My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 56: Stormbringer

Grugda and Kace weaved through the jungle. Attempting to put as much distance between themselves and the beast that had suddenly appeared. Now and then Kace would catch a whiff of the scent the crew following behind were leaking into the air.

'Why are so many following us? I thought everyone scattered?' His face wrinkled as confusion and concentration mixed together on it.

"We need somewhere. Safe to regroup." Grugda announced the obvious.

"No shit Sherlock!" Kace growled, while being completely aware his companion would not understand the reference.

"Here!" Grugda announced while grabbing hold of Kace's arm. Steering him toward a giant rock resting between several trees.

Placing his hand upon he infused it with mana. Creating a hollow hidden within it. Shoving Kace inside he proceeded to follow, before sealing the entrance to look identical to the surface.

A few minutes later they heard gasping. The sound of maybe ten or so people outside talking echoed in their hiding hole.

Unfortunately it was too muffled for them to work out. Leaving them with no choice but to patiently wait them out.

"Cap'n, are you sure they went this way?" Neil asked with a breathless voice.

"Oh I'm more than sure alright but let me ask you. Who gave YOU permission to question ME?" Raven replied harshly, pure venom in his tone.

Neil shivered in boots, remembering what had happened to others who had made the same mistake. He dropped his line of sight as if he had just discovered how uncannily interesting dirt was for the first time in his life.

Raven snorted at such cowardice. Right now he needed men with backbone. They had to discover where those two had disappeared to.

Looking around the area he could distinctly tell that they had passed the large piece of rock that was standing there. From there though. Well there was nothing at all. As if they had just disappeared.

'Some kind of invisibility maybe? No, that would only hide them from my eyes. I definitely would have caught them if that was all there was to it. What then? There's no beast tracks but then again the beast could still be here. Maybe even has a way to completely go undetected. So what? Give up on them? Class them as dead? Fuck! It'll have to do for now.' Raven became increasingly furious as his internal monologue carried on.

"Right lads. We've lost them. Think of them as missing rather than dead. If you spot them, well... You had better not forget to tell me. Are we clear?"

Furious nodding from the remaining crew was the only answer they dares to give. Terrified that even the sound of their voices might push their captain over the edge.

"Let's head out!" Raven commanded, causing a fresh wave of fear.

Without even a whisper of complaint they silently followed behind him. Raven eyed the mountain range in the distance. Picking out their new route based on a dark, jagged outcrop on the nearest mountain.

'I can't afford to waste anymore time on this!' Raven grumbled as he shifted the weight of his own pack. Being mindful of the presence of the red liquid from his cabin nestled inside of it.

Kace kept his ragged breathing as low as possible. Listening to the tell tale signs of the group moving further away from them. As soon as he felt they were far enough away he turned his cold gaze on Grugda.

"Why the fuck are we hiding from them? I know they've become suspicious of us but we can still use them!" He growled, not bothering to hide the anger he was feeling.

"We need space. To search alone. Good excuse." Grugda replied with a slightly hurt look in his eyes.

Kace drew a sharp breath as he prepared to bawl at the big idiot before he realised that it made sense. 'Why am I so quick to get angry here?' He could not help but wonder about the change in his temperament.

"Let's just go." He mumbled instead, embarrassed about his behaviour.

Grugda nodded and began the work to open the entrance again. Allowing the sight of the jungle to enter their eyes once more.

Despite it being night time and the island being covered in darkness during the day, it was beginning to feel like the temperature was rising. Kace felt himself becoming stuffy in his own clothes.

"We have to treat everything as though it would kill us. This island is far more dangerous than we thought it would be." Kace said aloud, just to break the silence.

"Agreed. Too many. Unknowns. I suggest. Beginning on. The mountains." The calm, slow voice of the Eljein replied.

Eyeing up the distance between them Kace began to wonder how long it would take to reach it. Couple of days maybe? 

"Fuck! We never found out how long we have!" Kace suddenly yelped as he realised this problem.

His mind began racing as he tried to figure out possible scenarios that would impose a time frame to be on the island. Grugda too began to notice the terrible situation.

