My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 193: The most awaited break through

The breakthrough towards the God Realm was closer and closer as Yun Jhin's body fused with the natural laws that his soul comprehended, it wouldn't take much time for him to break open the door that would lead him to the next cultivation realm!

He had used up all of the mountains of fruits inside the spatial ring that Gu Manshu gave him and his ki pathways were getting wider as his internal ki was evolving!

The aura of the four elements around him was intensifying as his cultivation growth continued, it was just a matter of time until he would breakthrough!

Yun Jhin's soul sighed above him as he looked at the ongoing transformation of his body, he remembered how he had broken through the first time into the God Realm, it hadn't been easy at all!


An old man with a hunchback stood cross-legged in an old shack full of dust, the shack was in a forgotten little village where almost no one lived beside the old man.

He had a face full of wrinkles that showed the vicissitudes of time, he had a long beard that reached his chest and it was dirty.

He wore a wrinkled gown of skin color and he had nothing on his feet, his head was moving from the left to right seemingly as if he was listening to a good song.

Every time he moved his head a sound would be heard coming from his cranium as if his brain was so small that the movements of his cranium would rattle it around like a maraca.

He seemed to be a normal crazy old man at first glance but there was something to him more than meets the eye.

Suddenly the old man opened his eyes which were of deep blue color, then the color shifted to green and finally to a crimson red.

A purple and green figure appeared behind him as he sighed and looked down at the body:

"This is my 19,732 attempt at reaching the God Realm... this time it will happen for sure!"

The body of the old man started to go through changes as the figure breathed inside him, worm-like bodies started to enter the old man's body as it went through a metamorphosis...


"Ah, that was the first successful attempt at reaching the God Realm..."

Yun Jhin stopped reminiscing as he looked down at this body which was started to twitch again, this meant that the body had reached the most important point in the breakthrough to the God Realm which was linking with the universal laws that one mastered and fused with!

Linking with the laws of the universe was the only way one could subjugate them and make them their own.

Yun Jhin had to link with the 4 elements law which was one of the easier laws to link with for cultivators, most of them started with elemental cultivation techniques and they were the most familiar with these things, even though Yun Jhin had mastered the laws that didn't mean the universal laws would accept him, however, he had already got their acceptance in the previous lives and once they understood who he was he would surely link with them again.

Yun Jhin's body started to light up with 4 different colors as they flew into the air and outside of the palace lighting up the universal sky!

The 4 elementals law started to appear in the sky linking with the surrounding stars to create images of the four elements, a fire, a rock, a gust of wind, and a tidal wave.

The four elements started to sense the lights that Yun Jhin had sent up and after a short while the four images started to light up as they entered the 4 elemental lights that Yun Jhin had sent up!

This meant that the elemental laws had accepted Yun Jhin!

To Yun Jhin's soul, this wasn't anything new, his soul aura was inside the beams of light that he had sent up, and considering how familiar the universe was with him the laws that acknowledged him would accept him again with no problems.

As for future breakthroughs in the God Realm? He could just wrestle the control from the obstinate laws that didn't want to acknowledge him, he could just make them submit through sheer force!

He only needed their acknowledgment when he entered the God Realm, after he broke through he didn't need their help anymore!

It was easy to let someone in your home but it was harder to make them leave!

Yun Jhin's soul looked at the returning beams of light and laughed as he fused back with his body and opened his eyes, a different aura started to appear around him, it was tangible but it wasn't the one from the 4 elements law he used to break through to the God Realm.

His aura was infinitely bloody as the air around him turned viscous and ultimately hard just like blood would do when it would coagulate, his body grew in height to 2 meters and stopped there, along with the breakthrough in cultivation his body refinement cultivation had also progressed due to the fruits and blood river passive help, he now reached the 6,500 ranks!

Yun Jhin analyzed his body after he broke through and he found everything as he expected, he smiled wickedly before leaving the blood river dripping his body with a new outfit consisting of a spiked black and red armor with a cape and a helmet with short horns that hid his face.

This armor was the former special clothes that he had crafted with the energy from the 4 beasts planets, it was shattered against Hell's willpower but he had saved all of the broken pieces and reforged them during his breakthrough, his soul multitasked it while he observed the transformations his body went through.

And with the help of the blood river unless he met Hell's willpower personally again no one in the universe would be able to fully destroy the armor! Of course, he wouldn't be able to say that it had a perfect defense but it would neutralize more than 20% of an attacker's power and that was for those that were the same cultivation base as his! For those below him, the armor might even neutralize their attacks fully!

He appeared in the dark palace and looked at the elder duo who were currently talking about the sect's businesses and how it was booming, when they saw Yun Jhin appearing soundlessly near them their hearts almost leaped from their chests to their necks.

Yun Jhin asked about the news of the universe and the sect since he entered closed-door cultivation and he was surprised pleasantly to hear that the sect had fulfilled all 10 million slots of disciples, they also had around 100,000 elders out of the 10 million disciples and even 2 Grand elders appeared with cultivation bases below the duo in front of him.

One of them was assigned to the martial hall and the other was assigned to the medicinal hall due to their proficiency, now that Yun Jhin was awoken he wanted to see those two personally!

The two grand elders were called to the dark palace and immediately came the moment they heard the patriarch of the sect exited closed-door cultivation and wanted to meet them.

The moment they entered the palace and saw Yun Jhin's body on the throne they immediately felt an unknown pressure landing on their bodies and souls, it was as if a deadly predator had put its eyes on them and they realized that Yun Jhin's power was even higher than the two old men that recruited them into the sect!

They both kneeled in front of Yun Jhin as he disappeared from the throne and appeared in front of them just like a soundless assassin, this made the grand elder duo start to sweat intensely as they didn't dare to say anything without Yun Jhin's permission or questioning.

"I have a few questions for you, all grand elders of the sect should answer those when I'm around here..."

The duo nodded and waited for Yun Jhin's questions.

"Why did you join the sect?"

The duo immediately said:

"There were not enough resources for us as rogue cultivators so we decided to join a sect... your sect was the closest and your reputation resounded in our ears so we decided to join the sect."

"Hmm, I see... but did you know that all elders and above should pledge allegiance to me?"

"We um..."

"It's not anything monumental all you have to do is this..."

Suddenly Yun Jhin put his hand in front of their faces as he released a burst of energy that infiltrated their souls before they could do anything, it was different from the remotely detonated bomb in the brains of the other two elders, as his cultivation increased so did his means that were previously locked behind a cultivation wall.

"We are uh...."

The duo started to shake like they had seizures as they fell on the floor of the palace, the elders he subdued at the Bazaar were looking at the grand elders with pity but they were also gloating, they had been in a similar situation before and it was good to see others in the same situation for them.

They shook for a while before they got up, they left a puddle of sweat on the floor but it seemed as if nothing actually happened to them on the surface.

They both bowed and left as if the events that unfolded never happened.

Yun Jhin's eyes turned back to the elder duo who remained in the palace and he appeared in front of them with a smile:

"Shall you two go with the same procedure or you want something different?"

The faces of those two turned pale as their beards started shaking from fear, they really didn't want to experience whatever those two had!

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