My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea

Chapter 29 - Rohan master

“Congratulations, you got an IV8 mobile phone.” Lu Jingyi handed the box to Yuyou.

If Yuyou remembers correctly, Lu Jingyi’s list of 99 lucky fans did not have his own name.

“Take it, don’t you like to study technology products?” Lu Jingyi put the box on the counter, “This mobile phone is one of the most intelligent mobile phones in the world, you can study it carefully, it doesn’t matter if you take it apart. “

If other people in the Lu family heard this sentence, they would definitely be speechless, because the IV series is the flagship brand of the Lu family. Who would push others to study their own core technology!

18888’s mobile phone, disassembled for research?

Yuyou said he was very happy.

This mobile phone is sold in limited quantities every year. She has wanted to buy it for a long time, but there are still some technical issues in her hand that have not been solved, so she has put it on hold for the time being.

“Thank you.” Yu You was not polite this time, she readily accepted the phone, and she would return the gift when she had a chance.

Strictly speaking, the higher the intelligence of the item, the more helpful it is to the evolution of the fish, so the carriers she chooses for them are generally mobile phones, computers and other multi-functional products that can connect to the Internet and surf the world.

As long as the souls of the fish are strong enough, it is not impossible to integrate warships, tanks, and fighter jets.

“I heard that Yanyun is going to hold an Arhat fish breeding competition?” Lu Jingyi looked at Yuyou, “Are you participating?”

“No, I’m not interested in this.” Yuyou replied while unpacking.

Lu Jingyi was quite surprised by her answer, originally thought she would not miss this good opportunity to make Lanzhou City famous. When she held the exhibition before, she spent a lot of energy. The results are also very satisfactory, why not strike while the iron is hot and go further?

Immediately thinking of Yuyou’s character, she instantly understood her thoughts.

If it wasn’t for the purpose of preventing the demolition, Yuyou would never have made such a head, and she would be happier to be the little boss of her maintenance shop silently. Now that Lanzhou City has gained both fame and fortune, the land and housing prices have been re-evaluated, and with the help of Mr. Qiao and the others, it will definitely not change in a short period of time. The output value of local residents has risen, and her goal has been achieved. Naturally, there will be no more troubles.

Achievements that can be exchanged for five points of fame will definitely not waste time to spend more than half a point.

Lu Jingyi smiled slightly, inexplicably feeling that this quiet and simple attribute is very cute.

“By the way, since you’re here, please help me give this to Mr. Chap.” Yuyou took out a gift box from the counter and handed it to him.

“What is this?” Lu Jingyi glanced at it and asked.

“His prize.” Mr. Chap has been following her Weibo, and he is usually very active. This time the lottery just won him. Not only that, he also participated in Lu Jingyi’s lottery, with a one-in-a-million chance of winning the lottery. As expected of a European, luck is good.

Speaking of this, Lu Jingyi was a little speechless. The phone that Chap is using now is IV8. He is still too busy to participate in the lottery. What’s even more painful is that he was actually selected by him. The luck is outrageous.

Lu Jingyi stared at the gift box on the counter, without reaching for it, he said, “You put it away first, and then take it with me when I go back.”

“Okay.” Yuyou put the gift box back in its place.

At this moment, two people suddenly walked in outside the store. They were Mr. Qiao and Mr. Wei.

“Xiaoyu, do you have time recently?” Old Qiao looked sullen, but not at Yuyou.

“Good morning, two old gentlemen.” Yuyou invited them to take a seat and made them hot tea.

Lu Jingyi also sat down beside them and asked, “Old Qiao, what happened?”

“It’s not the **** of the Yanyun Association.” Old Qiao scolded with a snort, “Laughing at our lack of people in Lanzhou City because of his ability.”

Lu Jingyi looked puzzled and waited for the next paragraph.

“You all know about the Arhat fish breeding competition, right?” Qiao Lao saw the two nodding, so he continued, “This competition is led by the Yanyun Association, and many aquarium experts have been invited, with the intention of overpowering our Lanzhou City. Originally It’s nothing, the competition between industries is normal, but they ridiculed our Lanzhou City contestants, saying that we couldn’t even find a decent representative.”

The representatives of Lanzhou City in this competition are three members of the association including Jin Chu. They are indeed not well-known in the circle, and their level is very average. Without the success of the last exhibition, their participation would not be noticeable, and they would be harassed by others.

The current technical level of Lanzhou City Fish Friends Association is far from the strength displayed at the exhibition, which inevitably makes people feel that the name is not worthy of the name. But the improvement of the level requires a learning process. They participated in this competition to exchange experience with others and broaden their knowledge. Although Yuyou rejected them, they still took the first step of improvement.

However, due to their reputation, their resumes were turned out and compared with other contestants. Because the fry of Luohan fish are relatively precious, this competition does not recruit amateur players, unless it is a special guest.

Arhat masters from all over the world gathered, and the identity of the contestants naturally attracted much attention.