It had taken them so long to get here. According to the crew it was only possible to come to this Island a few times a year. However was that because they had to return to rest and gather supplies. Or was the reason to do with the island itself?

They chatted about their thoughts on the matter as they made their way towards the mountain range. Grugda thought it might be to do with the hibernation cycle of a certain creature. While Kace assumed it might have to do with the storms protecting the island.

Although their speculations were pointless without more information. Even if it turned out to be something they had said, there was nothing they could actually do about it.

With heavy hearts full of determination they placed one foot in front of the other. Their eyes focused on their destination...

Meanwhile back at Sirens Rest...

"Why are you so focused on this one Phillip?" Sarah asked in a condescending tone, "You even went as far as to drag your mentor into it."

"You wouldn't understand." Phillip snapped back, anger evident in his tone. "This is something that my master and I need to deal with. You can go if you want. Nobody is forcing you to be here."

Sarah did not rise to the veiled provocation in his words. Why would she leave when there was obviously something to gain here. Erik, Phillips master, would not make a move personally unless it was something extremely important.

She had her own reasons as well. She still had to settle the score for eating a loss at Stonefall Town a year ago. Then for making them give chase for a whole year. Staying one step ahead.

This time her target no longer had an army by his side. Nor did he have a fortified town that would drain her energy. It was too good of an opportunity to get rid of him.

The only thing she was struggling with was why they had come all the way out here. What drove them to go to that island and why did they know about its existence?

They were simple mountain monsters. That should not have had any way to gain information about the outside world.

Her sister had sent her to that island before when she was younger. So that she could properly grasp the need for more power. A cold sweat began to run down her back.

Her thoughts drifted to her time on that cursed place. Constantly hungry. Constantly hunted. 'Then there's that to worry about...'

"Sarah! They're arriving! Wake the fuck up!" Phillip snapped at her. Feeling like she was showing blatant disrespect to his master.

Her eyes turned towards the sea. Ten large galleons slowly swam into view. The leading ship carried two imposing figures standing at the front. Casting their gaze over the port.

"Fuck! Why did he have to bring him!" Phillip swore as he recognised his senior student. If Kace had been there to see him he would have recognised him as the hero who had gave him his new scar.

The other was Erik, the man himself stood ramrod straight. His wide shoulders carrying a posture of dignity. Exhuming the air of an experienced military commander.

His hair was cropped short and grey in colour. He was cleanly shaven and his electric blue eyes were cold and calculating. He wore a suit of green and gold knight like armour with no helmet.

A plain looking spear was strapped to his back. Phillip felt nothing but pride for being his student. This man was dubbed Erik Stormbringer. Slayer of the last Dragon.

What he had gained from that encounter was what had prompted him to send his disciple after the Phoenix. So he felt responsible for the curse that now lay on Phillips shoulders.

So when Phillip contacted him with a way to lift it he was obviously going to make a move. 'Sirens Rest huh? It's gone to shit since the last time I was here...' Eric brooded as he glared at the lowlives that had been left behind.


So a quick word from me. If you haven't noticed as of chapter 55 the usual stat section has been moved to auxiliary chapters.

I hope you like the change if not let me know.


Important Author Note Please Read

Hey folks! I've had to edit this is to quite a few chapters so that as many people as possible see it. Please read to the end as it is important.

First off. I need to thank each and everyone of you for the massive show of support in the past few days. You guys are the heart and soul of why I do this.

Second. You deserve to be rewarded. You have shown so much support that I feel you deserve something more in return. Therefore I'm going to try to start releasing two chapters a day. They may be a tad shorter but you'll end up with more to read overall.

Third. Some goals! We're doing well in quite a few of the charts. So let's aim for more. See below for targets to meet and the rewards to go with.

1. Enough votes to make it into top 100 in power Ranking. Two extra chapters to be released next Monday.

2. Top 50. You get 3 extra chapters.

3. Top 25. You get 4 extra chapters.

4. Top 10. You get 5 extra chapters.

5. Top 3. It's a secret but will be worth it.

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