My Love Style Is A Bit Abnormal

Chapter 332

Chapter 332, [In10Tional Murder]

Chapter 332, [Intentional Murder]


The dark hole shone with a cold sheen.

At this moment, Xiao Yi’s muscles tightened instantly, the shadow of death instantly filled his body, and Chen Xiao, who was beside him, trembled in his calf.

Even if a hero is pointed at the head with a gun, he can’t help but feel the fear in his heart.

Across the road, Davis, who was about to come to help, hurriedly ran into the car.

It really doesn’t blame him for selling his teammates. In this situation, who wants to joke about his own life?

Who knows if that guy will go crazy with a crazy shot?

Glancing at his comrades who were lying on the ground, Hadi spat out a mouthful of spit and walked staggeringly towards Xiao Yi.

At this moment, Xiao Yi almost had the thought of scolding her mother.

Really Nima Free America!

If you don’t agree, take a gun!

Is this a fart?

But the spit is spit, at this time Xiao Yi didn’t dare to touch that guy’s bad head easily, he gave Chen Xiao a look, and then said kindly.

“Brother, calm down.”

“A lot of passers-by took videos of the scene of our fight just now. Even if you kill me, I’m afraid that you will not be good.”

“Why don’t you make a price, just think that I will compensate the brothers.”

Seeing Xiao Yi’s incomparably flattering words just now, who still looked like a world Wudi, Hadi felt extremely happy in his heart.

He walked up to Xiao Yi, pointed the gun at the back of his head with one hand, patted his cheek with the other, and joked.

“Aren’t you very good at fighting?”

“Xia Guo Kungfu?”

“I’m really scared.”

As he said that, he kicked Chen Xiao, who was trembling aside.

“Fuck, this is the first time in my life that I have been shot with bricks.”

Seeing that Hardy didn’t act the first time, Xiao Yi couldn’t help but relax a little.

Maybe he wanted to see the fear of the two of them, or to follow the principle that the villain died of too much talk, but in any case, it also left Xiao Yi a space to operate.

Xiao Yi could endure the temporary humiliation, but he couldn’t really put all his hopes in the hands of others.

And Hardy was obviously angry at this time, and no one knew when he had had enough and pulled the trigger.

Being kicked to the ground, Chen Xiao didn’t dare to show any dissatisfied expression, and curled up with a pitiful appearance.

Hardy was even more happy when he saw this scene.

He turned around and pointed at Chen Xiao, and was ready to make a few more jokes.

But at this moment, Xiao Yi caught his distraction, and a quick-eyed hand turned a knife into his wrist and slashed at his wrist.

Accidentally, Hardy was hit in the wrist, and the pistol in his hand fell to the ground subconsciously.

Immediately, he also understood in an instant, and he didn’t bother to pick up the pistol that fell on the ground.

Anyone with discernment knows that whoever has the gun can take the initiative on the field.

In the chaos, it is not known who touched the pistol.

next second.

A gunshot rang out in the dimly lit underground passage.

outside the channel.

Zhao Yaxin and Su Yunqing hid in a hidden corner.

She looked worriedly in the direction of the passage.

On the other side, Su Yunqing’s face was also full of worry.

twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes have passed since they called the police, but they still haven’t seen the policeman.

Thinking of the scene Xiao Yi was facing, Zhao Yaxin’s whole body became a little bit out of tune.

She didn’t dare to imagine what would happen to the underground passage in the next twenty minutes, nor did she dare to imagine the scene of Xiao Yi being surrounded by eight or nine people. She was afraid that if she thought about it, she would faint completely.

She wanted to rush in more than once, but her reason told her that doing so would definitely not help Xiao Yi.

It may even become a burden to him.

At this time, there are more and more people around the exit.

Many pedestrians who passed by in the underground passage did not go far, and gathered here, craned their necks and looked inside.

“Yaxin, Xiao Yi will be fine, right?”

Glancing at Zhao Yaxin dully, Su Yunqing’s tone was extremely frightened.

Shaking his head, Zhao Yaxin comforted.

“It’s okay, he is such a bad person, God will not accept him.”

Having said that.

But Zhao Yaxin has no confidence at all.

If it’s really okay, why haven’t you seen anyone after 20 minutes?

Right now.

A loud gunshot came from the underground passage.

