My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea

Chapter 85 - real face

The banquet did not end until 10 pm, and the guests left one after another, leaving only some juniors of the Lu family to stay in the main house.

Lu Jingyi walked into the room with two glasses of milk, and saw Yuyou playing with his mobile phone on the bed, wearing a silk pajamas, and his long, well-proportioned legs resting on the quilt casually.

“Did anyone embarrass you at the banquet today?” Lu Jingyi put the milk on the bedside table and turned to ask.

“No.” Yu You replied without raising his head.

“Really?” Lu Jingyi sat on the bed and leaned beside her, “What did you and Yu Kexin talk about?”

Yu You pursed his lips and smiled, and briefly explained the situation at that time.

Lu Jingyi’s expression darkened, and he said lightly, “You don’t need to pay attention to a group of children making a fool of themselves.”

Yu You smiled and said, “They also said they wanted to teach me to be a qualified wealthy wife. I’m your fiancee. If you really let them teach, wouldn’t it be a shame for you?”

Lu Jingyi stretched his eyebrows and wrapped his arms around her waist: “My Mrs. Lu is excellent.”

After the fish awakened the lineage of the sea clan, she also inherited all the memories of her predecessors. She has done all kinds of birds, beasts, insects and fish. With different identities and perspectives, she has experienced various ways of living in this world. To tease, she really doesn’t care.

“Xiaoyu, what do you think the life of a wealthy family should be like?” Lu Jingyi was suddenly curious about her thoughts. After the two met, Xiaoyu never cared about his identity and background, he was always so peaceful and demure, neither impatient nor impatient. He especially loves her attitude of being calm and indifferent to the world.

Yu You thought for a while, and said seriously: “Everyone has a different way of life. Whether it is a commoner or a rich man, there is no fixed way of life. However, the starting points of the two are different, and a huge gap will inevitably arise. Commoners need Only by working extra hard can you get everything that the rich have, and the rich can use the time that the poor make money to constantly improve their self-cultivation and taste, and enrich their spiritual life. In my ideal wealthy life, the pursuit should be spiritual enjoyment. If they Naturally, they don’t need to worry about money, but they still focus on material enjoyment. It can only be said that they don’t know how to be self-willed when they have money.”

Lu Jingyi smiled: “You are also rich, why haven’t you seen your willfulness?”

“Why am I not capricious?” Yu You glanced at him, “You are the most capricious in my life.”

Being caught off guard, Lu Jingyi stopped drinking the milk and threw down his little fish…

The next day, Yuyou put on a set of comfortable casual clothes and went to the appointment refreshed.

Lu Jingyi has been busy these days, attending banquets, visiting relatives and friends, socializing, and not having much time to accompany Yuyou.

Yu Kexin was okay, so he agreed to Yu Kexin’s invitation to go on an outing to Qianhua Mountain together.

“Yuyou, come here, I’ll be waiting for you.” Yu Kexin waved at her from a distance.

Yu You looked up and saw 6 people standing in front of them. In addition to Yu Kexin and Lu Wenchong, there were also four young people, the youngest being only eleven or twelve years old.

Yuyou quickened his pace a little and came to the front of several people.

“Why is it so slow.” Yu Kexin introduced: “Have you met these people yesterday? Lu Wencong, Lu Shanshan, Lu Feng, Cui Yuanwu, Yan Xiaoqi.”


“Everyone is here, let’s go.” Lu Feng greeted and took the lead.

Their destination is Tailiu Lake, where they are going to fish, barbecue, and row boats. The servants have already sent fishing tackle, barbecue grills, inflatable kayaks and other items there in advance.

Tailiu Lake is only a few hundred meters away from the villa, and it takes a few minutes to reach the mountain road.

“Yuyou, has Young Master Lu brought you to the main house before?” Yu Kexin asked while sitting on the paved carpet while watching a few men play with tools.

“I’ve been here.” Yuyou put down the backpack, opened the box containing the ingredients, and found that the ingredients were already skewered, and the seasonings were also readily available, as long as the fire was on.

