My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

Chapter 236 - The world please reincarnation 9 times to drink tea

The resurrection rule changes in the Reincarnation Secret Realm made everyone excitedly discuss.

Although under the previous rules, constant resurrection will increase the cost of resurrection, and even rich people cannot continue to resurrect without scruples, but at least it is a hope.

But it’s different now.

When the rules are changed, the dead will learn that everyone has only nine chances to be resurrected from this moment, and the resurrection no longer requires any cost.

It exploded directly.

Rich people feel that they would rather spend more money to have the opportunity to be resurrected all the time. Ordinary people think that nine resurrections are better, and they cherish every chance of resurrection.

For ordinary people, based on the previous resurrection, the cost of nine resurrections is simply unaffordable, and at most three or five resurrections cannot survive.

Now there are nine more times, but the resurrection is free, so I can’t ask for it.

For a time, the personnel of the two parties kept arguing in the Secret Realm of Samsara. From the quarrel five days ago to the present five days later, the final conclusion was that everything was decided by the owner of the Secret Realm of Samsara, and everyone could only accept it.

Think about it once a hundred dead, but now there are more opportunities for resurrection, and it’s time to be content.

It’s just that some people are still unwilling after all.

But this is just a small matter. What really interrupted the resurrection debate and quieted the Secret Realm of Samsara in an instant was the sudden vibration of the entire Secret Realm.

The Secret Realm was also shaken last time, and there is no clear answer for the reason up to now.

Compared with the last time the secret realm was shaking, this time the shaking was even more intense.

The gloomy secret sky cracked like shattered glass in the tremor, and the professionals who were going through the reincarnation trial were forcibly kicked out of the trial ground.

what happened?

People’s hearts instantly became panic, and there was a lot of discussion.

“Such a big movement, the Secret Realm of Reincarnation will not be over.”

“I’m going to pass the trial, **** it.”

“The sky in the humane world I tried was split, exactly like the one before my eyes.”

“The Shura Road is even more miserable, and the world is all split apart.”

“The livestock road is not much better, natural disasters continue, volcanoes erupt, floods, squalls, heavy rains…”

“The ghost kings in the Hungry Ghost Road all knelt and prayed in fear.”

“I came out, hahahaha, I finally came out, ooh, the way of heaven is too terrible, I have fallen into it, fortunately, after encountering this abnormal change, the way of heaven was also shaken and liberated.”

“Hell Dao doesn’t know what it has become.”

“What happened, can we resurrect us first, I don’t want to stay here anymore.”


No one came out to explain and appease.

And the source of all this was just a knife that Chen Cha dropped casually.

Shura Road, a wide arena like a wilderness.


The floor of the arena cracked every inch, and the cracks spread to nowhere.

The knife didn’t completely fall, just Yu Wei directly split a void crack in the sky above Cold Cut Heaven that pierced through the entire Asura Dao.

The cracks are long and narrow, like the marks of a larger knife.

On both sides of the void rift, the space kept trembling, and more dense and slender knife marks appeared, and within each knife mark there was also only a dim void.

The violent wind swept through, rushing into the rift in the void, but did not make the slightest wave in the void.


Chen Che’s knife is not simple.

The power of invincibility was too terrifying. At first, it ruined the entire trial space of the Snowblowing Knife Technique with a random effort. What’s more, the space of reincarnation at the moment couldn’t stop his random power.

But since Leng Fatian wanted to watch it again, he satisfies the other party again.

As for what to do with his invincible power, the method is also very simple.

Split as many cracks in the void as possible and use the void to withstand his power.

Void, a place of nothingness, a place where there is nothing, just like the void in the universe.

His invincible power can only be withstood by the void, which is also the reason why the Secret Realm of Samsara and the Six Trials have been broken through numerous void rifts.

It looks like it is full of void and cracks and it is miserable, but in fact it is only repaired in the first thought of the ninth revolution of reincarnation.

In this way, Chen Cha used this knife with confidence, and of course it still contained 99% of his invincible power, otherwise the entire secret world of reincarnation would be reduced to nothingness in an instant.

The movement is so great, the power is naturally more terrifying.

Right now, Rao Shi Leng Fatian’s spirit and energy have been condensed to the extreme, and still unable to resist, he knelt down suddenly, bowed his head, and gasped for breath.

It was unbearable, but Chen Cha was very satisfied.

Because Leng Fatian hadn’t collapsed yet, he was a little better than the White King.

So, can the opponent break through the demigod?

Chen Crack waited quietly.

