My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 20

"That bolt of divine lightning was actually chasing after this Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger cub!"

Qin Ran suddenly realized, and also understood why the Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger could chase the Thunder Unicorn Ox to the front of the human sect - "This is a nursing Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger cub..."

The so-called power of a mother's love.

"Master, what should we do?" Li Shiyin pointed at the Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger cub shivering in the rainwater.

Qin Ran looked up and saw the two Yuan Ying stage demon kings battling further and further away in the night sky, gradually disappearing into the darkness.

"Why would the Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger send her child here?" He thought about this question, and quickly had the answer, "She was injured... Or rather, she realized she was going to die soon."

In the darkness, five rays of light suddenly rose from the peak where the Dao Sword Sect's sect master was, four of which chased after the two demon kings who had left, while one came towards Dan Peak.

The Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger cub had been discovered... Qin Ran suddenly realized there would be no chance left if he didn't make a decision now. He urgently shouted at Li Shiyin, "Quick, go pick it up!"

Then he summoned the wind and flew up to meet the ray of light coming towards Dan Peak.

"I didn't know you could fly, Master!" Li Shiyin said in surprise.

She leaned on the railing, pushed off, somersaulted over it with a "splash", and landed on the ground.

She had been worshipping under Dan Peak for over ten days now. Fellow disciples like Tian Wenjin had already built their foundations and could fly all over the world, while Li Shiyin, with the help of Qin Ran's expensive medicinal baths, although she had not built her foundation yet, was actually not inferior to others.

Her physical strength had long surpassed that of mortals, and the flow of energy in her body had also reached considerable quality... What she lacked was merely connecting with heaven and earth and condensing cyclone.

The rain was still heavy. She was already soaked the instant she landed on the ground. Using the dim light shining from the corridor, she went to the Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger cub and crouched down beside it.

This little demon beast was curled up under the weak light with its eyes closed, looking just like a sleeping tabby cat. The light stretched out, protecting it, preventing any rain from getting in.

Li Shiyin reached out to touch it. Her hand passed through the light and made contact with the furry, warm Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger cub. The protective light did not react at all, nor did the cub.

She squinted and looked up again. In the curtain of rain, her master had collided with the ray of light in midair. The person in the light was looking down at them. She quickly ducked her head, scooped up the kitten, and rushed into the living room.

"Elder Brother Sect Master!" Qin Ran stopped the ray of light and greeted respectfully in midair.

He had forcibly flown up and did not know yet how to keep out the rain, so his whole body was drenched and he looked rather miserable.

The person in the ray of light was none other than the Dao Sword Sect's sect master. Seeing that the Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger had left something at Dan Peak before leaving, he had come specifically to investigate. Now that Qin Ran was blocking his way, he also stopped. Although he was the sect master, and Qin Ran only had a late Foundation Establishment cultivation base, still he stopped.

...There was no other choice, he was the Dao Sword Sect's last pill alchemist, some face had to be given.

"It's so late and the rain is so heavy. Does Elder Brother Sect Master have some urgent matter, coming to Dan Peak so suddenly?" Qin Ran wiped the rainwater off his face and asked with a smile.

The Dao Sword Sect's sect master asked in return, "Did you see the great battle between demon kings outside the mountain gate earlier?"

"A battle between demon beasts? I did not know about it," Qin Ran feigned ignorance. "I was woken up by the thunder, got up urgently to pee, and was peeing halfway when I happened to see Elder Brother Sect Master."

"A Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger chasing a Thunder Unicorn Ox, chased it to the front of the mountain gate, and they battled fiercely!" Whether Qin Ran saw it or not, the sect master did not care. He said, "Before they left, the Thunder Unicorn Ox fired a bolt of divine lightning at Dan Peak. I was worried something might have happened, so I came to take a look."

"I see!" Qin Ran nodded and wiped more rainwater off his face. "No major incident. I've troubled Sect Master to show concern."

The sect master sized up Qin Ran and saw the remnants of divine lightning on him, secretly nodding to himself, not bad skills.

He already knew what the Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger had left behind - he had seen Li Shiyin take it into the house just now, clear as day. But he did not care, whoever raised it made no difference. They were all part of the Dao Sword Sect.

With many thoughts turning in his mind, he gave Qin Ran a meaningful look and smiled, "Then I can rest assured."

