My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 55

Li Shiwen discovered Qin Ran and his apprentice, this was no coincidence.

Recently there have been frequent incidents of demon beasts going berserk and injuring people. He had a premonition that something was going on deep within the Hengduan Mountains. So these days, he had been patrolling the outskirts of the Hengduan Mountains.

Firstly to drive away the frenzied demon beasts, secondly to warn the foolish hunters and cultivators who did not know life from death, and thirdly to investigate the reason why the demon beasts were going berserk.

Tonight as he was patrolling this area, he saw a bonfire on the barren land from afar, and immediately brought his troops over to check exactly who was being so foolish as to not know life from death.

But as soon as he looked, he saw that it was actually his younger sister together with her master over there and...

"And what?" Li Shiyin's big eyes were a little confused as she asked Li Shiwen.

Li Shiwen did not know how to explain, so he rode forward on his horse.

Li Shiyin looked at Qin Ran doubtfully again. Qin Ran shook his head, also not knowing how to explain, and hurriedly rode forward to catch up with Li Shiwen.

Li Shiwen led the patrol troops, about all elites, wearing armor and carrying bows, spears and sabers, well-equipped for both close and long range combat.

Their armor was painted black, almost the same color as the darkness, like extinguished torches, they would blend into the darkness and become the grim reapers in the dark.

As they came and went, they moved uniformly and swiftly like gale force winds and lightning.

If Qin Ran had not been riding an Immortal Spirit Horse, he would not have even seen the tail end of this cavalry unit.

He rode a white horse, hugging the little lamia Long Qiqi, galloping to the front of the troop to catch up with Li Shiwen, and avoiding the confused Li Shiyin.

"Who is she?" Li Shiwen gestured at Long Qiqi in Qin Ran's arms and asked.

"Demon beast!" Qin Ran answered concisely.

"Demon beast?!"

Qin Ran hmmed and did not explain further.

Li Shiyin who was in the midst of asking the troops for bows, arrows and spears, glanced over and saw Li Shiwen's ignorant appearance. She curled her lips slightly with some contempt.

"Your general really has no experience. He has never even seen a demon beast snake before." She said to the soldier beside her.

"Ah yes yes yes." The soldiers nodded.

And seeing Qin Ran's expression, Li Shiwen knew he had overreacted. After all, this was an immortal expert, what was a small demon beast snake?

So he gave a little cough by himself and stopped talking, so as to avoid further exposing his own lack of knowledge.

The cavalry moved extremely fast, and in no time at all, they arrived at the place where the scout had reported seeing the demon beasts.

Qin Ran had good eyesight. Looking from afar, he could see amidst the darkness, pairs upon pairs of blood red eyes, and with the help of the torchlight from this side, he could also vaguely make out the sharp ears and long snouts in the dark undergrowth.

“Ready your bows!”

They were still quite a distance away that even Qin Ran could barely make out the details. Li Shiwen definitely could not see the specific situation over there, but without further thought, Li Shiwen already fired a rain of arrows over.


These wolf demon beasts were not very high level. This wave of arrows caused them heavy casualties. There was chaos amongst the wolf pack with intermittent howls here and there.

But the wolf pack was huge. Despite being injured, they did not flee, instead they charged towards them.

Qin Ran took another look. Amidst the darkness were countless pairs of bloodshot eyes, like a sea of blood, covering the entire mountain... this wolf pack had thousands of them!

As the cavalry charged and the wolf pack rushed over, the distance between them shortened rapidly. At that moment, Qin Ran could feel his own blood boiling as he drew out his sword.

But just then, Li Shiwen shouted, "Right turn!"

The entire cavalry unit turned neatly to the right in unison.

"Huh?" Qin Ran was dumbfounded and got thrown out of the formation. He looked left and saw the wolves right next to him. The stench overwhelmed him as the wolves brushed past the buttocks of his horse. He hurriedly spurred his Immortal Spirit Horse to catch up with higher performance.

Li Shiwen did not give him a heads up, he must have done that on purpose! Qin Ran gnashed his teeth.

Following behind the troop, Qin Ran could clearly see that with the cavalry's right turn, they had neatly avoided the wolf pack's charge. As the wolf pack rushed at them, the cavalry slid smoothly along the curve of their attack.

But Li Shiwen clearly could not see the details of the wolves' movements! How did he manage to do that?

