My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea

Chapter 75 - Come on, hurt each other!

Yuyou didn’t like to receive gifts from strangers, and was thinking about when to send them back. Although Aimer deleted his call records, he was using Grandpa Turtle’s mobile phone. Except for her and Grandpa Turtle, no one could delete things on the phone casually. It only took minutes to recover the number.

When Lu Jingyi came back, Yu You handed him the jewelry box.

“Who gave this?” Lu Jingyi asked suspiciously, staring at the jewelry in the box.

“Emer Owen.” Yu You replied.

“Imer Owen?” Lu Jingyi recalled, “If I remember correctly, he seems to be Blair’s brother, the eldest son of the Western Continent jewelry tycoon.” When I investigated Blair last time, I investigated his family members by the way.

“Yes.” Yuyou nodded.

“How could he give you jewels?” Just after the younger brother was sent away, another older brother emerged. These two brothers would not regard Xiaoyu as a competitive target, right? Considering the complicated situation of the Owen family, it is no wonder that Lu Jingyi thought so much. And in the near future, Blair and Aimer seem to have disappeared, and I didn’t expect to secretly hook up with his little fish!

Yuyou explained: “I saved his life before, this set of jewelry should be his thank you gift.”

“You rescued Aimer Owen?”

“Well, not long ago, I went under the sea to shoot a scene, and I happened to see him accidentally fall into the sea, so I saved his life.”

“Wait.” Lu Jingyi said uncertainly, “Where do you seem to have heard this sentence? I remember that Blair was also brought up from the sea by you?”


“Did they fall into the sea together?”

“No.” Yu You shook his head, “The two have been separated by more than a month.”

“In other words, you saved Blair and Aimer within a month or two? And they all fell into the sea by accident?”

“That’s right.” Yu You gave a like.

“What do you mean by ‘accident’?” Could it be that they all heard the call of the sea and rushed to the sea to die? And then by coincidence, was saved by the same person?

Yu You thought for a while, but decided to tell the truth: “It seems that they were pushed into the sea.”

Lu Jingyi’s expression froze, he pondered for a moment, and said, “I heard that their relationship is very bad, but I didn’t expect it to be this bad? I actually want the other person’s life.”

“You mean, Blair fell into the sea because of Aimer, and Blair retaliated against him in the same way?” Yu You looked incredulous.

“If I guessed correctly.” Lu Jingyi stared at Yu You with a strange expression, “Now they have all been rescued by you and chose to hide, so they probably don’t know that the other party is still alive.”

The two brothers, who thought they had solved the biggest enemy, were secretly planning how to deal with the other forces of the Owen family, and they became the leaders of the family in one fell swoop. I don’t know when they will find out the truth.

“Is this really okay?” Yuyou asked with concern.

“Of course.” Lu Jingyi shoved the jewelry box into the drawer and urged, “You try to keep your distance from them in the future. I will find a chance to return this set of jewelry to Imer Owen.”

The jewelry of his family’s little fish was naturally chosen by him himself, without the intervention of other men.

On the vast sea, a white ship is slowly moving.

Xiang Pu brought his own team to prepare for a week-long follow-up filming, focusing on the released three killer whales. The entourage also included several experienced sailors and professional divers.

The three killer whales are all equipped with trackers. Currently, they are mainly active in the sea area with dense fish, and the moving range is relatively fixed, which greatly reduces the difficulty of shooting.

The captain stopped the ship near the signal of the tracker, and used the instrument to roughly scan for any dangerous large creatures. After confirming that it was safe, Xiang Pu immediately ordered two divers to bring their equipment and go down the ladder to the sea. shoot.

The high pressure under the sea can easily lead to negative conditions such as ear pain, difficulty breathing, fear and tension, and there may be various unforeseen accidents. Only professionals can complete this dangerous shooting relatively smoothly, but the shooting process is not easy. would be too fast.

