Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 38: The rescue

Chapter 38: The rescue

"So is Mr. Bruce after Tony Stark?" Fury asked. Fury and Coulson have both arrived at the house of John to ask about Tony.

"Yes. Tony is rich. Batman is interested in his intelligence and knowledge. You might get a surprise when Tony comes back. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to Tony Stark" John said.

"Fine, I will wait for him" Fury said

Somewhere in Afghanistan

When Tony woke up he found himself in a cave. He saw that there was a small tube being fed inside his nose. He pulled it with some irritation. But then the reality stuck him. He saw a metal circle like device being attached to his chest. There were 2 wires connected to it and the wires were connected to a battery. He wanted to remove this but then he heard a voice

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" said a man who was was shaving his beard.

"What did you do to me?" asked Tony with a desperate expression.

"What i did to you? I saved your life Tony" said the man and then he explained how this device is stopping him from death but this battery would only last a week. Tony now was really scared. As Tony was lost in his thoughts, he heard a banging sound at the door.

Soon three people came inside and started speaking a foreign language. The man translated the language for him. They wanted Tony to make Jericho which he directly refused. As a result Tony was tortured and after that they brought Tony outside to show their weapons which was all provided by Stark Industries. The terrorist ordered again to build Jericho for them and this time Tony accepted the arrangement.

".....They will never find you in these mountains. Look what you just saw, that is your legacy Stark. Your life's work in the hands of these murderers. Is this how you want to go out? Is this the last legacy of the great Tony Stark?" the translator said.

"I shouldn't do anything. Even if I do they will kill me, you, in a week" Tony said.

"Well then this is a very important week for you" the man replied. Soon Tony got an inspiration and started building the famous miniaturized arc reactor for his chest. They both got acquainted during the building process and Tony came to know that the man's named was Yinsen. freeweb novel. com

"How much energy can it generate?" Yinsen asked after seeing arc reactor.

"Should be about three gigajoules per second" Tony replied.

"That could run your heart for 50 lifetimes"

"Or something big for 15 minutes" Tony added to it. Now Tony had enough energy to make a metal suit out of the energy from the reactor and started building on it immediately. novel

It took them almost two and a half months to almost finish building the first Mark 1. But soon the terrorists realized there was something wrong going on and confronted Tony and Yinsen. A bald guy approached them and threatened Tony that he would kill both if they don't give them the Jericho missile soon. Tony assured that he would finish it soon for them.

In a few days time the whole template of Mark 1 was ready and as Tony was getting ready in the suit the terrorists realized there was something wrong and came knocking heavily at the door. As the door was rigged with bomb when they tried barging the door blasted away. Tony ordered Yinsen to follow the procedure and load the functions.

They could hear that the other terrorists were coming after hearing the blast. But Tony insisted on continuing but soon Yinsen said that they didn't have time.

"We need more time. I will buy you time" Yinsen said after loading the whole procedure which would few seconds to upload and ran outside with a gun lying on the door step.

"Stick to the plan, Yinsen. Stick to the plan" Tony shouted as he knew what would happen when Yinsen ran out. Tony looked desperate but couldn't do anything. When the Tony was ready with his suit and started walking out he was barraged with bullets but they couldn't do anything to Tony.

As Tony came out near the mouth of the cave he saw Yinsen lying in a pool of blood.

"We had a plan. C'mon you have a family. We are going out to see your family"

"My family is dead. I am going to see them now Stark." Yinsen replied somehow. "It's Ok I want this, I want this"

"Thank you for saving me" Tony said with tears in his eyes

"Don't waste it. Don't waste your life" Yinsen said before closing his eyes. Tony got up with much anger and went towards the mouth of the cave. He didn't realize that after he got up Yinsen's body sank into the earth as if the earth swallowed him.

As soon as Tony came towards the entrance he was barraged again by loads of bullets. But as they were they were shooting there was a sudden explosion behind the gunmen who were shooting and it instantly killed many gunmen. The terrorists moved their head to see what caused he explosion only to see few missiles flying towards them. They couldn't even react before being blasted by the missiles.

Tony was shocked when he saw it and thought the military finally found him. After the dust settled he saw a medium sized black colored aircraft with exquisite finish was hovering in front of Tony. And from the glass panes of the aircraft he could see a person sitting inside wearing a black half covered mask with pointed ears.

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