My Love Style Is A Bit Abnormal

Chapter 352

Chapter 352, [In Addition To Senior Sister, I Have Several Girlfriends. 】

Chapter 352, [In addition to senior sister, I have several girlfriends. 】

“Then Sister Chen, tell me about your conditions.”

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Yi said solemnly.

“Oh, why are you so nervous, my sister won’t eat you, it’s too late to hurt you.”

Covering his mouth and giggling for a while, Chen Qinghe spoke.

“The conditions are actually quite simple.”

“First, starting from tomorrow, the weekly test will become three times a week.”

“Second, every Friday afternoon, you must set aside time to stay with me.”

“Third, third, I haven’t thought about it yet. I’ll tell you when I think about it.”

That’s it?

Xiao Yi was a little suspicious.

These conditions do not sound too unacceptable.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yi hesitated.

“Sister Chen, as long as I promise you these conditions, you will treat this as not happening?”

Although this is suspected of being a scumbag, Xiao Yi really doesn’t know how to deal with this kind of thing perfectly.

It would be impossible to bring her home.

The house is already messy enough. If this restless woman also enters the back house, I don’t know what kind of trouble it will cause.

Since she took the initiative to ask to reveal the matter, Xiao Yi was naturally willing to do it.

Reaching out his hand and touching Xiao Yi’s face, Chen Qinghe said with a smile.

“What else do you call Sister Chen, you call my sister old.”

“Come and listen to the shout, please be sweet.”

The face shook for a while, but now that the situation is not against me, Xiao Yi can only call out Qinghe against his will.

Hearing Xiao Yi being so obedient, the smile on Chen Qinghe’s face grew even wider.

“Hey, that’s right.”

With a laugh, Chen Qinghe picked up the bag and took Xiao Yi’s arm.

“Let’s go, today happens to be Friday, go shopping with me.”

Why do you feel that you are being pinched for no apparent reason?



After tossing for an afternoon, when Xiao Yi and Chen Qinghe parted, the sky was already covered with sunset.

On the way back, the more Xiao Yi thought about it, the more wrong it became.

After careful scrutiny, there are simply too many loopholes.

First of all, let’s not mention how there are handcuffs in Chen Qinghe’s house. After all, who knows what unusual hobbies this girl has. The main question is why do you know where the handcuffs are in her house? You can easily tie her up.

Furthermore, if last night was her first time, she was a woman anyway, and a treasure that had been preserved for 28 years was just picked by herself, would her reaction be too bland?

Unless she is the man she likes, then she may not be sad but rather happy, but the problem is that Xiao Yi and her have a half-cent relationship at all.

Finally, and most importantly.

Today’s conversation, Xiao Yi always felt as if Chen Qinghe had designed it in advance, and things like photos could be faked, and tears could also be faked.

But the fact is, even if Xiao Yi has doubts, he really doesn’t have the slightest impression of what happened last night.

Even if this is a well-designed bridge, he can only be dumb and can’t say anything.


Stepping on the moonlight, Xiao Yi returned to Huqiu’s home.

Senior Sister is sitting on a chair in front of the courtyard, playing with Dada and Xiao Huang.

Seeing Xiao Yi come back, she walked into the house to get him slippers, and said softly at the same time.

“have you eaten?”

“not yet.”

After replying, Xiao Yi picked up Da Da and put it on his lap to tease.

“Then I’ll cook for you.”

Taking advantage of Senior Sister’s time to cook, Xiao Yi has been considering whether to tell her about Chen Qinghe.

But after thinking about it, he still decided not to tell her.

After all, it remains to be considered whether it is true or not. If this matter is not what I imagined, it will only add to my troubles. After all, with Qingyi’s temperament, if she finds out about this matter, she will definitely go to see Chen Qinghe. It didn’t end well.

If after follow-up observation, the truth is the same as what I thought, then it will not be too late to talk to Qingyi.


The days that followed were uneventful.

Because of the incident of Chen Qinghe, Xiao Yi was also busy a lot, and it was impossible to stay at home like a salted fish.

Every day, in addition to the grand plan of having a baby with senior sister, I accompany Yun Qing, and I also take time to accompany Chen Qinghe to test his skills.

It has now been nearly five months since Su Yunqing was pregnant, and her belly has gradually grown.

As the saying goes, pregnant women become stupid, and it’s not true at all.

During this time, Su Yunqing’s words and deeds became more and more cute, and her mood was occasionally unstable. Qingyi and Yaxin often went to Guanshan famous buildings to accompany her in their free time.

Han Yun naturally welcomed Qingyi and Yaxin to visit their daughters frequently.

However, there was something wrong with the way she looked at Jiang Qingyi and Zhao Yaxin.

But at this juncture, she didn’t ask any more questions.

In this way, the time came to the last day of July.


This is the day Yaxin’s mother returned to Suzhou.

Because I had promised Bitch Bitch to wait for my aunt to come back and discuss marriage with her. Now that the words have been said, Xiao Yi will naturally agree.

Besides, Zhao Yaxin followed him like this, Xiao Yi didn’t want her to be ignorant, at least let his aunt know.

Carrying a large bag of gifts, Xiao Yi knocked on the door of the apartment.

The door opened, Zhao Yaxin saw Xiao Yi standing at the door, and looked down at the package in his hand, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

“Is Xiao Xiao here?”

Cheng Hongxiu’s voice came from the living room.

“Auntie, it’s me.”

Xiao Yi responded quickly.

Walking into the living room, Xiao Yi put down the gift and looked at Cheng Hongxiu who was sitting on the sofa and said.

“Auntie, I haven’t seen you for a long time. How is your health recently?”

“You kid, come here, why do you bring so many gifts?”

“Auntie’s health is much better.”

“By the way, Xiao Xiao, you haven’t eaten yet, have you? Auntie goes out and buys what you want to eat.”

With a smile, Xiao Yi hurriedly stopped him.

“I don’t need it, aunt, I’m not that particular about it, I just do a little bit.”

While Xiao Yi and Cheng Hongxiu were talking, Zhao Yaxin had already gone to the kitchen.

Xiao Yi knew that Senior Sister was probably shy. After all, no matter how strong she was, she was always a little reserved when she talked about her marriage in front of her mother.

Xiao Yi didn’t hesitate, he sat down and talked with Cheng Hongxiu for a while, and then he made it clear.

“Auntie, I’m here today mainly to discuss with my aunt my marriage with my senior.”

Hearing this, Cheng Hongxiu’s expression froze, and then a smile appeared on his face.

“Xiao Xiao, you and Xin’er…”

“Well, my senior and I are already together.”

Xiao Yi replied sincerely.


“Xin’er is the real girl. She didn’t tell her mother when such a big thing happened.”

The smile on Cheng Hongxiu’s face was very real, and it could be seen that she was really happy to hear the news.

She knew that her daughter had always liked this junior who was a few years younger than her, and Cheng Hongxiu was also very satisfied with Xiao Yi.

Just when she was about to continue to ask questions, Xiao Yi did not hide it and continued to speak truthfully.

“But Auntie, there is something I don’t want to hide from you.”

“In addition to senior sister, I have several girlfriends.”

(End of this chapter)

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