Under the guidance of the contact device, the two divers slowly swam in the direction of the killer whale. On the screen in the control room, the pictures captured by the camera are transmitted synchronously. The gorgeous and colorful scenery under the sea made everyone feel pleasing to the eyes. Schools of small fish swam past the camera, and beams of sunlight slanted down, creating a fantastic light and shadow effect.

But after a long time, the two found three killer whales less than two or three meters away from the sea. Killer whales like to live in groups, some in small groups of 2 or 3, and some in large groups of forty or fifty. They are united, friendly, intimate, travel together, forage together, and never act alone.

The three released killer whales have obviously recognized each other’s identities, playing and playing like a family. He didn’t show much hostility to the arrival of the divers, but swam over curiously and looked at them from a distance of four or five meters.

At this time, Xiang Pu’s voice came from the contactor: “The first two are the beanbags and Tiantian of the Fantasy Aquarium, and the one in the back is the cute ball of the Ailian domestication base that closed down not long ago. Keep your distance from them. , but don’t get lost.”

The swimming speed of killer whales can reach up to 55 kilometers per hour. Once they are soaring, divers can not catch up with hot wheels.

Staring at the diver for a while, the three killer whales felt bored and swam to the sea to take a breath.

When they were out of the sea, the photographer on the boat quickly set up a camera to shoot them chasing the wind and waves on the sea.

But for a moment, they seemed to be tired of playing, and they sank to the bottom of the sea again, and swam to the area with dense schools of fish, and began to round up their prey.

The members of the filming team were all excited, and they did not expect to be able to capture their prey on the first day of filming.

The three killer whales work together to move through the school of fish. Doubao and Tiantian were able to do well, but Mengqiu was a little clumsy. It took only ten minutes to swallow a few small fish, and he couldn’t help but feel a little anxious.

Beanbag and Tiantian comforted it while helping it create conditions, and finally made it half full. But its confidence was still hit, and it always felt useless, and followed behind Douban and Tiantian dejectedly.

The members of the photography team did not find any abnormality, but were just happy to be able to take wonderful pictures.

The divers couldn’t stay underwater for too long, and after the video was filmed, they returned to the boat.

“Thanks for the hard work. Today’s daytime shooting is basically complete, and I only need to make up a few more shots later.” Xiang Pu happily handed the diver water and a towel.

Although the shooting went well, he still had some regrets in his heart. In his expectation, it should take a long time for the three captive killer whales to fully adapt to life in the sea, but the result was unexpected and no accident happened, as if they were originally wild.

If a show wants to attract audiences, it must not be without twists and turns.

He plans to check the situation again tomorrow, but if it doesn’t work, he has to take some measures.

In the evening, when there was no activity, everyone would drink and chat in the cabin to pass the time.

The bottom of the sea is very dangerous at night, and although experienced divers will not easily go to sea at night, unless it is in a safe area close to the coast.

The driver of the night watch sat in the control room, holding a novel and watching with relish. At this moment, a fast-moving light spot suddenly appeared on the monitoring screen. When the driver turned his head to look, the light spot had disappeared.

In the sea six or seven hundred meters away from the ship, Yuyou came to the three killer whales, made out with them, and then checked their condition.

Doubao and Tiantian are as happy as ever, but Mengball is lethargic. Not only because of the frustration of confidence, but also because I didn’t have enough to eat at night, and I didn’t dare to go for extra meals myself, and I was very depressed.

Yuyou patted its head: [Go, I’ll take you to hunt and make sure you’re full. 】

Mengqiu responded with a lack of confidence, but Doubao and Tiantian were eager to try.

Yuyou swam to the sea with three killer whales, then turned his body and floated on the sea on his back, swaying with the waves.

Doubao and Tiantian followed her appearance without hesitation, laying motionless with their belly up, revealing their white belly. Mengqiu first looked at them suspiciously, and then slowly turned his body over, but didn’t hold on for long, and returned to his normal posture.

