My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

Chapter 225 - Not as good as 1 cat

What is it like in reincarnation?


  The goose returned and waited for the first time to come, followed the white ghost along the way, only to see the darkness and gloom of the sky.


  The reincarnations in the line looked different, and some were not strange. Obviously it was not the first time to come.


  Some were surprised and excited, and talked a lot.


  Beside the team, the evil spirits incarnate in the head and horse face kept coming and going, maintaining the order of the reincarnation team.


   At the end of the line is a bridge, and there is a woman on the bridge registering.


   There are six roads across the bridge, leading to six reincarnations.


   A river under the bridge.


   The river is deep and has no bottom, the river water is rippling with bright blood, the water surface is calm and there is no wave, but the leaves can sink.


   is different from others.


   Goose Return and others did not take the legendary bridge of reincarnation, but followed the ghost to the top of the six reincarnations, above the gray aura.


   When everyone passed through the gloom, a bright light came into view.


   At the end of Guangming is a magnificent hall with a huge platform in front of the hall.


   Everyone stood on the platform.


   The ghost disappeared.


  The light on the stone pillars around the platform lit up, and then fell down to envelop everyone.


   When the light dissipated, the hall and platform had disappeared.


   There was snow and wind everywhere, it was Atoles.


   This is back, is it resurrected?


   Goose Return and others look suddenly, but their minds have not completely returned.


   “I finally came back.”


   Zhuzi breathed a sigh of relief, and her thin body couldn’t help but shiver.


   The thick and strong Zhu Guo grinned and scratched his head.


   “You guys wait here first.”


   Zhu Zi hesitated, looked at Yan Huihui and the others, and said, “I’ll go in and have a look and tell the boss.”


   Goose returns and waits for someone nodded.


   Zhu Zi took a deep breath, and then walked with Zhu Guo to the martial arts hall in the wind and snow.


   in the courtyard of the martial arts hall.


   Chen Che was sitting in the yard, there was no wind and snow in his eyes, only the lonely bright moon in the night sky, and his heart was sad.


   was despised.


   Invincible, he was despised, and he was still defeated so badly. He had never lost that way when he grew up.


   can’t bear it.


   But what can I do if I can’t bear it? He has a deep understanding of playing games now, and he knows that he really can’t.


   I’m so unwilling…


   Without a word, Chen Li drank the wine in his hand and swallowed the tears of unwillingness in his eyes.


   The sound of footsteps came.


   Two figures, one fat and one thin, walked in.




   Zhuzi stepped forward carefully, but after seeing the figure in the yard, he was taken aback and said, “You are…”


   Chen Cha didn’t care, and said casually: “If you are in a bad mood, you have changed your personality, so let’s just talk about it.”


   The tone and feeling are okay, but the reason is a little casual.


   Zhu Zi’s heart was startled, and he doubted: “Those people wanted to see you, but I couldn’t handle it, so I took them in.”


  Chen Crack only then remembered that some people seemed to have been killed casually in the previous recorded information.


   Although it was an accident, after all, it was regarded as killing someone once, so let’s give a good look.


   “Bring them here.”


   Chen Crack continued to pour the wine, and drank lonely.


   Seeing this, Zhu Zi breathed a sigh of relief and left the martial arts gym quickly, feeling inexplicable during the period.


   The beauty of the boss after becoming a woman is not worse than the handsomeness of a man, and it is even better. It makes him feel very excited, and even a little bit stunned.


   Shaking his head, Zhu Zi forcibly suppressed the delusion in his heart, and his steps accelerated again.


   In the yard, Zhu Guo did not leave, instead, she sat aside and looked at Chen Cha with a smirk, her eyes full of childlike innocence.


   Zhu Guo is a elder brother and a poor man in the underground world. He is born with a lack of genes, which leads to a very weak IQ. The IQ that is always maintained in children cannot improve growth, even if it is digitized.


   Chen Chai checked it casually, and found that this lack of attribute was different from him, so he didn’t care.


   Better to be simple.


  , at least, I won’t worry about being abused by a girl because of playing games, or even doubt my life.


   After a while, more footsteps came.


   As the footsteps approached, the goose returned and the others came to the gate of the martial arts hall again.


   Looking at the martial arts hall in front of them, everyone could not help but pause.


   I won’t be killed by a spike this time…


   Obviously, they already have a shadow in their hearts.


   The result went well, the spike did not appear again, they entered the martial arts gym smoothly and saw the figure sitting at the table drinking in the yard.


   Seeing from the figure, it seems to be a woman, wearing a loose shirt and trousers, ordinary.


   Before walking, the woman looked up, her eyes flat.


   With only one glance, the geese returned and waited for the others to stop again, and their minds became inexplicable.


   “It really is you.”


   After a moment of silence, the goose returned the first to speak, with a complex tone.


