My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 195: Calm

"I already know that" Samantha casually dropped a huge bomb on him and took a sip of the cola drink from the bottle she brought with her earlier.

Chance kept looking at her, still trying to process her words as he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Samantha saw the shocked guy, who was not even blinking his eye.

"You want some?" She offered her cola bottle.

Chance shook his head, saying no and after composing himself, he asked, "You… you knew about it?"

"Hmm, I did" Samantha nodded her head.

"Since how long?" Chance still couldn't believe what's happening. 

Not once during their long relationship, Samantha acted weird or confused. She didn't do anything that would make him think, something is wrong with her.

Which meant she was always normal and never acted like she knew the truth.

Even during the two years of their long-distance relationship, they talked every day on phone, no matter how busy Samantha was except for the last three weeks of her stay at MIT.

She never gave him the feeling of knowing the truth. She was always loving towards him.

"Since how long?" Chance again asked her. 

"Are you fine?" she questioned him, instead.

"No, I am not" Chance truthfully said.

How could he be fine after this big revelation. What he expected to be Samantha's reaction, was now actually his.

Samantha smiled in satisfaction, "Good, you should not be, after what you did" She rolled her eyes and took another sip from her drink as if she was enjoying this scenario.

"Sam, have you been playing me all this while?" He had a weird thought of Samantha having her revenge by dating him and making him fall for her and then she will leave him.

Samantha choked on her drink and laughed after cleaning her lips, "Have you watched some cheap B-grade movie?" she asked him and helplessly shook her head.

"Then how, why…" Chance was still confused.

Samantha seriously looked at him.

"Chance or rather Mr Grim Reaper, I know you are… sorry, you were one of the best assassins but I was the only one capable enough to be called your Nemesis, why do you think that was the case?" She questioned him.

Not giving him a chance, she herself answered her question, "Because baby, I am as smart as you. You are better than me only because of your physical strength, except for that I am no less than you in other things, hope you didn't forget that only because we left that world?" She smirked at him.

"I didn't"

"Good, you should never forget that" She laughed, "Then, how the hell did you think, I will never find out your truth? That too for more than two years?" She chuckled again.

"Since how long have you known?"

"For more than two years" Samantha answered him, dropping another bombshell on him.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Chance couldn't believe it.

Samantha looked satisfied, "Ahh, it feels so satisfying, seeing you like this. I had been waiting for this moment since so long. Can't believe you made me wait for two years" 

Samantha looked disappointed, pouting her lips.

"But it's okay, after a point I thought, you are never going to tell me the truth. So, this is better than that. Better late than never."

"Does your dad know?" Chance thought of something and asked her.

"What? That you know my truth or I know yours?" She sarcastically asked him and said, "I couldn't believe my dad would support you over me"

"Anyway, no he doesn't know that I know. I never told him, as I was sure, he will immediately share that news with you. So, I kept it hidden from both of you. Also, to answer your unasked question, NO, it was not my dad who told me the truth" 

Samantha knew what must be going on in his mind.

"Then, who?"

Samantha smiled and said, "David"

"What?" Chance got shocked, "How could he?" He muttered.

Samantha then laughed again, "God, I am kidding, Chance. Why will David go against you?"

She again pranked him.

"Sam, please. Can you be serious?" Chance was running out of his patience.

"Two years ago, remember the anniversary party of your company you guys threw in Lucas' memory?"

"Yeah" How could Chance forget that night. It was the same night he killed Edwin and Jack found his truth.

Chance looked at Samantha in shock, who nodded her head, "Yeah, Jack was not the only one, who found out your truth that night. I was present at that old town hall too" She revealed.

After giving Chance enough time to digest this news, she continued, "I am sorry, Chance. Even after promising Isaac, who was pretending to be you, I went against my promise."

Samantha started explaining her side of the story.

"Since the moment I met Isaac, I felt something was off with him. He didn't feel like Grim Reaper. Then, at that party I saw Edwin and Isaac leave together, while you three decided to go to some other place."