Seeing that one person and two whales were still floating on the sea like floating corpses, Meng Qiu was helpless, and could only continue to hold the corpse up, his eyes flicked to Yu You from time to time, and his tail was swaying.

“Don’t move.” Yuyou reminded, “Lie down quietly for ten minutes.”

Mengqiu retracted his gaze, stopped moving, and played dead obediently.

Yuyou closed her eyes and spread her hands out. Around her, there were three belly-up killer whales floating with their heads inward and their tails outwards, forming a fan shape.

There was silence all around, except for the sound of the night wind and the waves.

I don’t know how long it took, suddenly there was a sound from below, and several fusiform creatures slowly approached them, swimming around like a probing.

When the distance is one or two meters away, the bean bag first “spoofs the corpse”, swoops, and accurately bites a squid that is closest to it.

Tiantian followed closely, raised her tail and stunned the other squid.

Moeball was the slowest to respond, but he caught one while the other squid were fleeing. This squid is very big, it didn’t devour it immediately, but swam in front of Yuyou and happily showed its achievements: [Look, look, I caught a big guy! 】

Yuyou praised without hesitation: “Good job.”

Moeball is swimming around with a squid in his mouth.

Doubao glanced at it contemptuously, enjoying its food, and was too lazy to pay attention to this idiot.

Tiantian swam over and gently rubbed its pectoral fins to show encouragement.

Collectively floating at sea to pretend to be dead is also one of the hunting techniques of killer whales, but they did not need to do this before. Now that they are free, they have to learn how to hunt food all over again.

Killer whales are very smart, they will use different strategies to deal with different targets, and they can also set traps to round up sharks.

Yuyou is more casual in what he does in the sea. As long as it does not affect the balance of the marine environment, he can choose to help or not to help. Animals are not as greedy as humans, they only need to eat enough, and they will not kill other life for personal gain or pleasure.

After playing with the three killer whales for a while, Yuyou stayed until 2 am before going back.

The sun was rising, and the weather was calm again. The members of the photography team began to get busy, preparing to continue to follow and shoot. As a result, when they came to the splint, they were stunned to find three killer whales floating motionless on the sea, their belly up, as if they were dead.

“My God, what’s going on?” a camera crew member exclaimed.

“Don’t be nervous.” Xiang Pu reacted quickly and explained, “Sometimes killer whales will pretend to be dead to trap their prey. The cameraman will come here and get ready to shoot.”

Saying this, I muttered in my heart: Why did these three killer whales suddenly learn to pretend to be dead? Did they secretly seek advice from wild killer whales? Do you want to venture into the sea and take a photo tonight?

While thinking about it, a group of seabirds flew overhead, circling and dancing in the sky, staring at the “corpses” on the sea.

But for a long time, a few seabirds attacked first and flew down. When approaching the sea, the three killer whales who were pretending to be dead turned over and jumped up, with large waves, and swallowed the seabirds into their mouths. The huge momentum made everyone amazed.

Most of the members of the photography team were very satisfied with the footage they captured, but Xiang Pu was not very interested. He wanted to shoot the process of how captive orcas adapt to life in the ocean, not a documentary about wild orcas. The better they perform, the less interesting the show will be.

After the killer whale turned from a fat sheep to be slaughtered into a terrifying beast, the frightened seabirds fled away, and the sky soon became quiet. The killer whale looked eagerly at the food that had gone away, and after making sure that it would never be able to deceive a seabird, it could only reluctantly return to the sea to find new schools of fish.

The two divers went into the sea and continued to follow and shoot.

Under the care of Doubao and Tiantian, Mengqiu did not lose control of his emotions. In addition, Yuyou helped him build a little confidence last night. Today’s performance is very active, and he took the initiative to take on the task of lure the enemy. The body is strong and the movement is quick, like a warrior who is charging.

Xiang Pu stared at the picture on the screen, and suddenly said to the captain: “Activate the interference sound wave.”