   Chen Li did not understand, glanced at the crowd, and said, “What?”


   Goose Return took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to kneel down in his heart, and said with a difficult tone: “The witch that descended outside the dungeon is you.”


   How could they not know that the witch came to such a big movement, they knew everything as early as the first time after returning home.


   Although they didn’t see the appearance of the witch, they learned that the feeling brought by the witch was exactly the same as the feeling brought by the woman in front of them with the pair of high heels through the description of the fallen ones.


   It can be seen that Chen Chai has indeed become a woman, and the witch is Chen Chai. Those high heels belong to Chen Chai.


   can’t be wrong.


Although the gender of    has changed, the woman in front of her has the same feeling and temperament as Chen Cha apart from the weird sense of submission.


   “Oh, it’s me.”


   Chen Chai was too lazy to hide, and said, “What are you looking for from me?”


   Goose returned and couldn’t help but said: “Why have you become a woman?”


   Chen Le sighed, and said, “This is the price for me to break through the demigod level.”


Demi god.


   is only a demigod…


   Everyone is suspicious.


   Dao Wuliang smiled, and said: “So it seems that your identity should also change. For example, you are no longer the gatekeeper of this place, but the owner of this place.”


   Chen Crack is noncommittal.


  Dulsa suddenly said: “Since you are a witch, then dare you to ask why you suddenly came to Blue Star and opened such a hole.”


   Chen Li understood what these people were worried about, thought for a while, and said, “I have reduced the power of the witch, otherwise you would already kneel down.”


   “That time I came was not what I wanted, but an accident after the Earth’s core was opened up in the dungeon world of Earth-Stars, and I didn’t expect that after opening up the Earth’s heart, it was not another universe, but the Blue Star.”


   “Don’t worry, if not necessary, I won’t go to Blue Star again.”


   “That opening has my power remaining, and it is impossible for people below the **** level to pass through, and people in the underground world will not enter the Blue Star through it.”




   Hearing this, everyone has different thoughts.


   Their biggest doubts have been answered this time, and their goals have been achieved.


   It’s just whether Chen Cha will really stop coming to Blue Star. This is not what they can manage. After all, Chen Cha is already a demigod and a terrible witch. They are far from opponents.


   Fortunately, at least it is a promise that Blue Star can be safe for a while, otherwise, with Chen’s power of the witch, it really doesn’t require much effort to conquer Blue Star.


   “Thank you for your understanding.”


   Dao Wuliang lowered his head slightly and said, “We trust you.”

   Before counting down, Chen Cha did not do anything to harm the Blue Star, but helped them a lot, especially the appearance of the Secret Realm of Reincarnation is the most important.


   “I have no desire to dominate the world.”


   Chen Liyi said in a dispirited manner: “Of course, there is no interest in saving the world. What the Blue Star will do in the end depends on you. After all, the opening has been opened and already exists, and even I can’t destroy it.”


   “The remaining power can only protect you for a while, and become stronger as soon as possible so that you can resist all possible crises in the future.”


   “There is enough time for you to not pass below the **** level.”




   After all, there is not much remaining power, and it is already the limit to prevent existence below the **** level from passing.


   Goose Return and the others knew this too, and they all nodded with dignity.


  After seeing that destroying the battlefield, killing half-god monsters in seconds, and opening the sky through the earth, they have deeply realized their insignificance and weakness.


   After all, I still have to open the gate of God.


   “We have one more thing to ask for.”


   The geese paused after returning, and said, “The six reincarnations are all-encompassing. I wonder if I can enter them to experience and find the way to open the gods. For this, I can pay some price.”


   [Record: Your nine turns of reincarnation means that there is no problem, you can just borrow the breakthrough of these people to make yourself breakthrough…]


   Chen Chai checked the plan for the next reincarnation of the Ninth Revolution, and was satisfied.


   After strengthening the body fist, transforming bones and softening palms, practicing qi with the sword, and **** dragon chanting, the Ninth Revolution of Samsara also found his own breakthrough method.


  The method is very simple, reincarnation.


   As long as one reincarnation breaks through the demigod, the nine turns of reincarnation can then break through the demigod.


   There are more reincarnations who break through the demigods, and the power of the demigods of the nine turns of reincarnation is stronger and can be infinitely stronger.


  As long as there are enough demigod reincarnations under the rule, the nine turns of reincarnation can even be strong enough to use demigod power against the gods, super gods, true gods, and main gods…


   This is just a theory, whether it will actually be the case or not will need to grow up to know.


   But one thing can already be confirmed.


  The growth of the nine revolutions of reincarnation mainly depends on the endless reincarnation under the shroud of reincarnation.




   Chen Chai looked at everyone and said, “You should discuss this matter with the Lord of Samsara. If you are okay, I will send you there again.”


   Give it again?