Qin Ran suddenly recalled his silly apprentice's intuition during cultivation...

Li Shiwen led the cavalry to the side of the wolf pack, continuously firing arrows to whittle down their numbers.

They were like sheepdogs herding the wolves as sheep, keeping them in this grassland pasture.

Li Shiwen controlled the distance, encircling the wolf pack with attacks using only bows and arrows, avoiding close combat as much as possible. When wolves drew near, he would pull back. And when the wolf pack tried to flee, they would chase up to them.

A classic cavalry tactic of kiting.

However, Li Shiwen still could not see the details clearly. There were times he misjudged the distance and got into close quarter fights with the wolf pack, resulting in cavalry casualties.

"Level one demon beast, Dark Night Forest Wolf Pack." Qin Ran identified the specific type of wolf pack.

Seeing the fallen soldiers amidst the darkness, he sighed and took out some medicinal pills from his cosmic bag, conveying to Li Shiwen with sound transmission, "I'll throw, you shoot!"

Li Shiwen did not understand his intention but Qin Ran did not explain much. He directly threw a pill into the air and Li Shiwen frowned before drawing his bow to shoot an arrow accurately at the pill in midair.

In the next moment, the pill exploded with an eye piercing light in the air. Every single grain of the exploded pill lit up, dispelling the darkness in this area.

"There's actually something like this?" Li Shiwen was dazzled by the light and exclaimed joyfully.

Qin Ran threw a few more pills into the air and Li Shiwen shot them down one by one with his arrows. In a short while, it was as bright as daytime, with everything in clear sight.

With that, there would no longer be cases of Li Shiwen misjudging distances when leading the cavalry to kite.

The cavalry advanced bit by bit, pushing the wolf pack back towards the forest. The wolf pack retreated slowly, watching intently for any chance to counter attack. Both sides seemed highly organized.

It could be seen that Li Shiwen was no stranger to leading troops to drive away packs of demon beasts. It was also evident that the wolf king of this pack was not simple at all.

Qin Ran rode hard to keep up with the advancing and retreating tempo of the cavalry on his Immortal Spirit Horse.

While keeping up, he sent out his divine sense to search for something amongst the wolf pack until finally, after much effort, at a certain moment he found his target on that slightly bigger wolf hiding amongst the pack...

The Wolf King!

"Shiyin..." He called out urgently.

Unlike Qin Ran, Li Shiyin had grown up on horseback since young. Riding and shooting arrows was like eating and drinking to her. She had also experienced cavalry offense and defense before. At that moment, she was happily going with the flow of Li Shiwen's tempo.

Hearing Qin Ran calling for her, she took the chance to ask during the brief respite, “What’s the matter?”

“The Wolf King!”

Qin Ran shared his line of sight via his divine sense to Li Shiyin, allowing her to also see the hiding Wolf King. She instantly became excited, spurring her horse out of formation to rush next to Li Shiwen and snatching his steel spear.

She stood up on her white horse, took a step forward to plant a foot on the horse's head and shouted, "From now on, I'm the older sister, Li Shiwen!"

The spear shot through the air in a parabolic trajectory. Its tip glinted in the bright light before accurately piercing the Wolf King's torso, nailing it directly to the ground.

It was as if there was some strange effect at play. The moment the Wolf King died, the wolf pack instantly lost all fighting spirit and began to scatter loosely.

The cavalry drew their bows and volleys of arrows rained down. The dead wolves died and the scattered ones fled. The pack quickly disappeared into the forest.


The cavalry cheered and their horses neighed along.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Shiyin". Qin Ran could clearly hear it was Li Shiwen shouting. Then some others followed shouting, they were trusted aides of the Li family.

Then wave after wave of cheers rang out:




Li Shiyin stood on the horse's head with both hands raised, basking in the cheers, looking every bit like a...

Villainous demon lord!

As Qin Ran watched on, he felt that the cheers were a perfect match for his silly apprentice's performance. She was born to stand in the center of the stage, destined to be the brightest star in the night sky.

His heart suddenly felt itchy.

"What do you think?" Li Shiwen's voice suddenly sounded next to his ear and Qin Ran saw him riding over while watching Shiyin and asking him.

"Think of what?" Qin Ran did not know what Li Shiwen wanted to ask.

"What do you think of my sister?"

"Shiyin is great!" Qin Ran replied.

"Do you like her then?"

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