Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 57: Infinite Assassination's Works!!

Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

At a deserted place, carefully out of everyone's reach a black hole slowly dilated until it completely disappeared. Exposing the man on everyone's minds!

Each clone disappeared smiling satisfactorily, giving a last order to everyone:

"Gather everyone, in the Training Yard."

Suddenly the whole population converged swiftly into the place.

Among them, were the notorious Zoldyck Family.

Like the other mentors., Zeno was extremely popular in the order, loved for his careful teaching, no matter how ruthless and violent, he was.

That's just how much 'the order' valued his teachings.

Killua was worshipped by half of the Brotherhood, and made fun of by the other half. But he was still deeply respected among his peers as an unrivaled genius.

Karuto was rather closed up, but still seemed to be deeply involved in the Brotherhood, even more so than his brother.

The members even tought that if it weren't for Ezio, he would probably be the one at the wheel by now.

Silva and Illumi who were summoned to the Hyperbolic Chamber attracted the attention of all the Brotherhood.

They all thought:

'As expected of Killua and Karuto's Father and Brother.'

But they were far from the surprise of Silva and Illumi, as they examined the stances and the eyes of each one of the members of the brotherhood.

'Perfect stance! Not one imperfection.'

Illumi also had a serious face:

"This is some freaky stuff. It's like going back to a long lost home."

Silva continued to examine each one of them, making careful calculations:

"6…No.7 Max…"

"...and that's only on account of their inexperience."

"If they attack me now, I could kill 6 and the seventh would die with me."

Illumi nodded approving this absurd statement.

Suddenly three silhouettes appeared in front of them. Zeno, hunchback with a meaningful smirk. Behind him Stood Karuto and Killua.

Silva had a long smile seeing his kids growing up so much! They were both already as tall as him!

Illumi had a vicious smile, the moment he crossed eyes with Killua as he immediately took one of his needles!

But before he could do anything, he felt a cold, murderous hand on his neck. Killua was already behind him:

"You move, you die~"

Illumi genuinely incapable of finding the least opening only dropped his needles. Killua snickered:

"The time for bullying is already behind us, big brother."

Witnessing his powerful demeanor, Illumi smiled:

"It seems I won't have to worry as much about you, Killua."

Silva had an exalted face:

"Excellent! Flawless!"

As Killua was about to respond, they all stopped feeling the absurd energy coming for afar!

Garp and Yoruichi also came by Zeno's side:

"He is here."

The steps grew nearer, as all the members of the brotherhood were looking forward to the monarch's return.

Finally, he appeared…His clothes were tattered, exposing a scars ridden torso. Traces of wounds so deep, no actual lifeform is supposed to survive it.

Apart from that, he looked the same, his face, his eyes, his tail. Everything was no different from the clones.

Yet, to all the experts standing there something seemed fundamentally different. Something extremely profound

Ezio mumbled:

"I can't seem to put a hand on it."

Silva eyes were solemn. Zeno even more. Garp too. Their eyes seemed to reveal they knew exactly what they were looking at.

Zeno sighed deeply:

"So he attained 'it', after all…"

Killua had a questioning gaze. Silva responded solemnly:

"His movements, his gestures, his eyes, every part of his body seems to be in perfect harmony with his self."

Zeno added:

"I always thought that one of his Majesty's biggest flaws was his incapacity of making total use of his body. But now, he seems to have completely overcome this flaw, making him an actual Transcendent Class Martial Artist."

Zeno continued his explanation, as he saw the question in Yoruichi's gaze :

"In other worlds, he attained an extremely peculiar state of mind. That only a chosen few can attain."

" In our old world, only one person could attain it. His name is Isaac Netero.

And this state is called 'Enlightenment'."

"A state that could be attained not only by marital artists, but by any person practicing any discipline. "

"But even though the discipline changes, the process to attain it is the same."

"First one must become aware of a profound truth, that forges his own state of mind. Be it about the world, be it about life, be it about Martial Art…

Second, one must pursue this truth's meaning. Be it through 'training' or 'comprehension' or 'awareness' or 'prayer'. For days, weeks, months, years, centuries, even millennials.

Third, one must wait and be blessed with luck. Relentlessly waiting for the Enlightenment to descend on the pursuer."

