My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

Chapter 51 - The curiosity and doubts of the king of Godzilla

   Under the twelve pillars of lava, Chen Cha and Godzilla were completely covered.

   Seeing such a scene, everyone who watched the battle from the air was suddenly shocked.

   “Big guy won’t just die like this, right.”

   “Impossible, the strength of the boss is unfathomable, there will never be anything wrong.”

   “Look, it’s moving.”


   In the screen, a roar suddenly sounded under the attack of twelve pillars of lava fire.


   The flame burst like the sun, and rolled back like the sky, directly engulfing twelve lava Godzillas.

   What’s even more terrifying is that the flames did not stop, but with unmatched momentum, they continued to sweep around and destroy everything like the doomsday.

   [Warning, UAV group loss 12%, 25%, 36%, 49%, 58%…]

   in an instant.

   The flames swept through violently, and the drone used to watch the battle lost more than half, causing the screen to freeze and blur.

   Fortunately, the picture stabilized again soon.

   But such power still makes a group of people take a cold breath.

   “The drone is a kilometer away, it’s all affected, it’s terrible.”

   “Fortunately, I didn’t go in, otherwise our mecha would have to be scrapped for one minute with this attack.”

   “Well, maybe a lot of people will die.”


   I was shocked here.

   In the abyss, the Godzilla under the domineering body was unscathed, and suddenly leaped to a Godzilla who had been thrown to the ground by the mental shock, bowed his head and breathed.

   Around, other Godzillas rushed up to see this.

   The hand-to-hand combat began.

   Faced with the siege of many Godzillas.

  The cracked Godzilla stands tall with his domineering body, his tail lashes wildly, his paws, and his mouth do everything he can.

The most important thing is the strength blessing brought by the fist wind. Godzilla, who was originally very awkward because of his large size, fought faster and faster, and the attack speed continued to increase. With the attack, the whole body was more concentrated. Invisible wind strength.

   Feng Jin sucked the surrounding Godzilla like a whirlpool, leaving Chen’s Godzilla still in place to continue attacking other Godzillas.

   This is not over yet.

   The most irritating thing is that the strong body punch suddenly becomes unbearable.

   [Record: Your strong body fist hates iron and steel began to guide Godzilla to punch…]


   Under the guidance of Jianshenquan, Chen’s Godzilla’s two short hands no longer scratched blindly, and instead became more organized and methodical.

   Lift your foot, punch, flick…

   [Record: Your body-building fist after instructing Godzilla’s fist, blessed the soul, broke through the skill level, upgraded to the green level, and obtained the additional effect “beauty plastic surgery”…]


   Chen Cha is very satisfied.

   Those who watched the battle were directly dumbfounded.

   “What is this, why is it so familiar.”

   “This move, isn’t this a strong boxing technique.”

   “Big guy taught it?”

   “Strong Fist: Godzilla?”

   “I still think Wing Chun: Godzilla is more exciting.”

   “Hehe, I feel more happy, I’m afraid.”

   “Don’t tell me, Godzilla’s short hand is quite suitable for Wing Chun.”

   “Stop talking, I’m already laughing.”

   “Wing Chun, Godzilla, hahahaha…”

   “I look down on who, believe it or not, Godzilla beat you to death with a fist.”


   Frankly speaking, Godzilla’s physical punching is indeed a bit of joy, but the sense of joy is the sense of joy, but the power is not weak at all.

   as before.

   Godzilla relies on his strong fist and style, hegemony, armor, out of control…

   One attack continued, transforming into a tornado vortex like a violent storm, engulfing all the twelve Godzillas, and starting to burst hammers in turn.

   The turmoil caused by this attack shook the world, and the fight was dark and untiring.

I do not know how long it has been.

   bang bang bang…

   After twelve loud noises in succession, twelve lava Godzillas fell to the ground, and there was no movement.


  The people watching the battle are dead silent.

   “Good, so strong.”

   “Beat twelve mutant Godzillas to death?”

   “It’s terrible, it’s totally unreasonable for this kind of boss to appear in the intermediate dungeon.”

   “Godzilla knows martial arts, who can stop it?”


   No one can stop.

   In the abyss.

   Chen Cracked Godzilla roared, opened his mouth and breathed out, sweeping toward the twelve lava Godzillas.

so surprised.