The crowd surrounding the exit scattered in a hurry, while Zhao Yaxin and Su Yunqing stayed on the spot for an instant.

In the next second, they could no longer care about other thoughts and ran away into the passage.

Also at this time.

The long-lost siren finally sounded.

Stepping on the dirty water, John covered his mouth and nose and walked into the underground passage.

As the policeman on duty in this city, he really doesn’t want to get involved in such a mess.

In the beautiful country, there are not thousands of fights a day, at least a few hundred. If the police need to be dispatched for every fight, then the police in the beautiful country don’t have to do anything else every day.

So when he received the first call to the police, he didn’t take it seriously at all, but then he received several calls to the police one after another, and the place of the accident was still the same, so John could only endure his unhappiness and drive here. Check.

Lines of sight are restricted in the cluttered passage.

John walked forward vigilantly, holding the pistol on his waist.

When he came to the scene of the incident, he immediately saw a scene that made him sluggish.

In a narrow passage, the already rotten railings have long been trampled to pieces.

Beside Yu, there were seven or eight limp and wailing people lying crookedly.

Not far from them, the two were lying motionless on the ground, looking at their appearance, they didn’t know if there was still air. The blood and sewage were mixed together, and the smell was pungent and unpleasant.

Seeing this scene, John knew that it was not as simple as just fighting.

Immediately, he drew his pistol and pointed it at the remaining three, saying that classic line.

“Don’t move, put your hands up, I’m the police!”

into the night.

Xiao Yi finally woke up from the coma.

After he grabbed the pistol and shot Hardy in the thigh, he lost his mobility, and he passed out due to excessive blood loss.

Rubbing his sore head, Xiao Yi didn’t have time to see the environment clearly when a group of heavily armed police rushed into the ward.

The leader of them spoke too fast, Xiao Yi didn’t understand what he was saying at all, and the whole person was already put on handcuffs and framed out.

But he heard a word faintly.

Intentional murder?

The police station is brightly lit.

The police chief, who has fallen asleep, had to get out of the bed because of the bad gun murders in his jurisdiction.

Xiao Yi was taken into the interrogation room, and two policemen walked in.


“Xiao Yi.”



“Which country?”

“Xia Guo.”

Xiao Yi replied truthfully.

When the two interrogating policemen heard that Xiao Yi was from Xia, they couldn’t help but glance at each other.

Xiao Yi clearly saw discrimination and contempt in their eyes.

“Mr. Xiao Yi, I’m here to inform you that you have been formally arrested by this bureau because you are suspected of intentional murder, and you have the right to find a lawyer…”

“and many more!”

Hearing this, Xiao Yi couldn’t help interrupting.

“Intentional murder? Officer, I’m the victim.”


The police officer in charge of the questioning sneered, then snapped.

“Mr. Xiao Yi, I hope you will tell the truth about the process of your crime.”

“Maybe the law will give you a lighter sentence.”

Seeing the playful smile on the other side’s face, Xiao Yi knew that it would be difficult for him to get out of this police station tonight.

Xia people have never been treated well in the beautiful country, and the discrimination in their bones has never been broken through the ages.

The other party directly characterized the case without asking the reason. Xiao Yi didn’t know that the other party wanted to close the case because of his identity.

One is a citizen of the country, and the other is a native of Xia.

What’s fair to say?

Talking about law in a beautiful country is a joke in itself.

Resisting the anger in his heart, Xiao Yi explained the whole thing one by one.

The two interrogating policemen were already laughing out loud until they finished talking about the whole story.

“You said you alone knocked down all nine of the other party?”

“One of them still has a firearm?”

“Could it be that you are God?”

“Or do you know Xia Guo Kungfu?”

Saying that, one of them slammed the table and stood up and shouted.

“Mr. Xiao Yi, I hope you will face up to where you are now!”

“This is the beautiful country, not your Xia country.”

“The gun that killed you had your fingerprints on it, and Hardy is still in a coma.”

“You still don’t plead guilty!”

While Xiao Yi was being interrogated, Chen Xiao faced the same treatment in another interrogation room. As for Hadi and several of his companions, they were not seen in the police station.

As Su Yunqing and Su Yunqing were not directly related to the case and could not ask for specific details, they let them go.

As for what they wanted to see Xiao Yi, of course they couldn’t.