“What a terrible power…”

As Leng Fatian lowered his head, the despair in his eyes receded, and the light resurfaced, and he muttered to himself: “But this is the power I have been waiting for for a long time. It is not an honor to be able to die under such power.”

“It’s just that I won’t just give up like that.”

“no way!”

Between gritted teeth, the light in his eyes turned into flames and rose up, and then, the condensed essence began to transform, and finally a ray of flame was born.

That ray of flame is sacred fire.

Ignite the sacred fire with the spirit of energy, and at the same time ignite the sacred fire with the little vitality left.

This is an explosion before death, destined to be short-lived.

If there were no accidents, even if Leng Fatian had broken through the demigod at this moment, he would not escape death in the end.

“Give me…”

In the fierce white hair, Leng Jutian’s body quickly dried up, but the spirit and energy exploded again, and the sacred fire grew stronger and burned again.

The result made it even more desperate.

He thought it was because he was too weak and didn’t see much enough, so he felt that he couldn’t resist with such strength under his ignorance.

But after breaking through the demigod, he found that it was still the case.

The power in the sky is still as solid as a rock, and he still can’t resist the slightest.

The force of terror was as deep as an abyss, invisible at all, unable to touch the edge of resistance.

Whether it is level 99 or demigod, the situation has not changed at all.

Is it possible to shake such a power to become a god?

Leng Fatian was desperate, completely desperate.

Even at the last moment of death, he couldn’t move the slightest under this kind of force.

This made him fail to see the slightest hope, and the belief in a proud strong man was crushed into dregs.

The wind passed.

The sky full of void cracks dissipated in nothing, and the invincible power also disappeared.


Leng Fatian’s body fell to the ground, only a pair of eyes were rapidly dimming, and the sacred fire in his body was slowly extinguishing.

There was footsteps.

As Chen Cha walked forward, Samsara Nine Transfers sent a large amount of vitality into the rosary on his wrist, and the pure power surged all over his body, constantly purifying that **** and beautiful body.

Five days ago, the resurrection rules were changed.

Therefore, the Ninth Revolution of Samsara has accumulated five days of vitality. In five days, the number of deaths of professionals has reached tens of thousands, and each death will contribute one-tenth of the vitality.

Tens of thousands of deaths are not many, you know, as long as you reach the fifty-fifth level, you can enter the world-class dungeon.

Since the emergence of the Secret Realm of Reincarnation, countless professionals have frantically rushed to enter the dungeon world, and now there are tens of millions of level fifty-five professionals in the dungeon world.

There are not many tens of millions of people compared to the one billion people in China.

These people died tens of thousands of times in five days, and on average, one in a thousand people would die in five days.

Too little.

Under this circumstance, on average, each person has only given one-tenth of his vitality, which is even less worth mentioning, far inferior to the vitality of a god.

Such a little vitality will eventually be processed into the pure power by the rosary, even less.

All in all, it was very few. It was so small that Queen Mother Tingxi continued to reverse the effect for a month, causing the original super-large slime to be weakened into a large slime, and it was not too early to completely cut it.

The most conspicuous and important slime hasn’t been cut yet, let alone other aspects.

Without a doubt, Chen Chai was a little disappointed.

The main disappointment is that if he sets off tomorrow, he will still not be able to fully recover his body as a man.

But it doesn’t matter if you think about it.

At first I was a little bit ashamed and uncomfortable, but now I lie flat and fly, but I am used to it.

Just like now, he stepped on a timeless and elegant step to come to Leng Fatian, and said: “You didn’t disappoint me.”

Leng Fatian was lying on the ground, his cheeks pressed against the ground, his dim eyes could only see a pair of high heels close at hand, his lips moved slightly, and he couldn’t say a word when he was dying.

Chen Cha kicked him out at will, and said, “As a reward, keep on living.”

The rosary bracelet slid into his hand, and then the fingers flicked the rosary, and the wisps of pure power suddenly floated out and sank into Leng Jiatian’s body.

In sight, Leng Jutian’s body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sacred fire transformed by the spirit and energy no longer weakened, but instead burned again, full of vitality.

But after a few breaths, Leng Jutian slowly sat up, his expression suddenly felt like a dream.

“You only have one year to live.”

Chen Cha turned and left without turning his head back: “Within a year, you can only get rid of death and survive forever if you break through the **** level.”

“good luck.”


When the words fell, the figure disappeared completely.

On the ring, Leng Fatian felt his energetic body, and his heart felt bitter.

Breaking through the **** level within a year…how could it be…

Having said that, what level of power is that power…

Without a word, Leng Fatian recalled that kind of power again, and his mind could not help being filled with despair again, unable to recover for a long time.

the other side.