Yu Kexin looked at her carefully, she looked beautiful, wearing a pair of frame glasses, and looked at her warmly. She really couldn’t figure out how the shrewd Aunt Chu would accept such an ordinary girl as her daughter-in-law? Is there anything special about her?

“Yesterday I promised to teach you how to be a qualified wealthy wife.” Yu Kexin took out a stack of magazines from her bag and handed it to Yuyou, “This is a fashion magazine we often subscribe to, including clothing, Jewelry, make-up, matching, diet, fitness, etiquette, etc., also introduced many well-known designers, stylists, beauticians, etc. If you have time to take a look, as a woman, the first thing you should pay attention to is grooming. , which is the first element of communication.”

Yu You looked at her in surprise, but she didn’t expect her to be quite attentive.

“Kexin, do you think it’s useful for her to learn these things?” Lu Shanshan said indifferently, “Our tastes are formed subtly since childhood, not just by reading a few magazines.”

“It’s not too late to start now.” Yu Kexin showed an inexplicable smile.

Yuyou picked up a magazine and flipped through a few pages, then picked up another one, and after roughly flipping through it, he understood. These fashion magazines are all small publications that are not in the mainstream. If you really follow what is written on them, it will be a tragedy.

Lu Shanshan also seemed to find the tricky, and immediately changed her attitude and supported: “Ke Xin is right, start learning now, and you will probably be able to get started in a few months.”

Yuyou: “…” Do they think they look like a mentally retarded?

“You learned your clothes from these magazines?” Yu You asked.

“Yes.” Lu Shanshan replied, “Focusing on fashion is also one of our compulsory courses.”

“So that’s the case.” Yuyou said clearly, “No wonder your clothing styles are all carved out of the same mold. If it weren’t for the difference in height, short, fat and thin, I would hardly be able to tell who you are.” The last sentence is definitely true. .

Lu Shanshan: “…”

Yu Kexin: “…”

Yu You said with a smile: “I still like to be my own style, just look at these magazines, you don’t have to study, it’s easy to become a high imitation, you are so beautiful, if I dress like you, wouldn’t it be impossible to draw a tiger? Anti-class dog?”

Lu Shanshan & Yu Kexin: What is wrong with this sentence? She is “self-contained”, they are “high imitation”? !

Yuyou sorted out the magazine, thanked him politely, and then found a spare kayak and went to the lake alone.

Lu Shanshan hesitated: “Ke Xin, do you think she is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?”

Yu Kexin: “…” Don’t talk, she wants to be quiet.

Yuyou lay on the kayak, drifting with the waves.

After closing her eyes for a while, she took out her phone and took a selfie and sent it to Lu Jingyi.

[Xiaoyu: I’m rafting on the lake, are you envious? (picture)】

Lu Jingyi, who was walking with a few elders in the garden, received the photo, looked at it for a moment, and then handed the phone to Wei Baocheng beside him: “Take some pictures for me.”

After speaking, he chose a position with the best view and the best light, and stood in front of the wind.

Wei Baocheng: “…” I really don’t want to shoot.

After taking the photo, Lu Jingyi took the phone and looked at it. He picked the most satisfying one and sent it over.

[Lu Shao: I admire flowers in the garden, are you envious? (picture)】

[Xiaoyu: Did you use beauty, how can you be so handsome? @^_^@]

With a smile on his lips, Lu Jingyi checked the camera settings casually, his expression froze, did he really use beauty? ? ?

Yuyou didn’t wait for a reply for a long time, and sent another message: [Are you also handsome by yourself? Don’t be proud, keep going. 】

“Sister Yu.” At this moment, a young voice came, Yu You turned his head to look, only to see Yan Xiaoqi and Lu Feng paddling in a kayak, and greeted her kindly.

“Have you caught any fish?” Yuyou sat up and asked.

“Caught a grass carp.” Yan Xiaoqi pointed to the bucket beside him and smiled shyly, “I caught it.”