“What?” The captain looked at him in surprise. “Why?”

“Test their on-the-spot reflexes.” Xiang Pu casually gave an explanation.

The captain frowned: “Is it necessary to do this? These three killer whales are adapting very well.”

It’s because they’ve adapted so well that they have to be a little more difficult!

Xiang Pu said calmly: “Let’s start, it’s just to interfere with the sound waves, it won’t cause any harm to them.”

The captain hesitated for a moment, feeling that he had a point, so he activated the sonic device.

Sections of sound waves are transmitted to the bottom of the sea, creating a circle of ripples.

Doubao and Tiantian stopped at the same time and looked around hesitantly.

One second before, Mengqiu was chasing a fat fish. The next second, he suddenly lost his sense of direction and slammed into a reef not far away, splashing a cloud of dust and gravel. It shook its head and looked around in bewilderment.

The sound waves continued to be launched, and the cute **** scurried around aimlessly as if they were drunk. Doubao and Tiantian caught up, trying to stabilize its emotions through physical contact, but the unsuspecting Tiantian was hit hard by it, knocking it all the way.

Doubao was very angry, and with the stimulation of sound waves, he attacked Moeball, but he didn’t use his full strength, just wanted to teach him a lesson, but the out of control Moeball was irrational, and fiercely bit Doubao’s tail .

Doubao kept struggling, Tiantian rushed to rescue, and the three killer whales were in a mess.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Pu was very excited and shouted to the contactor: “Follow up, don’t miss it.”

The captain looked puzzled: “How could this be? It’s just a disturbing sound wave. How can they go mad?”

He was about to turn off the sound wave device, but stopped Pu: “Looking at them, it’s obvious that they can’t adapt to marine life, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a big response to disturbing sound waves. There are all kinds of chaotic sound waves in the ocean. Even small disturbances can’t stand it, how will they live in the ocean in the future?”

The captain stopped and didn’t say a word. Although he didn’t approve of it, he didn’t refute it.

At this time, Mengqiu let go of the bean bag and began to look for other targets, such as corals, reefs, fish, shrimp, sand, etc., like a nerve, the sea water was turbid, and it also affected the diver’s shooting effect.

Just as the diver was about to adjust the shooting angle, a dark shadow suddenly rushed out of the turbid water and slammed into the camera. Fortunately, the diver next to him pulled him away in time and narrowly avoided the collision of the cute ball.

Mengqiu continued to charge forward, and the diver followed the shot in shock, and then watched helplessly as it rushed into the jellyfish group. Fortunately, it was only a group of less toxic tropical jellyfish, which did little harm to the killer whale.

However, after it rushed out of the jellyfish group, the momentum of the forward suddenly stopped.

Through the lens, the diver was horrified to see the front of the cute ball, and at some point a sturdy tiger shark appeared. Tiger sharks are known as marine killers, ranking the top three of the top ten dangerous marine creatures. They have a ferocious and tyrannical temperament, and their powerful bite force can shatter bones in an instant.

Everyone who watched the video took a deep breath.

“Hide as soon as possible to avoid the tiger shark.” Xiang Pu immediately gave instructions to the two divers, but did not intend to let them return.

The others were still stunned and did not respond.

The tiger shark stared coldly at the cute ball in front of him, and the sharp breath made people feel frightened across the screen.

Tian Tian called out anxiously from a distance, Meng Qiu was stunned for a moment, and then rushed towards the tiger shark fearlessly.

The tiger shark flicked sideways, went around behind Mengqiu, opened its big mouth, and bit its body. At this moment, a huge force came from the abdomen, knocking the tiger shark away a few meters.

The tiger shark was furious, gave up the cute ball, and chased after the bean bag that had just hit it.

Doubao hurriedly turned around and quickly got into the reef group, trying to create a chance for Mengqiu to escape, but the fool chased after the tiger shark!

MMP, I’m afraid I’m going to be killed by that guy today! Come on, hurt each other! !

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