   The twelve Godzillas after their death did not blew themselves up, but they turned into twelve lava torrents and spread along the breath of Godzilla Chen Qiao, directly enveloping Godzilla.

  Pain, wailing, anger…

   after a long time.

   Chen cracked Godzilla panted and came into view again, his appearance changed drastically.

   Lava Godzilla, thirty-five level, half epic.

   Obviously, Godzilla has advanced.

   has been promoted from legend to semi-epic, with a pair of huge red horns on his head, cracks on the surface of his body, magma flowing slowly in the cracks, his body becomes taller, and his skin becomes stone…


   Godzilla’s roar is invigorating.

   Chen Cha was indifferent, and after searching a lot, he found a problem.

   Where’s the treasure chest of horse riding?

   He can’t get the kill experience, just let Godzilla get it all, but the problem is the twelve Godzilla’s treasure chests?



   These are twelve lava Godzillas. He and his Godzilla worked so hard to kill all of them, but they didn’t give a treasure chest?

   It’s too much.

   Chen Cha was instantly unlovable, feeling that he had lost 1.2 billion, and his heart was so painful that he couldn’t breathe.

He can understand that Godzilla has been promoted and has become stronger. This is much more precious than the twelve treasure chests. It is exchanged for the twelve Godzilla treasure chests and the eighteen Godzilla killing experience. Promotion.

   But although he can understand, he absolutely cannot accept it.

   Twelve treasure chests…


  On this occasion.


   A dull loud noise suddenly came from the crater in the distance.

   Immediately afterwards, dull loud noises sounded one after another.

   Chen Qiao looked blankly.

In   ’s sight, a head came out of the crater, followed by a huge body.

   In a blink of an eye.

   A larger lava Godzilla appeared on the crater, and there was a pair of lava wings behind this lava Godzilla.

   In a crash, the wings of lava spread out with the sky full of flames. After an instigation, the huge Godzilla’s body rose in the air and crashed in front of Chen Crack’s Godzilla.

   Compare the two.

  The cracked Godzilla is like a child.

The Godzilla opposite    is more than 500 meters tall, like an adult.

   King of Godzilla…

   Chen Lie’s heart understands, Godzilla at his feet raises his head and roars without fear.

  The spectators were dumbfounded again.

   “The King of Godzilla…”

   “Fuck, it’s epic.”

   “Even the thirty-fifth level of the epic King of Godzilla has come out, there are all, what is this copy?”

   “Fortunately I didn’t go in, but I didn’t go in fortunately.”

   “The King of Godzilla seems to be able to fly, or we should withdraw first, it feels very unsafe.”

   “Big guy… won’t even the King of Godzilla be beaten…”



   Chen Chai looked at the King of Godzilla before him, thinking about a question: The big guy seems a bit too big, has his Godzilla beat him?

  The thought fell, and the King of Godzilla suddenly opened his mouth and blasted over with a breath of lava.

   Chen cracked the Godzilla subconsciously, UU read and found that he was not only unscathed, but also not taking a step back.

  Master Niubi!

  Godzilla lifted up his spirits, and opened his mouth to fight back.

   It’s a pity that the size is too small, and it is melted directly by the strong breath of the King of Godzilla.

   At this point, Chen Lei understood.

   Under the sharing of life and death, his Godzilla can’t die, but even so, it is not an opponent of the King of Godzilla at all.

   In short, the situation is the same as when he faced other people, the injury was serious enough, so that although he could not die, he could not kill others.

How to do.

  The tool has failed.

   How to solve such a big Godzilla King?

   Chen Chai fell into deep thought.


   Breath dissipated.

   The King of Godzilla suddenly uttered something, saying: “Interesting, human, how did you do it?”

   Chen Li was startled, and said, “What?”

   The wings of lava behind the King of Godzilla were instigated, and flames burned in the sky, easily destroying all the drones in the invisible above.

   After doing all this casually, the King of Godzilla leaned over and lowered his head, and said in a deep voice, “How did you resist the erosion of the world…”

   The erosion of the world, resistance?

   refers to the digitization brought by the core of the world…

   Chen Li stroked his chin.

   He didn’t seem to resist, but he hadn’t hit the attribute panel before, and was crippled by the core of the world…

   At this moment, before he could figure out how to answer, a message suddenly appeared.

   [Record: Your attribute panel found the breath of the core fragments of the world from the King of Godzilla in front of you…]


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