  How to send it…


   Goose returned and quickly said, “Wait, there is no need to die every time.”


  Chen Lei asked strangely: “How can you enter reincarnation without dying?”


   The geese returned, speechless, and said, “Is it really necessary to die?”


   Chen Lei thought of course: “This is the rule of reincarnation.”


  The geese returned in a low voice: “But we didn’t follow the rules when we were resurrected just now.”


   Oh, stubbornly.


   Chen Chai said unhappily: “You must die if you want to go. You didn’t resurrect according to the rules. That’s because I killed you, so I will bear the price of direct resurrection for you.”


I see.


   The main powers are thoughtful.


   “If this is the case, then I won’t bother you.”


   smiled infinitely and said, “We can find death by ourselves when we are ready another day.”


   These words sound weird.


   Chen Li waved his hand and said, “It’s getting late, it’s all right.”


   finished speaking, got up and left.


   Seeing this, everyone could only give up and left the martial arts hall.


   “It seems that reincarnation is not owned by Chen Chai.”


   “I don’t know what identity Chen Chai is. Is there really only a demigod? Why is it more terrifying compared to the ancient juvenile white king who is also a demigod.”


   “The owner of the ghost doesn’t know who it is.”


   “Even if Chen Cha is not the Lord of Samsara, he must have a place in Samsara and have some power.”


   “There are too many secrets to see clearly.”




   While talking in a low voice, everyone disappeared into the trial space.


   It’s quiet at night.


   In the bedroom, Chen Crack hugged Xilian and turned to the other side. In the end, the more he thought about it, the more unconvinced, he just got up and rushed to the next door to pull the girl up, and said in a deep voice, “Come again!”


living room.


   The girl who was pulled out all the way hugged the black cat with a dazed face, and said angrily: “What are you doing? It’s hard to get a good night’s sleep, you know how difficult it is.”


   Chen Crack turned on the game console and hummed, “I seriously suspect that you opened it.”


   If the murderous look in his eyes is awe-inspiring, he gritted his teeth and said: “Well, since you are not convinced, then I will convince you, briquettes, come!”


   The game console in Chen’s hand was taken away, and it was stuffed in front of the black cat.


   Ruo said with a panda’s eyes: “You look good, you are not even as good as a cat.”


   half an hour later.


   If he breathed a sigh of relief, he put down the game console.


   Briquettes’ paws also left the handle and climbed down gracefully and lazily.


   Chen Crack…Autistic…


   In the past half an hour, he saw what a real game master is.


   The girl and the black cat fought for three hundred rounds, and they fought heartily.


   Although the girls have won a lot, they are still very powerful, but the black cats have also won a lot, and each other’s strength is three to seven.


   Hang up!


   The black cat proved that he didn’t open the door. He was really close to the girl, and he was indeed inferior to a cat.


   “Have you taken it?”


   Ruo stood up and looked down at Chen Cha, holding the black cat fiercely and said: “Do you accept your food?”


   Chen Chai lowered his head, his tone was weak and weak: “Take it, I, I’m the food.”


   Ruo snorted coldly, “I’m going to bed, so I’m not allowed to disturb me anymore.”


   After speaking, he hugged the black cat and yawned and left.


   In the living room.


   Chen Qieku sat for a long time, and finally got up and returned to the bed heartbroken, hugged Xilian for warmth and care, and said, “I’m good.”


   Xilian blinked her eyes and said, “Everyone has their own strengths. If you have not lost anyone other than me in the game so far, you will be good at playing games by nature, and only I can beat her.”


   Is that true to you.


   Chen Liren, and asked humbly: “How can I beat her by playing games?”


   Xilian thought for a while, and said, “I don’t know, I won by just playing around.”


   is even worse.


   What is this, a natural nemesis in the field of game competition?


   Chen Cha is even more sad. UU Reading


   Seeing this, Xilian comforted: “Actually, you also have a great place.”


  Chen cracked his heart and said, “Where?”


   Xilian whispered: “You are great in bed, there should be no woman to be your opponent.”


   Chen Li thoughtfully, sat up abruptly and said, “I will move the game console to the bed and fight with her again.”


   Get out of bed, break the door, and move decisively.


   On the bed, Xilian looked at the leaving figure and sighed, “I’m not talking about that kind of power.”


   Next door, screams sounded.


   “Ah ah ah ah, you came to me as soon as you fell asleep, bastard, I’m fighting with you.”


   “If you play, you know how to play.”


   “I don’t play, get out now, I hate it.”




   A moment later, after a crackling movement, Chen Cha returned to Xilian with a regretful expression, and said, “I will fight with her tomorrow and sleep.”


   Xilian agreed softly.


After one hour.


   An angry voice came from the girl next door: “You two have been endless, it’s been an hour, it’s so noisy…”


   After a while, the movement was even greater…

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