My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 38

Li Shiyin had always lacked confidence in reading and writing, but was quite confident in fighting and sports.

The first time she stood on a flying sword, she felt she was born to ride swords.

Indeed, after circling around the gym on the Qingxing Sword a couple times, she had basically mastered the sword riding skills and could go up and down with ease.

Then, she wanted to go faster. She increased the output of her mystical powers, then she lost control, then she crashed through the window and flew out...

The Qingxing Sword under her feet kept swaying irregularly. Li Shiyin couldn't stand firmly and felt she could fall off at any moment. The direction of the flying sword was already beyond her control.

The speed was very fast, the wind was strong, and the raindrops hitting her face were painful. The height was so high that the mud pit she had dug in the lawn looked very small.

She was so scared...

But she didn't dare stop. If she stopped circulating her powers, she would fall directly. She was already at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

She could only keep flying forward. Overhead were gloomy clouds, seemingly exerting a force of millions of pounds, suffocating her until she couldn't breathe.

"Master, save me!" She kept calling out. Only her master could save her now.

As he had always taught Li Shiyin, protecting one's life was the first priority in cultivating immortality. Qin Ran naturally led by example.

Aside from combat, Qin Ran's speed and concealment techniques, his ability to flee, were definitely top notch.

He estimated that even if he encountered a normal Yuan Ying stage cultivator, he would have a chance to escape.

Although the price would be, in direct combat, he probably couldn't even beat a normal Foundation Establishment stage cultivator...

Cough! This is unimportant. What's important is that Qin Ran's escape techniques were really amazing.

Even though Li Shiyin had a solid foundation and was using all her power to ride the sword, and had already flown quite a distance, he was still able to catch up very quickly.

However, although he was close, he didn't dare rescue her recklessly.

It was like rescuing a drowning person - you had to be extremely careful, otherwise you could easily be dragged down by the drowning person... Don't underestimate the power of the survival instinct.

So you also had to be very careful when rescuing someone mid-air.

"Stay calm!" Qin Ran sent a voice transmission to Li Shiyin, "Don't panic!"

Staying calm was the best response when faced with an unexpected situation. Calmness was the only solution.

The master had arrived, but he didn't come to rescue her. Li Shiyin looked back and saw her master right behind her. She didn't understand why.

It was only after a while that she heard her master's gentle voice in her ears...

"Stay calm?"

Ah, the big raindrops kept hitting her face...

"I will definitely save you!"

Her master kept talking to her without stopping for a moment.

Her panicked heart gradually calmed down. Her master was right behind her. Her master had great mystical powers. She didn't doubt at all that her master would save her.

"Trust me!" her master said, "Do as I say."

She looked back again. Her master was right behind her. The wind and rain were pulling at him, but her master's slender figure didn't sway at all.

"Pay attention to your mystical power control!"

Her master's voice became clearer and clearer, and the roaring wind around her ears couldn't blow it away.

She took a deep breath. The air carrying water vapor rushed into her lungs. Her tender spiritual sense moved, surveying the inside of her body.

The mystical powers in her dantian were gushing out uncontrollably, all flowing into the flying sword under her feet.

"Control of mystical powers..." She remembered her master's control over his mystical powers, basically achieving mastery over them like an extra limb. If it was her master, he definitely wouldn't have lost control over his powers.

She circulated her cultivation technique, trying to control her powers.

"Slow down!" her master was teaching her.

She controlled her powers and her speed slowly decreased bit by bit.

"You can go slow, but don't stop!" her master's voice continued.

She knew what to do now.

"Treat the flying sword as part of your cultivation path!"

Following his words, she circulated her cultivation technique, treating the flying sword as an extension of her meridians. Her powers flowed from her dantian to the flying sword, then back to her dantian.

The flying sword seemed to become a part of her. She tried changing the direction of the sword, and it turned...

"Yes!" She yelled excitedly, "Master! I did it!!"

Li Shiyin looked back and saw that Qin Ran was still not far behind her.

Just as she had been so scared before, now she was equally excited. She suddenly sped up, drew an arc in front of her and flew back to Qin Ran's side, flying abreast with him.

"Master, look, I can do it now!!" She laughed loudly, "Hahaha..."

Qin Ran looked over and knew Li Shiyin had grasped the sword riding skills. It was needless to say that his foolish disciple was talented. Actually, as long as he could calm her down, there was no problem.

He relaxed, only then noticing that it was still pouring rain, and realized...

Damn, how high up were they?!

Must be tens of thousands of meters...

He felt dizzy and nauseous!

His eyes blurred and his body stiffened. The smoothly circulating mystical powers in his body suddenly stopped, and he fell straight down...


Suddenly, a miserable cry came from the master beside her. Li Shiyin, caught up in excitement, suddenly remembered that important matter... her master was afraid of heights!

She looked over. Where was Qin Ran's figure? She hurriedly looked down. Qin Ran had already fallen several hundred meters!

"Master!" She shouted loudly. Her mystical powers circulated rapidly as she pressed down the sword tip and rushed towards Qin Ran.

Since she accelerated on her own initiative, she was naturally much faster than Qin Ran's free fall. In no time, she was at Qin Ran's side.

She called out to Qin Ran: "Master, I'm here to save you!"

"Don't..." Although dizzy and nauseated, Qin Ran still remembered to warn Li Shiyin not to casually reach out to catch him...

But her hands were faster than her mind. Before he finished speaking, she had already reached out.

Then, as expected, she hadn't controlled their relative speed properly. In the instant they made contact, Li Shiyin dislocated her arm.

"Ah!" She couldn't help crying out in pain, but still tried to grab Qin Ran with her other hand.

In his dazed state, seeing this scene, Qin Ran's worry for his foolish disciple finally made his internal powers start circulating again. He subconsciously used his movement technique, and his body suddenly felt light.

Li Shiyin grabbed and caught Qin Ran's collar, finally lifting him up.

Her strength was enough to lift up Qin Ran single-handedly, but her mystical powers were insufficient to support her carrying someone while riding the sword... She had consumed too much power when she lost control earlier.

So before they could descend many meters, she could no longer support them. In the rain mid-air, they swayed back and forth unsteadily, like a dilapidated small boat in a storm, in danger of capsizing at any moment.

Although not fully unconscious, in his dazed state Qin Ran consciously tried to reduce Li Shiyin's burden.

Even so, Li Shiyin still couldn't do it. When your internal powers are empty, they're just empty, not a single drop left.

At a certain moment, master and disciple plummeted straight from mid-air!

The dense foliage of the primal forest reduced their momentum considerably. After breaking many branches, they crashed to the ground with a "thud".

Qin Ran rolled several times on the thick rotting leaves before he could no longer hold on, and vomited loudly.

After vomiting for a while, he felt much better.

"Where exactly are we?"

He raised his head. The surrounding trees were tall and huge, with dense branches and leaves. Raindrops kept falling with a "pat pat" sound, hitting the ground and rotting leaves, making strange "gu gu" sounds.

No one answered him. He hurriedly shouted loudly, "Shiyin!"

"Mas...ter..." Li Shiyin's voice sounded weakly from the bushes nearby.

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