“Great.” Yu You praised.

Yan Xiaoqi was only eleven or twelve years old, and he was very handsome, like a white porcelain doll, and he seemed to be well-bred.

“Aren’t you fishing?” Yan Xiaoqi asked.

“Well, I think it’s fine for you to fish, and I’ll take pictures of you by the way.” Yu You raised her phone and took a few pictures of the two of them.

Yan Xiaoqi put a pair of scissors, but Lu Feng, who was next to him, didn’t respond. He took the fishing rod and fished quietly.

Lu Wencong and Cui Yuanwu were also fishing on the lake in a kayak. The two chatted and laughed happily and got along quite happily.

Yu Kexin and Lu Shanshan chatted for a while by the lake and felt bored. Seeing that everyone else was rowing, they also got into a kayak.

At this time, Lu Feng caught a crucian carp weighing six or seven kilograms. A rare smile appeared on his icy face. He was about to put the crucian carp into the bucket when Yu Kexin and Lu Shanshan suddenly hit the kayak. He let go, and fell into the lake with a thud.

“Hahaha…” Yu Kexin and Lu Shanshan laughed together.

Lu Feng glanced at them displeased, but didn’t get angry, he threw out the fishing line and continued fishing.

Yu Lu and the two seemed to have found some fun. Seeing that a fish was hooked on Lu Wencong’s side, they quietly bumped into them.

Lu Wencong was taken aback, and even his fishing rod fell into the lake. He didn’t have the same good temper as Lu Feng, and when he heard the laughter of the two, he suddenly became angry and rushed towards them in a kayak.

The two women hurriedly rowed a kayak to escape, but they were close enough to be rear-ended within a few minutes. With a few bangs, Lu Wencong hit the kayak of Yu Kexin and Lu Shanshan, the two of Yu Lu’s kayak hit Yu You again, and then Yu You hit Lu Feng and Yan Xiaoqi again. Crash.


The kayak tilted, and Yu Kexin, Lu Feng, and Yan Xiaoqi fell into the lake one after another.

Lu Shanshan screamed, clinging to the kayak, looking at the three people who fell into the lake with a pale face.

Although Qianhua Mountain has a pleasant climate and is not too cold even in winter, the temperature of the lake is still very low. Unprepared, the three of them were submerged by the lake, and the cold air invaded their bodies, and their hands and feet were not obeyed.

Several people in the kayak can swim, but not very good at it. Cui Yuanwu immediately went into the water to save people, but Lu Wencong was afraid of the cold and didn’t want to get in the water, so he just tried his best to pass the oars to the people who fell into the water. Lu Shanshan was completely panicked, lying on the kayak motionless, doing nothing.

Naturally, Cui Yuanwu couldn’t save three at the same time, he could only save Yu Kexin, who was closest to him first.

Yu Kexin struggled constantly, wasting a lot of his time, finally dragged her into the kayak, looked up, and saw that Lu Wencong was stretching the oars to Yan Xiaoqi not far away, shouting: “Come quickly. live!”

Yan Xiaoqi couldn’t swim, so he struggled desperately in the water, but got farther and farther away from the oars.

There was a flash of anger in Cui Yuanwu’s eyes. In such an emergency situation, Lu Wenchong didn’t want to go into the water, what a man!

When he was about to save people, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a white arm sticking out of the water, lifted Yan Xiaoqi’s chin, let his head float on the water, and then took him to another kayak. , until he rescued the person on the kayak, he did not see who the person who rescued the person was.

It is Lu Shao’s fiancee, Yu You.

He remembered that when he went into the water, he followed another person and jumped down, but he didn’t expect it to be her?

When he was stunned, Yuyou dived into the lake again and swam towards Lu Feng.

Cui Yuanwu chased after a fierce man, worried that she could not pull a big man as a girl.

In the hazy sight, a silver waterline slid past Cui Yuanwu’s eyes, and in an instant it came to Lu Feng’s side. His body stopped suddenly, his long hair was flowing, flexible and light, but full of strength, and his movements were smooth without any obstruction.

