My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 170: Handcuffs

Samantha didn't say anything as she was feeling ashamed for helping Edwin initially.

"Look Danger-Ace, I don't hate you. I rather believe, you are an assassin who is capable of giving me healthy competition. I ruined your previous missions as I thought, you ruined mine. Your Hawaii, Austin and Chicago missions were ruined only because I wanted to contact you, that's it. I have nothing against you. I hope you too can let go of your hatred towards me, please" Isaac said everything that Chance asked him to say. 

Although Isaac was the one saying it, they were all Chance's words.

Samantha calmly listened to him, without interrupting the man.

"I never thought you would get involved with one of my friends, especially the one who is scared of murderers" Isaac laughed at the irony of the situation.

Samantha glared at him in anger as one moment he was trying to make peace and the next moment he was teasing her.

"Hey chill, I and Lucas were always worried about Chance as we didn't wish for him to find out our truth. Luckily, the man is not that weak. Eventually we realized, he truly loves us and even if he ever finds out the truth, he will still be the same." Isaac assured her so that she doesn't have to keep bothering of her truth ever coming out.

"So, he doesn't know?" Samantha asked him just for confirmation.

"No and the funny thing is, he doesn't believe assassins exist" Isaac and Samantha both laughed when Isaac told her this.

"I am not as bad as you think I am. Please help me Danger-Ace. Edwin is not worth it." Isaac calmly requested her.

"You are so unlike the person who talks to me on the phone" Samantha suddenly exclaimed seeing how courteous Isaac was.

"It seems like you two are different people" She added.

Isaac turned nervous, as he had no idea how Chance talks to her while on phone but now, he had to manage it.

"Because I am serious right now" Isaac doubtfully looked at Samantha, he was relieved when she bought his lie.


"Samantha, I hope you won't double cross me this time." Isaac joked.

"As long as you stay away from Chance, I won't meddle with your work and I hope you won't meddle with mine" Samantha coldly said.


Isaac and Samantha headed towards the building when Samantha suddenly asked him something that made him, stop in his tracks.

"Are you really the Grim Reaper?"

Isaac looked at her in surprise, "Obviously how else would I know you if I wasn't?"

"It is just that you don't give me that vibe" Samantha exclaimed.

"What vibe?" Isaac tried to control his nervousness.

"Nothing" Samantha didn't explain herself and they both headed to the office.

Samantha was supposed to meet Mia here and Isaac lied to Carol that he has something to discuss with David and expressed that as the reason for him dropping her in the morning.

Isaac had to keep up with his lie so he had to meet with David.

The two people headed upstairs and they were guided by Carol's assistant, so they went to one conference room, where Mia was having a cup of coffee.

"Oh, where were you?" Mia asked Samantha as she had been waiting for her.

"I was just checking out this place" Samantha lied to her.

"What are you doing here?" Mia was surprised to again see Isaac there.

"I had something to discuss with David" Isaac answered her.

"Wow. Samantha, shall we go?" Mia finished her coffee and the two women headed out as Mia wanted to plan a few things for the party they would be throwing two days later and show Samantha around the New York City.

Isaac deeply sighed after Samantha left, as he perfectly executed the task given to him.

He was extremely nervous pretending to be Grim Reaper. If he makes any mistake then Chance will have to face the repercussions.

After the meeting, David and Chance met with Isaac, who updated them about his talk with Samantha.

"Hope she really believed you" David exclaimed.

"As long as our paths are not crossed again, she won't bother herself with me. I mean, the other side of me." Chance commented.

"You are the worst dude; do you know how scared she was when she begged me to not kill you?" Isaac scolded Chance.

"I had no idea she loves me so much" Chance gave an excuse and added, "I would never do this to her again" Chance said out loud but it was more like he was making a promise to himself.

In the evening Mia and Samantha came back to the office.

In the morning, they first went to the event planner, where they gave some suggestions for the party. Then Mia took Samantha on a mini tour of the city. They went to parlour, then they went for some shopping and when the two women were tired, they came to the office.

From there, Chance and Samantha headed back home.

"How was your day with Mia?" Chance asked her on the way.

"It was surprisingly a lot of fun. Mia is a good company and her choice in clothes is so good" Samantha genuinely praised her.

Chance smiled, "She is a fashion designer, obviously her choice is good"


Then Samantha told him about her day and how much she loved touring around New York city.

They went to one restaurant on the way to have dinner and after that Chance took her back home.

Samantha was feeling much better today.

She realized having that talk with Grim Reaper really helped her a lot. She even understood Bill's decision now. When Bill decided to betray Edwin, she was agitated as he was betraying someone closer but now, she understood he was seeing farther than her and was protecting her and Chance.

Samantha, now felt much better and stopped bothering about Edwin.

'He brought this upon himself. I asked him to go underground and yet he thought too highly of himself and is trying to get his hold on the Grim Reaper. I am not responsible for his foolishness.' Samantha assured herself.

After they reached home, Chance told her he has some work in the study and Samantha therefore headed upstairs to their bedroom.

After Chance made a call to David, which lasted for ten minutes, he entered his room only to see Samantha sitting on the bed, with her hands folded in front of her, glaring at him in anger.

He could feel something was fishy.

"What happened? Why do you look angry?" Chance cautiously asked her as everything was going the way he planned and there was no reason for Samantha to get upset.

"What is this?" Samantha took out something from behind the pillow and showed it to Chance, holding it in her hand.

Chance gulped in embarrassment, looking at the fur handcuffs, Samantha was holding right now.

"I had no idea you are into such stuff" Samantha exclaimed looking at the man, who was clearly very embarrassed right now.

Earlier, while taking out her clothes from the cupboard, Samantha opened a drawer to see if there is any space as she wanted to add some items that she bought today while shopping.

There she found red coloured fur handcuffs, which were clearly meant to be used during intimate activities.

"Is it bad if I am into BDSM?" Chance walked towards her with a wicked smile painted on his lips.

Samantha, who was hoping to trouble Chance after what she found, could feel her heart race faster when she heard his bold words.

Samantha composed herself, as she wanted to have the upper-hand here.

"How many women did you use this with?" She questioned him instead of answering his question.

Chance was now standing near her with a wide smile on his face.

He grabbed the handcuffs from her hand and seriously looked at it, "I didn't use it with anyone till date. Would you like to break its virginity?" 

Samantha wanted to wipe off that smug smile on his face, which he was shamelessly flashing at her, while speaking so boldly.

"You want me to believe that?" Samantha raised her eyebrows, clearly implying, she doesn't believe him at all. She was sure he used it with other women.

When Samantha thought of it, she couldn't control the rising jealousy inside her.

Chance laughed seeing his woman act jealous, he leaned closer to her and said, "I purchased it before shifting to San Diego. I never used it with anyone" He leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "Would you like to be the first and the last person I will use this on?"

Samantha was about to shift back on the bed as she couldn't handle his bold words but Chance was faster as he held her one hand and cuffed it through the slot in the headrest of his bed.

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