“It seems that you won’t confess truthfully without some tough tactics.”

They were woken up from the bed in the middle of the night, and they were full of anger in their hearts, but they didn’t expect that this despicable Xia people would lie so blatantly in the face of the police and the overwhelming evidence.

One hit nine, and all the opponents are brought down?

The most capable special forces in the beautiful country do not have this strength. In their eyes, Xiao Yi’s remarks are naturally understood by them as trying to justify themselves.

Glancing at each other, the two interrogating police officers felt that it was no longer necessary to continue.

Police brutality in law enforcement is not uncommon in the United States.

In the face of some specific criminals, execution is far more effective than other methods.

Glancing at Xiao Yi pitifully, one of them spoke into the walkie-talkie.

“take away.”

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi knew that he would inevitably be beaten again.

Chief’s Office.

When he heard that the perpetrator was from the Xia country, the big-bellied police chief shouted with a black face.

“Xia people?”

“Wake up Laozi with this little thing?”

“I don’t want to hear anything about this case until I wake up tomorrow.”

After all, the chief took his coat and left the police station without turning his head.

As for Xiao Yi and Chen Xiao?

Two people from Xia, do you still need to deal with such a simple case by yourself?

A few minutes later, the two police officers who were interrogating Chen Xiao walked out of the interrogation room.

Several people checked the confessions, and found that the words of the two suspects were surprisingly consistent.

Seeing this, one of them said with some concern.

“Thomas, could the truth really be what they say?”

“Should we investigate it more carefully?”

Hearing this, Thomas, who was in charge of interrogating Xiao Yi, snorted in contempt.

“I said Noah, have you been sleeping too much on a woman’s belly lately and your brain has become stupid? Do you really believe that someone can beat nine?”

“The people of Xia people like to lie the most. Obviously, they have colluded to tell lies.”

After speaking, Thomas turned his words with disdain.

“Even if the facts deviate, don’t forget that Xiao Yi fired that shot, and this one is enough.”

“Besides, they are from the Xia country, so there is no need to delay the brothers’ rest time because of the two Xia people.”

“Let’s go and have supper. His grandmother’s, sleeping soundly, was woken up by the phone. My wife wondered if I had a woman outside.”

It was already an hour after Thomas and the others returned to the police station after eating supper.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Thomas walked into the prison cell, and immediately saw Xiao Yi who was dying in the corner.

He glanced at the guarding policeman, threw a cigarette and asked.

“Have you hired?”

The man took the cigarette, lit it, blew a smoke ring in his mouth and shook his head.

“This guy is tough.”

“It’s hard to say a word in every way.”

Hearing this, Thomas walked up to Xiao Yi and kicked him, laughing.

“It’s okay, just lock him up for a few days, and he’ll be recruited naturally.”

“Okay, it’s not too early, I’ll go back to rest first, and you will work harder tonight.”

“When you get to this place, can you still pry open his mouth?”

Around two in the morning.

In Su Yunqing’s apartment.

Zhao Yaxin sat on the sofa anxiously.

She and Su Yunqing stayed at the gate of the police station for more than an hour, but no one cared about them at all. Zhao Yaxin also knew that staying there would be futile, so she could only take Su Yunqing, who was already frightened, back home first.

And Su Yunqing was still in a sluggish state at this time.

When she saw Xiao Yi lying motionless on the ground with blood all over her face, she felt as if she had lost her soul.

She blamed herself deeply.

If I didn’t want to go out to relax, if I didn’t go to the observatory, this would not happen.

Compared with Su Yunqing’s state at this time, Zhao Yaxin is obviously much calmer.

From the police’s bad attitude towards them, she was keenly aware that this matter might not end so easily.

She thought about it, and then called Cameron.

In a foreign country, Zhao Yaxin doesn’t know who to turn to for help.

Since Cameron is filming in Los Angeles, and he is an international director, he obviously has a certain network of contacts in the beautiful country.

This business needs to activate the relationship on his side.

A few minutes later, Zhao Yaxin hung up the phone and called Xia Guo’s embassy in the United States again.

(I see that some people in the group say that it is all the time, and this kind of bridge can still happen.)

(Although this bridge is a bit embarrassing, but I don’t listen to it, a little bit~~)

(If you scold me, I will cry, 嘤嘤嘤~)

(End of this chapter)

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