Chen Cha returned to the trial space of the Snow Blower Method and checked the recorded information.

[Record: Your ninth turn of reincarnation breaks through to a demigod, and you get the demigod level effect “rebirth”…]

[Rebirth: The reincarnated person can be reincarnated after nine times of rebirth, and can be reborn into any known civilized world. The reborn person is still under the shroud of reincarnation…]

Send the reincarnations into other worlds through rebirth, and then use the rebirth reincarnations to invade those worlds, and finally take those worlds as their own and incorporate them into the reincarnation space…

In an instant, Chen Cha understood the magical effect of rebirth.

Compared with other skill spaces who go to battle in person to swallow, the speed is slow and high-profile, the method of invading the heavens in the reincarnation space is undoubtedly more secret and calm.

How can any known civilized world be considered known?

The blue star, the earth star, the abyss world, and the heavens must be known worlds. The problem is that the ancient world, the three thousand small worlds, which are known but have not been to, are not considered known.

Chen Che was thoughtful.

[Record: Your nine turns of reincarnation represents three thousand small worlds, and ancient worlds are known as civilized worlds. 】

This is also considered a quantum creature, omnipotent.

Chen Chai was very satisfied.

In this way, the plan to rule the heavens will be smoother, and in the future, the reincarnation will be able to send the reincarnated samsara in the past to mess up crazily.

This kind of intrusion method is much better than the simple and rude hegemonic invasion of the world, death, and the abyss.

Of course, the main reason is that the Ninth Turn of Reincarnation is too weak. If it is as strong as the true god, he will directly handle the sun like the world, digitize the world and bring it under his own rule.

After checking the harvest, Chen Chai lay down comfortably on the sofa.

The ninth revolution of Samsara successfully broke through the demigod, and cold cruelty also broke through the demigod. Professionals have a strong guarantee. Under the pressure of the next year, cold cruelty should go all out to break through the **** level.

The rest is waiting for the breakthrough of snow blowing skills.

Chen Chai glanced at the bedroom door and felt that the problem was not big.

There was silence here, and on the other side, after breaking through the demigod, the Secret Realm of Samsara grew again, and the six reincarnations also grew.

The people in reincarnation still don’t feel much, and they haven’t recovered from the previous movement, but the outside world is earth-shaking excited.

The reason was that after the breakthrough of the Ninth Revolution of Samsara, he directly extended his paw to the Blue Star outside the instance.

As night fell, the lights were bright.

The invisible wind blew the ground, and a black invitation letter appeared quietly in front of everyone.

There are five characters “Death Invitation” on the invitation letter.

As long as you open the invitation letter and write your name on it, you can be on the life and death book, and you can be resurrected after death.

At this moment, everyone exploded again.

“Invitation letter, death invitation letter, I got the death invitation letter.”

“I got it too, shit.”

“Brothers, sign quickly, what are you waiting for.”


Without hesitation, in the face of the temptation to be resurrected, everyone immediately opened the invitation letter to sign their name.

However, the recorded information that emerged afterwards made all the excitement come to an abrupt end.

[Record: The invitation letter could not be opened. 】

Everyone exploded again.

“Can’t open, why can’t it open?”

“Why can’t you open it, I opened it smoothly in the dungeon world.”

“Do you have to enter the dungeon world to open it?”

“I understand, it must be the core of the world that blocked the death invitation.”

“You know what a shit, why there is no shield in the dungeon world.”


People are confused and dissatisfied.

At the same time, Chen Cha also discovered the movement of the nine turns of reincarnation.

[Record: Your reincarnation was so bold that you decided to invade the world of Blue Star, and issued an invitation letter to the humans in Blue Star. 】


Chen Chai was dissatisfied.

How can this be called an invasion? This is called helping my mother share the housework.

[Record: The world noticed the small movement of the Ninth Revolution of Samsara, and looked at you with murderous eyes…]

and many more.

Chen Cha can’t sit Is it sure that the eyes are murderous, not the anger in his eyes?

And depending on what I do, I am innocent, this is all done by the Ninth Reincarnation.

[Record: Your record information secretly glanced at the world again, and found that although it is not murderous, it is not good, I hope you can do it yourself. 】

[Record: The world blocked the death invitations forwarded by Reincarnation Nine. 】

[Record: The world invites you to have tea before the Ninth Revolution of Reincarnation. 】


Drinking tea?

Chen Cha slapped his **** thighs abruptly, and said angrily: “There is a kind of come at me, what kind of ability to bully a child!”

If the world dares to come, he dares to blow up…

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