My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 160: Protect Carol

"I was waiting for mom and dad to come and take me out but no one came back and I started crying without making any noise. Dad asked me to keep quiet, so I tried to suppress my cries. After a few hours, my uncle found me in the closet. I was told, those thieves killed both my parents" Chance told the truth to Samantha as at that time, he was indeed told those people were thieves. It was only after a few weeks when he found out the truth that those people who killed his parents were assassins.

Samantha felt her heart ache knowing his story.

"At that time, this fear of murderers was already instilled in me but I was not aware of it until a servant in my new home was murdered right in front of my eyes. That murderer was able to escape because I went into a state of shock after witnessing it and couldn't help my servant. The cops investigated the case and I was the only witness. I was in the state of shock and could not cooperate with the case as I was not able to speak. So, a psychiatrist was called to check me, eventually she made me talk and after a few sessions, she concluded and declared I am suffering from this rare phobia."

This was all true. But Chance was not suffering from any phobia, it was just that he pretended like he was affected by this murder to save himself. After all he was the one, who murdered this servant after finding out about this servant's involvement in his parents' murder.

He was a good actor, due to which the psychiatrist concluded he is suffering from a phobia, as he was just eight years old and was not a suspect.

Samantha was very emotional right now as she couldn't imagine how much this incident must have affected him and she felt bad for doubting him.

"Is that why, you were not scared when you watched those action movies with me?" Samantha noticed Chance was never scared, at times he used to act scared only to hug her closer.

"Yeah, because I know it is all fake. Until and unless I see someone killing a person, or I see a body that has been murdered, I don't get affected" Chance's lie sounded practical and it felt so convincing that he too believed himself for a second.

Samantha cupped his face between her hands and kissed him.

"Thanks for telling me this, Chance. Sorry, I made you go through all these painful memories" Samantha then hugged him and he patted her head, "What happened, Sam? Why were you suddenly interested in knowing about my past?"

"Nothing, the curiosity was just killing me. Earlier, the girls mentioned about your phobia. Although, it was fleetingly mentioned, it just stuck with me, so I asked" Samantha lied.

"Hmm, understood"

'She liar, me liar, what a couple we are' Chance laughed at his own thoughts but unknowingly he laughed out louder.

"Why are you laughing?" Samantha looked confused.

"Nothing, the girls are just crazy. Don't bother yourself with them" Chance again lied.

Then he started driving.

"I don't want to go for dinner" Samantha informed him about the dinner they were all supposed to meet for at night.

"Me neither" 

"Can we skip it?" Samantha didn't wish to look at Edwin as he forced her to think about all this mess.

Chance too wished to do the same but he can't. His absence would strengthen Edwin's doubts. Also, he already has a plan in mind to deal with Edwin and to protect Carol from him.

He cannot let Lucas' murderer be around Carol for a long time. He can kill Edwin later, but first he had to separate Edwin from Carol.

"I really wish the same, but everyone will get upset. Please bear for an hour, I promise we will leave as soon as possible" Chance assured her.

"Hmm, okay" Samantha knew it was inevitable, she just wanted to try her luck.

On the way, Samantha casually asked Chance, "Chance, what if one of your friends kills someone? What would you do then?"

She still had her doubts on David.

"Well, a friend of mine is already a murderer, well technically" Chance too tried to sound as casual as possible as he expected something like this to be asked.

"What do you mean?" Samantha was confused.

"Abigail. She killed a few people. There were 'shoot at sight' orders and she had to kill three people till date." Chance informed her.

Abigail was a cop so it was normal.

"It didn't scare you?" Samantha asked him.

"She was doing her job" Chance meant he didn't mind killing people if it is a part of their jobs.

"Chance, then what do you think about professional assassins?" Samantha didn't look at him and nervously asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"It is professional assassins' job to kill people. So, will you be fine if a friend of yours is an assassin?" She was trying her best to hide her nervousness but Chance saw through it.

Chance laughed when he heard her question.

"What is so funny about it?" Samantha was offended at the way Chance laughed at her question.

"Assassins only exist in movies, not in real lives. What Sam?" Chance again laughed.

Samantha was pissed with Chance, he was making fun of her profession, although unknowingly.

She didn't like it.

Chance smiled seeing her upset.

"What happened? Why do you seem upset?" 


"Haha, don't tell me, you actually believe assassins exist" Chance made more fun of her.

"I am not saying I believe, but the possibility exists" Samantha responded.

"Yeah, just like the possibility of aliens?" Chance laughed even more.

"Forget it" Samantha turned the music on in the car and looked out at the city.

Chance let her be. He was now seriously thinking about his small plan, which he is going to execute tonight at the dinner.

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