At this moment, his sound transmission jade talisman rang. He focused his will into it, and his expression subtly changed. He quickly said to Qin Ran, "Nephew, if you have anything, please feel free to discuss with me. Your uncle will do my best to help you resolve it. I have something to deal with now, so I'll take my leave first."

Qin Ran hurriedly saw him off with a bow, "I've troubled you, Sect Master. Please go slowly."

The sect master took one last deep look at Qin Ran, then turned into a ray of light and headed out of the sect.

"Did the Sect Master notice or not?" Qin Ran watched the sect master's departing ray of light, still uncertain.

He was also wondering whether it was worth it for the sake of a Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger cub.

Just as he was thinking this, a sudden vast darkness rose up beneath him. In an instant the world spun and it was the same scene as when he had crossed over here. He immediately felt dizzy and nauseous.

He quickly lifted his head to look at the sky instead of down below, which made him feel slightly better. Maintaining this posture, soaked in rain and treading on the wind, he slowly descended.

It seemed to take a very, very long time before Qin Ran felt his feet touch the ground, his face numb from the raindrops.

Gasping for breath and massaging his face with both hands, he shook his head. "Really not worth it!"

"Master, you're really afraid of heights!" The voice of that shameless disrespectful disciple suddenly sounded from the side, giving him a shock.

He hurriedly turned back to see Li Shiyin standing on the corridor, wearing one of his robes that was still loose on her, and holding a in her arms.

Only then did he realize that what his feet had landed on was not the ground, but the eaves of the first floor.

"Afraid of heights?" He forced out a laugh. "How could I be afraid of heights?!"

"Master, look over there!!" Li Shiyin suddenly shouted, pointing towards the forest.

Qin Ran was shocked again, suspecting the sect master had swung back to ambush them. He hurriedly turned back to look. Then his foot slipped off the eaves and he fell down.

"Hahahaha..." The heartless disrespectful disciple laughed loudly from the second floor corridor.

Qin Ran fell into the mud. His face black, he stomped up to the bathroom, leaving a footprint with every step. Poor cleaning formations in the room had just cleared Li Shiyin's footprints and now had to clear Qin Ran's.

Downstairs in the living room, lights were bright. Freshly bathed, Qin Ran sat on the sofa while Li Shiyin crouched at the coffee table. The Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger cub was sprawled on the table, lapping up milk from a bowl.

"Master, shall we raise it?" Li Shiyin asked. "You sacrificed so much..." She looked at Qin Ran, now clean and calm again.

"This is a seventh rank demon king's bloodline..." Qin Ran looked at the cub on the table, no bigger than a kitten, and said, "If raised properly, it would reach the Yuan Ying stage."

As he spoke, he suddenly noticed the Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger cub's eyes were still blue, with blue membranes present. Recalling something, he asked, "Were its eyes already open when you picked it up, or did they open afterwards?"

"They were closed when I picked it up..." Li Shiyin looked at the cub. "Oh! Its eyes are open now?!"

This fool, Qin Ran was speechless. He shook his head, vaguely recalling that the imprinting phenomenon was not so severe in major issue.

The two watched the little tiger lap up milk. Li Shiyin suddenly remembered something, ran upstairs and back down again, holding a black horn in her hand.

"I found this next to it when picking it up just now." Li Shiyin said.

Qin Ran took it and saw that it was a Thunder Unicorn Ox's horn.

He looked at the little Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger and sighed, "This is the Thunder Unicorn Ox's horn..."

"Why would that demon king's horn be here?" Li Shiyin did not understand.

"That Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger must have been injured. She knew she was sure to die soon. Perhaps this was a gift to thank whoever adopted her cub. Or perhaps it was an exchange for her cub, so whoever found it would not harm it." Qin Ran spoke his guesses.

"When she realized she had chased her prey to the front of the human sect, she must have known she could not possibly live. Those rays of light earlier were the sect's Elder Taishang, all Yuan Ying old monsters. Plus the Sect Master...

"By now, she has likely died already."

This is the most primal motherly love. As Li Shiyin listened, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. She gently stroked the Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger.

The tiny Profound Underworld Spirit Tiger seemed to sense something as well. It stopped eating, lifted its head towards the window and let out a "roar, roar, roar", with tears streaming from its deep blue eyes.

"No matter how big, a cat is still a cat..." said Qin Ran. "Let's give it a name and keep it as a pet."

"Then let's call it Chasing the Wind!"

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