteries behind this power.

“A masterpiece by Asgard?”

“Or did Dormammu’s power seep through?”

“The whole world is synchronized, and all living beings can read! This is not only the power of the space system, but also the strange soul system!”

“What a mighty power this is!”

Ancient One cannot be determined.

For the first time in so many years, she has experienced such an ethereal fear of the unknown.

“Teacher, what should we do?”

Even Ancient One was at a loss, let alone her students.

“Regardless of its purpose, it is bound to change the established time curve!”

“Although we can’t change this mighty force, we can make the most adequate preparations to respond to any eventual changes in fate that may break out.”

Facing the unknown inventory, Ancient One chose the safest strategy.

Just as the world’s major organizations are responding, the video inventory begins:

[Killer, one of the two oldest occupations. 】[His existence represents history and the limit of human beings. 】[However, in this profession, a small group of monsters beyond common sense and beyond the limit appeared. 】[In this video, the inventory is this kind of existence! 】

“Why is it a killer?”

“If it was those philanthropists, I think it would be more popular.”

After Helen was astonished, in order to cover up her confusion, she casually said what was in her heart.

“Be quiet, Helen.”

John reassured his wife.

An Yi explained: “Killer is a special profession that walks on the brink of death. In order to complete the task, it often performs many feats beyond understanding. Therefore, the inventory of killers may be to inventory the extreme human beings.”

John agreed.

Although he has retired, he is extremely curious about this video, especially to see how much better the top killer in the world can be than him.

At this time.

The colorful streamer of the sky evolved again, and gradually turned into a down and out, a homeless man holding a carrot.

Tenth in the world’s top ten killers:

Carrot killer!

When the name of [Carrot Killer] appeared in the eyes of people all over the world, the whole world fell into a moment of dead silence, followed by earth-shattering laughter.

The colorful streamer is all over the world, and all living beings can read without barriers.

After doing so many wonders that are more magical than magic, the result is a tramp.

Forget the homeless man, he’s still a carrot-biting killer.

Is there anything funnier in the world than this?

“Ha ha……”

Iron Man Tony Stark laughed miserably.

He patted Little Chili on the shoulder and laughed recklessly: “This guy can play better than me, and he has played the whole world!”


“It’s so interesting, I’ll do a wave in the future!”

Tony was so intrigued that he almost started to study the subject.

“Come on, Tony.”

“Now the whole world is in uproar and chaos!”

Pepper reminds: “If you don’t want to be haunted by those endless politicians all day, then you do it.”

Tony shrugged.

He is not afraid of scientific problems, nor is he afraid of any temptation, but is afraid of the nuisance of those politicians.

He would rather face ten Nobel-level problems than get involved with a politician. *

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