Silva looked at Killua before adding:

"People who have attained 'the Enlightenment' state are extremely dangerous individuals. Not because of their actual strength, but because they could take on foes much stronger than themselves. Their synergy with 'their truth' makes their every movement extremely profound"

Garp nodded:

"Back in my world, I only knew two people with this state. The first is known as 'The number 1 Swordsman, Dracule Mihawk'. The second was in the process of attaining it after discovering 'the truth' about the world, but died early."

In his new enlightened state Marek had complete control over all the energies in his body, complete control over his Dojustu, complete control over his Wrath State.

Marek smiled warmly at everyone:

"My Brotherhood, those 8 years have been one of the greatest blessings in this Emperor's life."

"Getting to spend each of day watching you growing into the great people you are now, is already an irreplaceable tale for me. I would narrate even after a millennial!!"

All the mighty monsters turned into kids responding with cries and whimpers:

"No…It's us…Your Majesty's blessing.

Your Majesty's kindness!!"

Marek laughed lightly:

"But here you are, mighty proud warriors! Ready to take over existence itself!!"

"Today, for the majority of you. The training will finally be over after this final test!"

His eyes turned into Three Stars Tomoe Sharingan! Taking everyone by surprise!!

Every assassin immediately had a blank face. Zeno smirked, looking at the hypnotized Killua and Karuto:

"It's this technique again."

Silva smiled:

"This an interesting approach."

Yoruichi also smiled naughtily:

"So that's why he have been collecting detailed data about each of our assassinations. This is his final test."

Illumi had the same poker face:

"All the members of the Family worked hard on those reports, it looks like they've been put to good use~"

Marek looked at the rest who have not been put under Genjutsu as he annouced:

"The Infinite Assassination Test!!!"

All the assassination made by each of The Omnitsuko, The Zoldyck Family are recorded in this test.

The participants are not aware of the test, they will treat each fight, each mission, each step, like a life and death struggle!!

At each Failure, they will find their memories erased and forced to repass the test!! Yet their spirit and senses would still remember all the failures, making develop a keen sense of danger, that only experienced assassins have!!

The Test will only be over only when the entirety of the 5696 missions is completed!!

Taking several centuries of assassinations in their experience!!

The final test! The one that could run for centuries has begun!!

The 30 000 Members were all looking in daze experiencing the 'FINAL TEST"

A test that reflects the Emperor's cruelty and kindness at the same time.

In one side, this test would change them into cold blooded killers into seconds.

In the other side, this test was designed from the emperor in order to be sure to 'never lose' anyone of 'his children'!!

And one must keep in mind....

There is some tough characters to kill in 'those missions'!

The Top 3 being:

The Assassination that Silva Zoldyck made on the Phantom Troupe!

The Failed Assassination attempt on Isaac Netero by Maha Zoldyck!

And the scarier one:

The Assassination and capture of Mayuri Kurotsuchi by the Omnutsukido!!

Arriving at this last three, the members of the Brotherhood will be allowed to keep their memories after each failure!

Marek rethinking about it had a difficult face.

It was really a hard evaluation.

'Especially the Top 3, they look like freaking Dark Souls Boss fights.'

All the Mentors stood in front of the order observing each one of them. Silva had a wide smile:

"You outdid yourself, your majesty."

Marek laughed loudly:

"You think? I think it will be quite the easy fight for your kids!"

Silva tilted his head:

"Even if their Power and skills are on point, they are lacking in number of life and death fights. They still don't understand the meaning of life and death struggle."

Marek sighed:

"This is exactly what I was hoping to make them understand in this test. Especially, the last one. It's serves as a wake-up call, for all the Brotherhood. They need to always be aware that their life is at stake."

He looked at Roygun and Shahrazad patiently waiting for him on the other side:

'They couldn't bring themselves to come, see this. They've been too attached to these kids too. They tell me I am spoiling them, but in reality, you two are much more softer on them than me.'

Time passed, and after nearly an hour.

The first person regained consciousness.

He advanced slowly, deep light in his eyes, he bended his knee in front of Marek:

"The Test have been passed, your majesty."

All the members of the Zoldyck looked meaningfully at the young man. Illumi especially:

'So that's the young man's whose talent exceed even Killua's~.'

