My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea

Chapter 87 - Wrath of the Sea God

Yuyou used the power of the ocean to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the sea lion’s body. She understands the body structure of all sea creatures and can collect information about their bodies.

This sea lion suffers from a variety of medical conditions, and it may have been missed on the first inspection. After careful combing and elimination, Yuyou finally found an abnormality in his stomach.

“Help him do a CT scan.” Yu You instructed the medical staff beside him.

The paramedic asked, “Do you think the problem is in your stomach?”

“The specific situation will be known after checking.” Yu You did not give a definite answer.

The staff took the stretcher and carefully carried the sea lion to the medical room.

The domestication base has purchased relatively complete medical equipment and hired several professional veterinarians. This specification and configuration are among the best among the national marine animal protection agencies. After all, it belongs to a semi-public welfare undertaking, and the investment and effort far exceed the benefits that can be obtained.

Half an hour later, the test results came out. The sea lion’s stomach showed peritonitis, which was caused by a small localized abscess and chronic perforation caused by a sharp foreign body puncturing the gastrointestinal wall.

“Sharp foreign body? Chronic perforation?” The food Yuyou prepared for the sea lion was all liquid, not even bones, so it was impossible to cause this disease. In terms of time, the problem existed before it was delivered.

She looked at the diagnosis report carefully again, and then said to the staff, “Notify Yueyang Zoo that the sea lion needs surgery.”

This sea lion is from Yueyang Zoo, and Yuyou cannot operate on it without authorization.

When the staff left, Yu You looked at the doctor again: “Dr. Zhong, this operation will trouble you.”

Dr. Zhong nodded: “No problem. I’ll go back and prepare. As long as the zoo signs it, the operation can be performed immediately.”

After arranging things properly, Yuyou used the power of the ocean to help the sea lion to sort it out, and let it sleep until dawn.

It was getting late at this time, the aquarium gradually became quiet, and the staff got off work one after another, leaving only a few security guards to watch the night.

It rained heavily at night, and Yuyou, who was in a depressed mood, went out to surf with the killer whale ball.

The sky was dark, the thunder was rolling, a slender figure rushed out of the sea, his long hair turned into a little star mist in the air, his limbs were stretched, strong and powerful, and he jumped up, breaking through the rain and waves, and inserted into the turbulent like a sharp arrow. in the sea.

Ovi, who incarnated as a male, had sharp eyes and a body as fast as lightning, and disappeared from Mengqiu’s sight in the blink of an eye.

In the vast ocean, Ovie comes and goes freely, unrestrained, and in a very happy mood.

After flying in the sea for more than ten minutes, Ovie’s anger disappeared, and he floated on the sea on his back, drifting with the current, letting the rain fall on him.

I slowly closed my eyes, and was about to take a nap when I suddenly heard a huge shock coming from a distance.

Ovie turned around suddenly, looked up, and saw a faint fire at the end of his line of sight, followed by a pungent smell in the air, and the terrified screams of countless marine creatures.

His face condensed, his body flashed, and he arrived at the accident site in an instant. However, just after he appeared, he fell into a turbid oil film, and there were bursts of tingling pain on the surface of his skin, as if on fire.

Ovie teleported again, retreated a few hundred meters, and looked at the flaming oil tanker in horror. A large amount of fuel was leaking continuously, spreading layer by layer on the sea, forming a disgusting black swamp.

“Ah—” Ovie raised his head and issued a long sound wave to warn the fish and shrimp nearby.

The ocean has self-healing ability, and pollution is generally not a concern, but there are only two types of pollution that are most terrifying, one is the eruption of magma on the seabed, and the other is oil leakage. The latter is particularly serious, and even Ovie cannot clean it up.

Oil pollution is the biggest killer of marine organisms. The thick oil film is not easy to volatilize, reduces light permeability and oxygen production, and easily leads to hypoxia in fish and shrimp, and once the toxic substances in the oil pollution enter the organism, it will produce harmful effects on several generations. carcinogens. It will not only pollute the environment, poison marine life, but also cause serious harm to human health.

Ovi can accept fishing, mining, and treasure hunting, but he can’t stand the fuel pollution that destroys the balance of the ocean.

Ovie didn’t know what happened to the oil tanker, and he didn’t care if there were any survivors on board. He just wanted to control the spread of these oil pollutions as soon as possible and minimize the harm.

He came to the bottom of the oil pollution, opened his arms, and turned his power. In the next second, a silver wave appeared out of thin air on the sea surface tens of meters away. With the pollution source as the center, he quickly drew a circle to form a barrier, blocking all the oil pollution. .

There is a prominent sign on the broken hull that it is a cruise ship from R country. Ovie’s eyes were cold and his arms were raised high, as if holding a huge dark cloud, facing the shower, he quickly moved to the coast of R country.

Layers of oil stains gradually condensed and thickened in the enchantment, forming an oil film of more than one meter, which did not pass Ovi’s palm. In order to control the power, he couldn’t just pull away, he could only let the oil scorch his skin.

The muscles were tense, and the sea water circled around him, as if escorting him. Countless marine creatures rushed here, gathered outside the enchantment, followed closely to the left and right, adding fuel to the flames for him.

On the west coast of country R, ​​several fishermen returned in the rain, parked their fishing boats, jumped off the splint in their raincoats, and shouted to their companions to drink together.

At this moment, a fisherman inadvertently raised his head, and through the rain screen, he vaguely saw a black shadow approaching here.

“Hey, Ming Zhijun, what do you think that is?” He pointed to the sea and asked suspiciously.