At this time, Lu Feng’s expression was painful, and his left leg bent unnaturally, looking like he was having a cramp.

Yuyou hugged his waist from behind with one hand, his legs slammed hard, and his body swayed up, carrying a string of water waves.

Without waiting for Cui Yuanwu’s support, she had already swam to the kayak with Lu Feng, who was stronger than her.

“Cough cough…” Lu Feng clings to the kayak with both hands, coughing and panting.

“It’s alright.” Yu You patted his shoulder, then flipped onto the kayak and sprinkled a drop of water. The figure standing against the light amazed the eyes of many people.

After dozens of minutes, several people paddled their kayaks and returned to the shore in embarrassment.

“Lu Wencong, it’s all your good deeds!” Yu Kexin was frightened and accused Lu Wencong angrily.

“That’s right, if you hadn’t bumped into us on purpose, it wouldn’t have caused them to fall into the water.” Lu Shanshan shared the same hatred with her.

Cui Yuanwu and Lu Feng looked at Yu Kexin and Lu Shanshan coldly, but did not speak.

Lu Wencong leaned, opened his mouth, and finally held back the words. Yu Kexin and Lu Shanshan are both side branches of the Lu family. Lu Wenchong and his son need the support of their family.

Yu Kexin was reluctant: “You obviously know how to swim, why didn’t you come to save people just now? Do you want to watch me drown? Lu Wencong, I didn’t expect you to be like this! And Cui Yuanwu, why are you working so hard? ? My bones were almost broken by you.”

“Okay, stop arguing, don’t you feel bad when you don’t see Xiaoqi? Go back and talk about it.” Cui Yuanwu wrapped Yan Xiaoqi in a blanket and handed him the thermos cup.

Yu Kexin ignored him and complained to himself: “It’s too much, I must tell my father and let him teach you a lesson. Lu Wencong, you are still the young master of the family, and you have no manners, I…”

The voice stopped, and a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. Yu Kexin raised her head, but before she could see clearly, she saw a hand enlarge in front of her eyes, and then only heard a “pop”, and her left face was beaten to the side.

Yu Kexin was stunned.

“Oh my God, what are you doing!” Lu Shanshan stood up suddenly and was about to scold her when the second slap fell and hit her in the face quickly and accurately.

She was also stunned.

The air was suddenly quiet, and everyone looked at Yuyou in astonishment.

“Have you had enough trouble?” Yu You looked at Yu Kexin and Lu Shanshan, and said lightly, “If you’ve had enough trouble, let’s go, go back to the villa to take a bath, have a bowl of soup, and ask the doctor to check it.”

“Yuyou!” Yu Ke stood up abruptly, pointed at Yuyou and said angrily, “How dare you hit me?”

“Two slaps for three lives, do you think it’s worth it?” Yu You said calmly, “If you think it’s not worth it, I can give you a few more slaps.”

Yu Kexin hurriedly covered her face and choked: “It was Lu Wenchong who hit someone, why did you hit me?”

“If you didn’t mess around first, would Lu Wencong hit you?” Yu You taught a lesson with a serious face, “It was just a joke, it’s not a big deal, as long as people are fine, but you don’t know how to reflect on your mistakes, You only know how to anger others, is this your upbringing that you claim to be superior to others?”

Yu Kexin’s face flushed, she glared at Yu You with gnashing teeth for a long time, and then pulled Lu Shanshan away angrily.

Lu Wencong was secretly relieved, and silently gave a like to the domineering Yuyou. Unexpectedly, before it was finished, Yuyou turned his head to look at him.

He quickly raised his hands and took the initiative to admit his mistake: “I was wrong, I shouldn’t have hit them.”

Yu You retracted his gaze, ignored him, walked to Lu Feng, helped him up, and greeted Cui Yuanwu and Yan Xiaoqi: “Let’s go, go back.”

Today’s outing is a waste.

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