"The moment you people left; I couldn't keep calm knowing Isaac would kill Edwin. I broke the promise I made. I thought if I'll help Edwin, maybe we together can kill Grim Reaper. If he dies then your life won't be in threat forever. Although, he assured me he won't do anything to you, I don't trust that man, so I borrowed Carol's car and decided to follow them"

Two years ago

Samantha immediately sat in Carol's car and saw Isaac and Edwin leave in one car, she was ready to follow them but then she saw Chance's car too following them, which surprised her.

'Is Chance heading in the same direction?' She thought and followed his car.

On her phone, she opened an application which was tracking Edwin's phone. She kept his coordinates with her just in case.

Even after a while Chance's car heading in the same direction as Edwin confused her.

'Why is Chance following Edwin and Isaac? Oh no, is he casually following them? Fuck, Chance will be traumatized if he sees his friend murdering Isaac. Shit, I need to somehow stop him' she helplessly thought.

'Should I call him and fake some emergency?' she thought and called Chance but his phone was switched off.

Cursing this scenario, she followed them until they reached an abandoned, old city town hall area.

Samantha was in her car, far away from their sight and she stayed in there, helplessly seeing David and Chance walk inside the town hall.

'What the hell is wrong with this Grim Reaper? Can't he be careful, how could he let his friends follow him?' She thought then after a minute, she was surprised to see Jack, who sneakily stepped out from the car, as if he was hiding from everyone.

'What is going on here?' Samantha wondered and she too followed him and when she could see all these men, she hid behind a barrel observing everything from a safe distance and what she saw shocked her.

David pushed Edwin from behind while Edwin was checking his gun.

'What the hell, why did David do this? Where is Chance?' Samantha tried to look around but, in the darkness, she couldn't find Chance.

Samantha saw the confrontation between David and Edwin but what surprised her was David informing Edwin that Isaac is not the man he is looking for.

She was as surprised as Edwin and the next moment, she finally saw Chance, who stepped in front of Edwin. 

He had been standing just a few meters behind David, in darkness so he was not visible but when Samantha clearly saw Chance appear and heard David say, Chance was the one, Edwin was looking for, she lost her balance and fell down.

Until now, she was on her knees, so her falling down didn't alert anyone. 

"Grim Reaper" Edwin called Chance's name and hearing that Samantha shivered in fear, she couldn't believe the man she had been spending all this time with, the man she was seeing a future with was actually Grim Reaper himself.

Samantha never faced this kind of betrayal in her life. She was completely shaken, so much that she wished to confront Chance then and there but she was not able to move as if her whole body has been paralyzed by this revelation.

Then she saw the confrontation between Edwin and Chance where the whole truth was revealed to her of Chance faking his phobia and he being the Grim Reaper.

Then she heard Edwin ask Chance about her.

When Chance said, "Yeah, let her heart be broken, let her suffer in pain" she felt hurt but her heart was saying he didn't mean it but then Chance declared, "To reach you, I played with her feelings. I pretended like I had been in love with her all this while only to catch you. I am glad she fell for me and even helped me to bring you here"

Samantha started crying when she heard his words, every word he said was piercing through her heart but she was still not ready to accept it.


Author's Important Note (Please Read):

Dear all this novel would be ending on August 31st for last privilege tier and I'll be giving a mass release that day, for others it will end in September, so please think before you purchase privilege subscription next month.

Also, if you would like please check out my other two books:

1) Sister, Back-off from MY MAN (It is my new book, ongoing): It is a dramatic love story, mixed with some revenge drama and siblings' rivalry.

2) The Doctor and The CEO (This book too will be completed soon): It is a simple love story with multiple stories of other couples, no misunderstandings, no dragging and a feel-good love story.

I'll be grateful if you can try these two books and show them as much love as you have shown to my book – 'My Wife is a Secret Assassin'

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