Silva also had an approving gaze:

'He didn't need this test to begin, with, huh…The foes, he imagines fighting in his head are much more fearsome. I feel it.'

Marek patted the young man shoulder, deep emotion in each of his words. Like an old father watching his child graduate:

"You did well, Altair. Take care of your brothers from now on. Our foes will only grow stronger with time."

He had some words stuck in his throat, but he chose to keep them in his heart:

'What about you, your Majesty? Who will protect you?'

The other people apart from Marek:

Shahrazad, Roygun, Yoruichi, Garp and Zeno, who knew just how deep this boy's devotion and love for his Emperor is, understood the meaning behind his distressed gaze.

Finally, he nodded:

"I will, your Majesty. With all my heart."

After a half hour another person regained consciousness, to the surprise of everyone's present, it was not Killua.

The handsome youth advanced and kneeled in front of Marek:

"It was quite challenging, a little cruel but I still think it was a good test. Your Majesty."

Ezio had a 'secret pact' with his Majesty. That is to always tell him his genuine opinion in every matter. Marek nodded:

"You understood why I did that?"

Ezio nodded:

"Inexperienced people, no matter how strong they are, are prone into making mistakes, mortal mistakes that could lead to death."

Marek had a stern face:

"And what is your duty as 'Ezio'?"

Ezio smiled proudly:

"To make sure not one mistake is made, to make sure not one life is lost…To make sure the brotherhood prospers."

Just a moment after, Killua opened his eyes, a little riled up:

"That damn Kurotsuchi! If I find him for real I swear I will kill him!!"

Silva tilted his head sideways:

"I knew you would get too confident in our ability to resist poison."

Killua eyes twitched as what he said was exactly on point. Illumi sighed:

"It seems you will keep worrying me until we become old men, my brother."

Gradually, Kassandra, Kuroto and Eivor woke up.

Marek congratulating each one of them for their success.

This test also serves as a classing test, establishing hierarchy within the order.

Finally, after days, all the 30 000 of the order woke up!

Silva looking at their new demeanor:

"Such eyes, they already look like veteran. Like monsters who have survived wars and massacres."

The kids were long gone. Only killing monsters where left. Marek flew up, using his 'Broly' pose as he asked:

"Who you are?"

They responded:


"What you are?!!"

All of them responded in unison:

"The Empire's soul.

The Empire's eyes.

The Empire's Dagger!!"

Marek grinned as he nodded:

"You are the Assassin order!!!"

He then looked at the warriors at the front. Ezio, behind him each of Eivor, Kassandra, Altair and Killua.

"Those who will go, will officially begin their duties. As for those who will stay.

You have proven yourselves; you have earned the right to protect the rest of the order!

From now on, you will become Saiyans!!"

He then looked over everyone's present:

"Keep mind, each good step, each aid for the Empire…Will make you earn this right! Show me! That I can give you the power to protect those you hold dear!"

They all cried determination in their voices!!


He then sighed:

"Those who will stay will be: Altair, Kassandra, Killua, Eivor, Kuroto, Zeno, Illumi, Silva and…"

He looked meaningfully at an old man:



He cried:


The 30 000 Members immediately disappeared, all going through the portal, disappearing into the night of the Empire! Shading him from any possible danger!

He then faced Yoruichi, a long smile on his face:

"You've become stronger, Yoruichi. I may have a hard time, next time we play."

Yoruichi smiled slightly:

"You've become quite the smooth talker, Monkey Boy~…"

Marek snickered, turning his face away feigning anger:

"Tch! I should have never showed you, my tail!"

She swiftly appeared in front of him with a speed highly bypassing the limit of Altair and Killua.

"Black cat and green monkey, we kind of suit each other~"

Marek was immediately taken back:

"I will not fall for your trick a second time!"

She had a challenging grin on her face:

"Oh, then…I will wait for my opportunity to strike, again. Sensei~"

Marek who, heard her call him that for the first time, felt his face burning:

"You know, you don't have to…"

She smiled naughtily:

"But I want to~"

"I will go watch over those children. I will be meeting you all in three days."

She then disappeared too. Marek nodded a tinge of pride in his heart:

"I would like to see Urahara's face when she comes back. Actually, I would rather see Aizen's face, hehe…"

This was the day that the Legendary Assasination Order would make his first appearance in the Multiverse!!!

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