Compared with the achievements and fame that others have achieved in the ornamental fish industry, the three Jin Chu are simply lacking.

Lanzhou City is not without masters, but unfortunately, most of them are not good at raising Luohan fish.

“I also have some friendship with Jin Chu.” Wei Lao interjected, “His level of raising dragon fish and koi is not bad, but Luo Han fish… is only good enough for entry. As for the other two, Yuanxi is probably the only one who is there. There is some research on Luohan fish.”

“It’s just a fish-raising competition, let’s see what they can do! Our little fish are much better than them!” Old Qiao’s little tantrum couldn’t stand the run from others.

Yu You listened obediently, and there was no superfluous reaction on his face.

Old Qiao winked at her frequently: As the leading expert in Lanzhou City, he was ridiculed by outsiders, why was he not in a hurry? The dignity of a master? Do you still want it!

Yuyou: “?” He dignifiedly refilled a cup of hot tea for him.

Old Qiao: “…” So angry!

Lu Jingyi listened to a brief aside, and vaguely felt that something was wrong. Was this competition organized by Yanyun deliberately targeting Lanzhou City?

Instead of choosing high-end seawater ornamental fish or the more famous dragon fish, they chose the relatively niche Luohan fish. Perhaps it is because the seawater ornamental fish in Lanzhou City shine at the exhibition, while the freshwater ornamental fish are relatively sad. Especially Luohan fish, there is almost no outstanding performance.

The only thing to worry about is Yuyou, but with the grades of marine fish she exhibited at the exhibition before, and the fish raised in the store, it is natural for the outside world to come to the conclusion that she is a master of marine ornamental fish. Choosing Luohanyu can limit her performance to the greatest extent. However, she had no intention of participating at all. In this way, the speculation that she is not good at raising freshwater fish is further confirmed.

If it is amateur fish farming, naturally there is not so much attention, anyone can get started, but professional farming is completely different, compared to technology and experience, as well as the probability of cultivating high-end fish.

If Yuyou is really not good at raising Luohan fish, this time, whether she participates or not, she will inevitably be discussed, but Lu Jingyi is full of confidence in her, as long as she participates, she will definitely be a blockbuster.

Thinking of this, Lu Jingyi decided to be a quiet and beautiful man and just let it go. He picked up the teacup and sipped it slowly, ignoring Old Wei’s eyes.

“Hey, forget it, I’ll just say it directly!” Qiao Lao couldn’t hold it any longer, and looked at Yuyou, “Xiaoyu, how are you raising Arhats?”

“General.” Yu You answered truthfully. Compared with sea fish, it is a lot worse.

“Is it just normal?” Old Qiao was a little disappointed and sighed, “That’s the end, even you can’t deal with it. In this competition, our Lanzhou City will definitely be slapped in the face.”

Yu You wondered: “There are always winners and losers in the game. In the end, except for the top three, everyone will be eliminated. Does Lanzhou City have to take a place?”

“If it was not necessary before, but now Lanzhou City is attracting attention, a little mistake will be infinitely magnified.” Old Qiao looked at Yuyou speechlessly: Do you have any points in your heart for the trend you set off? !

Yuyou fell into contemplation: So, is this the aftermath of her holding the exhibition?

“Do you want me to participate?” The three old gentlemen helped her a lot with the demolition. If they asked, she could go and see.

“Forget it, you also said that your level is only average. Isn’t it just plain white to recruit you?” Qiao Lao waved his hand and did not force it.

Yuyou: Since you said that…

Before she could respond, Mr. Qiao asked again, “Do you have any recommendations for raising Luohan? It doesn’t matter if he is not a professional player, we can fight for a place for him.”

Yu You thought for a while. Most of the Luohan masters she knew were in other cities or abroad, but local masters with the ability to compete were rare.

So Yuyou shook his head.

Elder Qiao immediately took a breather, and sat slumped on the chair with his arms in his arms, sulking like a child, and Elder Wei couldn’t coax him well.

Yu You watched silently for a while, and suddenly said, “There is actually one such candidate.”

“Oh?” Old Qiao was instantly resurrected, “Who?”

Yuyou pointed to himself: “Me.”

“Didn’t you say your level is just average???” Old Qiao stared at him.

“Compared to sea fish, my level of raising Luohan fish is really only average.” Yu You paused for a while, and added, “I may not be able to cultivate more than three superb Luohan.”

Qiao Lao & Wei Lao: “!!”

It turns out that your so-called “average” is measured by the number of excellent products you have cultivated? ! The best of three or more? In that kind of real-time competition, if you can cultivate one or two high-quality products, you are considered a master, and if you cultivate a top-quality product, you are considered a super boss! ! Do you still want to cultivate more than three? ? ? Your “average” is too “average”! With such a natural pose, there is no one but you.

Qiao Lao stood at a row of tables: “Xiaoyu, the honor of our Lanzhou City depends on you. My requirements are not high, just take the first one and come back!”

Yuyou: “…”

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