My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea

Chapter 73 - release

“Dr. Griffin, Dr. Liu, Professor Zhu, hello.” Lu Jingyi and Yu You greeted several marine experts one by one under the introduction of Ouyang Hui.

“Hello.” Dr. Griffin is about sixty years old, energetic, and very talkative.

“This is the dolphins and killer whales that our aquarium is going to release.” Ouyang Hui guided, “4 dolphins, 2 killer whales.”

Dr. Griffin said, “With the 2 dolphins and 1 killer whale we brought, the task is a bit heavy.”

Several dolphins and killer whales have completed medical examinations, and several tests are to be done before release, mainly on speed, feeding situation and mental state.

The breeder picked up a fish from the wooden barrel and threw it into the water, and the two dolphins jumped up one after another and competed in the air. After thumping twice, he fell into the water, and immediately saw the victorious dolphin stand up, raise his head, and call out to Yu You triumphantly.

Yuyou smiled and gave it a silent thumbs up.

The breeders also scattered a lot of fish food. The dolphins and killer whales in the aquarium were very active. They would actively fight each time. Yuyou shows off.

What surprised several experts even more was that one of the male dolphins would also distribute the food he grabbed to another female dolphin.

In contrast, the two foreign dolphins and one killer whale were more restrained, neither robbing food nor wanting to perform, and seemed to be familiar with the environment.

“Your dolphins and killer whales are in good shape,” Griffin praised.

Dr. Liu did not take it seriously: “There are performance trainings here every day, and they are probably used to this way of eating. But artificial feeding is completely different from self-predation. The latter is the key to adapting to marine life.”

“Dr. Liu is right.”

Several people did several tests one after another, and recorded the test results in detail.

Next comes the most critical one: survival practice.

“The ship is ready and ready to go at any time.” The ship was temporarily arranged by Lu Jingyi. The ship is equipped with advanced observation instruments, which can track the movements of dolphins and killer whales through locators and underwater remote control cameras. Relatively clear picture.

As the dolphins and killer whales were released into the sea, the ship set sail, and images and observation data were simultaneously transmitted on the observation screen.

The two foreign dolphins and one killer whale have been following the ship, while the four dolphins and the two killer whales in the aquarium are like wild horses running away.

Professor Zhu asked curiously, “Are they not afraid at all when they enter the sea for the first time?” Then he turned to look at Lu Jingyi and asked, “Mr. Lu, what is the effective distance of the tracker?”

“3000 meters.” Lu Jingyi replied.

Professor Zhu frowned: “They swim very fast, won’t they leave the monitoring range?”

“Don’t worry.” Yuyou said.

However, this statement does not reassure experts. The dolphins and killer whales they brought all followed the ship honestly and cautiously explored the new environment. This was the correct posture for the first time out to sea. How can those guys in the aquarium let go of themselves without any scruples? Are they not captive-bred? Is it really okay to act so wild?

“Huh?” Dr. Griffin stared at the monitoring screen with great interest, “Look carefully at their movement trajectories.”

Everyone stepped forward and observed for a moment. Dr. Liu was surprised: “Is this a coincidence?”

Although these dolphins and killer whales swam happily, they were always centered on the ship, moving within a radius of several kilometers, moving very fast, but did not exceed the monitoring range. Like well-trained scouts, they move swiftly, orderly, and without fear.

On the other hand, the other two dolphins and one killer whale are cautious and timid. In Yuyou’s view, they are not yet ready for release. Although they are healthy, they have too much fat, and their swimming speed and reflexes are not up to the standard.

More than an hour later, Yuyou’s babies found their own food, but the two foreign dolphins and one killer whale swam to the side of the ship and yelled at everyone on the ship, with no intention of hunting by themselves.

Dr. Griffin and others are not surprised that captive-bred dolphins and killer whales have not yet developed the habit of preying on their own, requiring an adaptation process. The ones in the aquarium are strange. They behaved so “sophisticated” when they first went out to sea. If they didn’t have a background, they would almost suspect that they were originally wild.

“Goyle, go down and try.” Dr. Griffin ordered.

“Okay.” Goyle put on a diving suit, got off the boat along the rope ladder and entered the sea, leading two dolphins and a killer whale to dive into the sea, intending to teach them to hunt by himself.

Dolphins and killer whales have similar predation methods, which are mainly based on siege, interception and teamwork. First send a pioneer to drive the fish to the encirclement of the companions, and then attack in groups. The difference is that killer whales are relatively ferocious and dare to bite large marine animals.

This time, Goyle acted as the vanguard, driving the fish to the dolphins and killer whales. They immediately came around, chasing and biting the small fish that were running away.

As Yuyou judged, they had too much fat, and they were repeatedly frustrated when dealing with these nimble little fish. After more than ten minutes, the stomach was not full, and they exchanged with Goer in a very aggrieved manner. The killer whale even became angry and contradicted Goer from time to time.

Everyone looked amused, and said to Gore through the contactor: “Gore, your father is incompetent, why don’t you feed your child quickly?”

Gore spread his hands, expressing that he was also helpless.


While everyone was laughing, Yu You suddenly said, “Let Goer come up first?”

“Don’t worry.” Dr. Griffin smiled, “Give them some time, I believe they will learn soon.”

“That’s not the problem.” Yu You looked out the window and said earnestly, “The killer whale’s mood is not stable and may attack Gower.”

“Don’t worry.” Dr. Liu glanced at her. “Gall is an experienced breeder. If there is any danger, he will be able to detect it in time.”

“Yeah.” Professor Zhu also echoed: “Those dolphins and killer whales have always been raised by Gore and have never been attacked.”

The marine environment is completely different from the domestication base. The sea can receive sound waves from various marine creatures from all directions, warning, communication, threat, fear, pleasure, navigation, positioning, seeking pleasure, etc. For those who have never been to the sea For killer whales, the jumble of sound waves makes it restless. Coupled with hunger, emotions are even more out of control.

Yuyou’s reminder did not arouse everyone’s vigilance, and a few minutes later, the situation that worried her appeared.

The killer whale collided and slammed into Goyle’s head, throwing him a few somersaults. Before he could stabilize his body, the killer whale rushed towards him again, opened his mouth wide, and bit his thigh.

When everyone exclaimed, Yuyou quietly made a sound wave, and the killer whale made a movement, waving its tail, and went around Gore’s side.

“Goyle, come up!” Dr. Griffin called anxiously into the microphone.

However, the contactor was damaged in the impact just now, and Gower did not receive the message. Even if he received it, he could not escape temporarily because his head was dizzy and he was under the sea again, making it very inconvenient to move.

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