My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1175 Will stay on my guard

Chapter 1175 Will stay on my guard

Song Yan was not surprised after seeing the two men sitting still with shock and terror written on their faces. After all, she knew very well how scary the truth about Xue Ping's identity was, for her who had seen all kinds of things it was not a big matter but for others, Xue Ping killing seven people was a horrifying thing!

What was more Xue Ping was a pervert who did not kill those people easily instead she gave them a death which was far more cruel than anyone could even think about!

She glanced at the two men and was about to say something but then her phone rang causing her to pause. Song Yan took out her phone from her purse and her eyes flashed with guilt, it was Fu Yu Sheng's call. If she was not wrong then he must have already found out that she was at the Tang corporation.

With her fingers pressing between the space of her brows, Song Yan sighed. She walked towards the large window however just as she turned around, she felt two tugs on her skirt. A bit confused she turned to look behind her and was stunned to see that Chi Jia and Tang Zhou were holding onto her skirt.

Song Yan was speechless. She wanted to tell them to let go of her but when she saw that they were shuddering and trembling with lingering fears in their hearts, Song Yan could not help but soften her stance.

She sighed and then turned to answer the man's call.

" Where are you?" Though there was a hint of coldness in Fu Yu Sheng's voice, she could hear the anxiousness as well.

" I just came out to do something, I will be back soon," Song Yan replied, however, she heard the man say a second later,

" You have something to do at the Tang corporation?"

Song Yan did not know why but she felt like she was a scumbag who was being questioned by her lover, she cleared her throat and then said, " It was a matter of life and death. I only came here because I know that President Tang is your good friend, if something happened to him I am sure you will feel bad."

" You wait for me there," Fu Yu Sheng did not say anything instead he asked Song Yan to stay where she was before ending the call.

Assistant Xi and the rest of the heads of the departments lowered their heads when they saw that their boss's face was filled with gloom. Dear Heavens who made this Demon from hell angry? Couldn't they think about them a little?

They were innocent sheep who were caught in the den of wolves!

" You all better come up with another way to solve this problem. If I hear you mentioning another stupid solution then you can pack your bags and leave!" Fu Yu Sheng shouted at the heads of the department causing them to wince as they lowered their heads even more.

What were they supposed to do? It wasn't that they were not paying attention to the protein powder situation but the one in charge of the warehouse in the south left the warehouse unattended which led to most of the bottles expiring before they were carelessly piled and sold which led to another round of complaints.

They were trying to deal with the matter but it was hard on them as well!

Fu Yu Sheng left the company in a hurry. He did not care about what trouble Tang Zhou was facing. He was a man who understood man better than Song Yan, that man surnamed Tang clearly had feelings for his wife. He could not allow that man to get closer to his wife!

Being away for eight years from Song Yan gave Fu Yu Sheng a lot of anxiety and stress, he often thought that he did not do enough for Song Yan which was why he could not help but be nervous when he thought about someone like Tang Zhou chasing after his wife.

On the other hand, Song Yan sighed after cancelling the call she turned to look at the two grown-up men children and then said, " I am not going anywhere, stop pulling my skirt like children."

Only then did the two of them let go of Song Yan's skirt. Once they let go of her skirt, Song Yan turned around and looked at the two men whose expressions were unsightly.

Chi Jia glanced at Tang Zhou whose expression was ashen and asked, " Master Song, what should we do now? I don't think that Xue Ping will let go of Tang Zhou."

If she was chasing after Tang Zhou because of his luck then it did not make sense that she would give up so easily. After all, she went as far as harming Madam Tang to get close to Tang Zhou! Fck!

Song Yan also knew that Xue Ping was not going to give up on Tang Zhou. After all, she was too satisfied with her current life and knew that she would never be able to get an identity better than Ji Ziyi's thus she would definitely try to snatch Tang Zhou's luck.

She pursed her lips and then turned to look at Tang Zhou before saying, " You will be fine as long as you have my talisman but we can never be sure, it's better if you stay away from her."

Tang Zhou was holding back his temper, the truth was that he was really angry. The fact that Xue Ping had tried to harm him was bad enough but she had actually harmed his mother! This was his bottom line and no one was allowed to touch his bottom line. With his eyes brimming with anger, he stiffly nodded and then said to Song Yan, " Do not worry, Master Song. Now that I know what that woman wants from me, I will be on my guard and not give her a chance to attack me again!"

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