The fisherman who was called “Ming Zhijun” looked in the direction of his finger, hesitantly said, “It seems like a broken boat?”

“Can a broken ship that’s broken in two sail?”

“…The wind blows?”

“Can a southeasterly wind blow a boat to the west coast?”

“CAO, **** it! It’s not a ghost ship, is it?”

With several fishermen stunned, the damaged oil tanker washed straight towards the coast. Huge waves soared into the sky, the hull flew through the air, and accompanied by a large amount of oil stains, it splashed on the shore.

A few fishermen bore the brunt of it, their heads covered in oily dirt mixed with rainwater and seawater.

Then, with a swoosh, a piece of metal shot out and slammed into the mast of a fishing boat. A goddess icon representing the Golden Crown is printed on the metal sheet, and a large X is drawn on the icon.

Looking at the stains on the ground, the broken body section, and the goddess icon on the mast, the fishermen were all stunned.

The waves crashed on the shore, surging like the wrath of the sea god.

Ovi was suspended in the school of fish, his expression was grim, the skin on his hands was red and swollen, and the wisps of oil were dissipated little by little under the scouring of the sea water.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time, the pollution has not yet spread completely, but due to the impact of the storm, there are still some oil spills, but the harm is not too big. Oil spills like this happen once or twice every few years, and most of them are too late to stop them.

For the development of human beings, fuel oil is one of the most important resources. Ovie cannot limit their extraction and transportation. We only hope that they can maximize safety and reduce the probability of accidents.

After a short rest, the pain in his hands was no longer so much, and Ovie went to find the cute ball and returned to the domestication base with it.

On the second day, major news media in country R reported on the bizarre incident last night. The accident tanker belonged to a powerful shipping company in country R, ​​but it was not the accident itself that really attracted attention, but the occurrence of the Golden Crown. After the accident, the extremely strange way of returning and the peculiar phenomenon of sprinkling oil all over the sky. The wind was blowing from the southeast that day. With the coordinates of the Golden Crown at that time, it was basically impossible to be blown back to the west coast. The whole process seemed to be manipulated by an invisible force.

After repeated investigation and research by experts, a reasonable answer has never been reached. It is said that it is a natural phenomenon, but it does not conform to the laws of nature, and that it is man-made, but the accident of the oil tanker is an accident.

The shipping company could have suppressed this matter, but the metal shard with the Golden Crown icon was inserted brightly on the mast, and it was marked with a big X, which is very eye-catching, and this detail reveals artificial traces. , but the X is irregular, as if it was accidentally scratched by some sharp object. But a piece of metal with a logo stood out from the countless debris, accidentally scratched an X, and then just inserted into the mast, this incredible “coincidence” is really incredible.

This incident aroused heated discussions on the Internet, with different opinions, and was finally listed as one of the top ten maritime supernatural events of this century.

Yu Yu, who returned to the domestication base, did not pay attention to these, and now the most important thing is the operation of the sea lion. When the zoo received the news, two people in charge were dispatched that morning.

“Curator Ouyang, we sent the sea lion here for treatment. Why did it get worse after staying for a few days?” Zhang Chengren asked in a bad tone.

“Sorry, we didn’t take good care of it.” Ouyang Hui was used to giving in, so he apologized.

“Is it all over with a single apology?” Zhang Chengren said indifferently, “If you didn’t have this ability, you wouldn’t have accepted our application in the first place. Now that it’s like this, who do you think would be at ease to hand over the sea lion’s operation to you? “

“I am sorry…”

Ouyang Hui still wanted to apologize, but Yu You interrupted coldly, “curator, what are you apologizing for? It’s not our fault that the sea lion is sick.”

“It’s not your responsibility?” Zhang Chengren laughed angrily, “Hehe, what? Are you thinking of shirking responsibility again?”

Yu You didn’t answer, but directly handed him the diagnosis report: “There is a foreign body in the stomach, chronic perforation, and the condition has been at least more than a month. Before the sea lion was delivered, it had already suffered from this disease, but You failed to diagnose and submitted incomplete information to us, resulting in delayed treatment.”

Zhang Chengren sneered and denied: “Who knows if you have misdiagnosed? It has been more than half a month since we sent sea lions here. How can you accurately judge whether it is a month or half a month?”

Yu You replied: “Yes or not, we will know after the surgery.”

“I don’t believe in your medical level. This operation cannot be entrusted to you.”

“Then find a doctor you can trust.” Yu You didn’t bother to bother with him about this issue, but Doctor Zhong, who was in charge of the treatment, was angry.

“Okay.” Zhang Chengren immediately took out his mobile phone and looked at her aggressively, “If it turns out that this matter is your responsibility, then you will not only pay the full cost of the sea lion, but also pay our zoo a compensation.”

Everyone in the aquarium collectively “fuck”: I have never seen such a brazen person! Their domestication base for marine animals was originally a semi-public welfare nature. They paid two-thirds of the cost and contributed money and efforts, but in the end they had to pay someone else?

Yuyou tightened his numb fingers and said expressionlessly: “Then if the proof is wrong with you, then please pay the full cost of the sea lion, compensate the reputation damage of our aquarium, and make a public apology. You will send it in the future. All injured and sick animals must pay for full treatment and feeding.”

With Yuyou’s character, she didn’t care too much at first, but she used too much energy last night, her fingers were contaminated with oil film, and she was in a bad mood. The loss of money and wealth is small, and the important thing is to tarnish the love of others to do public welfare, which is unforgivable!

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