My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 67: Leak The Information

Chance glared at her to keep quiet so having no choice she didn't say anything else but Samantha questioned her why was she acting like this and Chance just came up with a silly excuse.

Then they all talked for some time. When Carol suddenly questioned Samantha about her fake ID.

Chance wanted to beat her up and wanted to tell her to mind her own business. Earlier when Samantha joined them David too noticed her ID card but the two men pretended like they didn't but now since Carol called her out, they too had to act along to look normal.

So, the two men looked at Samantha curiously who explained, her birth name is Samantha and the parents who adopted her changed it to Sarah and according to her records that was her official name but she prefers using her birth name so the confusion.

After she explained her story, Chance felt bad for her situation. Although he knew Bill was there for her and they actually didn't die, he still couldn't help but pity her situation as it was similar to his. He could empathize with her.

"My adopted parents are very nice, they gave me the best life possible." She smiled brightly and the three people could sense that she is not lying for the sake of it and she indeed led a better life.

"Good to know that" Chance commented and three people completed their lunch.

Then after some time, they all went to the conference room and took their seats.

Chance seriously prepared for his presentation and when others started theirs, he paid utmost attention to them and when it was his turn, he went on the Dais and presented well.

He already warned David to ensure Samantha doesn't walk away while he is busy on stage as according to his calculations, Ms Garcia must be dead or will die soon, he wanted Samantha to have a strong alibi and protect her.

David assured him he will take care of all of this and that's what happened, Samantha stayed back and was surprisingly attentive towards his presentation as a while ago when he saw her she was very bored while others were presenting.

At that time he couldn't help but smile to himself seeing her actions and assumed she will be bored while he is presenting too but she kept looking at him in awe.

Chance tried his best to not let his attention shift on to her or he would lose his composure. So, when he successfully completed his presentation, he was relieved that he didn't mess up and Samantha didn't leave. 

Once he was done, he came back to the table to join the three people. Carol tried to instigate him against Samantha but he conveniently ignored it.

Now, he just had to wait for Ms. Garcia's death news and just like he expected, the man giving the next presentation was interrupted by someone from the organizing committee, who announced to all about Ms. Garcia's death.

Chance controlled himself from smiling in victory and subconsciously he turned to look at Samantha, to gauze her reaction.

Instead of being upset she seemed very angry. 

'Sorry Love, had to do this for a personal mission, I'll someday make it up to you, not just for this mission but for every mission I ruined of you' Chance made a promise to himself.

"Fuck, this is so bad, may her soul rest in peace." Carol prayed for the woman who died.

Chance wanted to laugh at her but he behaved himself, when David suddenly showed concern for him, "Yeah, it is indeed sad Carol. Chance, you alright?" 

For a second Chance didn't realize why David was asking if he is alright but then he recollected his fake phobia so he assured David for the sake of it.

"I am fine, we are not sure how she died, maybe it is a natural death" He added this as he didn't want to present himself as a coward in front of Samantha.

Carol lovingly rubbed Chance's arms, "Chance, there is nothing wrong if you are scared right now, you don't need to act brave in front of us, if you are scared, let us know, we are not going to judge you, we all love you so much."

Chance tried his best to not frown or get angry with Carol as she was killing his act of bravery and that too in front of his woman, so he patiently tried to assure her, "Carol, I am fine, I am not pretending to be fine." 

Chance then looked at Samantha who was acting clueless, so for the sake of it he just told her what she already knew, "Actually I am suffering from a phobia, it is called Foniasophobia, it is fear of murderers and deaths." 

"Oh, really? I never heard of it" Samantha lied and Chance would have had actually believed her if he didn't know the truth already, 'She is not as a bad liar as I think she is' he thought to himself but said, "Yeah, it is not a common phobia, it is rare" 

"Okay" Samantha just nodded her head.

"That's it? Okay? Do you know how bad it is for people suffering from Foniasophobia?" Carol asked Samantha. David immediately looked at Chance, his unspoken words saying, 'I told you so, it is a bad idea to have Carol and Samantha together'

"Carol, you are not helping, please stop dragging this, someone died here, maybe we should go and check the scenario" Chance interrupted her as she was now annoying him too.

Carol pouted at him which he ignored.

David too supported him and they went back to their rooms.

Before that Chance checked with Samantha, as he felt guilty for his actions. She was not fine and he could understand it but he was helpless for now as he really needed her help for his personal mission.

If he wanted to hide his identity as the Grim Reaper and meet her indirectly then ruining her missions and provoking her was the only way he could do this.

He knew he was being selfish but this mission is more important to him than anything else and for its sake he was ready to go to any extent.

He would make up for what he is doing, he decided this. 

David called Chance from his room, "Dude, what's next? The cops asked us to stay back" Worry was evident in his voice.

"Chill, let's go out somewhere and chill. Don't worry" Chance assured him and the relaxation in his tone indicated there is really nothing to worry about and the autopsy will be fine.

Then David messaged Carol and asked her if she would like to join them as they are planning to go out and she quickly agreed.

In his room, Chance was hoping after this mission Samantha will contact the Grim Reaper and he did not have to interrupt any more missions of her.

Seeing her upset, he felt bad. As an assassin himself, he knew how annoying it is if someone takes away your target from you.

Initially when he troubled her, it was intentional but this time he felt guilty for his actions. After falling in love with her, he didn't like hurting her this way. 

He intentionally asked his men to leak the information of him, Grim Reaper, being the assassin behind this mission and also the fact that it was him who ruined her Hawaii mission. So, he knew by now Samantha will get this information and she would be even more upset and he hoped she would therefore contact him and confront him again.

Later David met with Samantha and he invited her to for their outing and she agreed to go with them.

After an hour, they all met in the reception area and decided to head to a good bar in Austin.

When they were heading outside, Carol and Chance had a fight.

She again asked him why they can't be together and when he told her the truth of him not having any feelings for her and he genuinely treats her like a sister, she got upset.

After Chance lost his family, his friends were his only family. He would never dare to do anything to ruin it.

Also, when it came to Carol, he genuinely treated her like a sister as he never had one. Lucas was his best friend and he always treated his sister Carol very well, he treated her more like a daughter than a sister. Because of this, Chance too always treated her like a sister and never harboured any romantic feelings for her.

He was sure of who means what for him, Chance has clarity in life and he knows what he wants and what he doesn't.

He can go to any extent to have what he longs for and he would clearly say No if he is not interested in anything.

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