Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 253: To your Destiny

He looked at this calm, wise and talented mage, and he suddenly felt his mood improve:

"I will give you two choices. Zeref Dragneel."

Zeref eyes narrowed.

"The First, I directly destroy any influence that God has on you."

He looked at the reaction of the mage, before continuing:


"I will guide you to obtain the power to do it yourself."

"Think about it."

Zeref smiled calmly:

"There is no need."

"I choose the second one."

The Emperor nodded, slightly:


"I am looking forward to it."

His eyes then moved to the gorgeous woman beside him. Dressed like a Scarlet Witch.

The Emperor, eyes seemed to slightly show a trace of emotion. His Imperial eyes seemed to be lost for a moment as his eyes lingered on the woman.

If Lelouch and Schneizel were here. They would have immediately saw through it.

Here…Only Mercedes, noticed the abnormality but couldn't explain why.

He smiled kindly:

"Irene Belsserion."

The name was pronounced, but the moment it was pronounced. The tyrannical voice, suddenly became as warm, as the first ray of sunshine after a winter.

The concerned herself, felt a little overwhelmed. She swore, she lived for 400 years she never felt her name was so beautiful until today.

She looked up, and the tyrannical eyes seemed to fade into nothingness, replaced with an ocean of dark still water.

Anyone who looked at it would feel complied to plunge into it. Delve into it, as if attracted to sleep in it forever.

The echo of the voice of the Emperor seemed embedded in her mind, as if it was an endless song melody.

The confident scarlet haired woman was already bewildered by the Emperor.

"Queen of Dragons."

"Why did you come to my court today?"

Irene who was shook, was immediately woken up by the Emperor's question. Recalling what's happened, she felt a little unreal:

'What a dangerous man, indeed…!'

Irene immediately regained her bearing, she smiled faintly:

"Did my presence offend your majesty?"

Marek smile grew longer, his eyes shone with inexplicable light:

"Do I look offended to you?"

The kind smile, the slightly playful eyes, the warm voice.

'This man is impossible to talk to!!'

If such an idea wasn't too farfetched, she would think he was doing it in purpose, just to tease her!

But was it really the case?

The Emperor doesn't always control himself when he talks. He is never too mindful of he is talking too.

More times than not, he will speak and act on what he is feeling at the moment. After all, at the level of the Vega Dynasty, one would not near to learn imperial ethics, but rather Imperial Ethics is engraved in their existence itself

Nevertheless, Irene regained her bearings; she gathered her courage and knelt grandly:

"Your Majesty's words about Warlocks had enlightened me about my nature and my identity."

"I am sure it's no big deal for you. But for me, it's much more important than the grace of life!"

Marek smiled lightly:

"Stand up."

Irene a little rattled, stood up, as if her body was not under her control anymore.

Marek eyes plunged into hers:

"What is it that you desire?"

Irene eyes froze….Before continuing:

"I wish…."

She took a deep breath:

"I wish to thread on this path of Warlocks."

" So that I can fix my body. And understand who I am!"

The Emperor laughed lightly; he titled his head:

"If you wish to grow on the path of Warlocks."

"That is fine."

"If you wish to fix the defects in your body. It is fine too."

He stopped for a moment:

"As for who you are…"

"How about this?"

"From now on…."

"You are Irene Belsserion, the Imperial Mage of my Atleasian Empire."

"You shall stand on the peak of magic overlooking the whole Multiverse, and thread the path of Mystery!!"

"You shall become the Pillar and Pioneer of Imperial Magic."

"No Warlock, shall be greater than you."

"And No Mage would dare face you."

The Words were spoken with a casual and friendly tone, as if they were a matter of fact.

But every one resounded like a drum in the ears of those present here.

"What do you say?"

"Queen of Dragons."

The Emperor voice resounded through her head….She felt a little absent minded….She then understood the meaning of the Emperor's words.

'I see…'

'There is no importance in dwelling in one's flesh and blood.'

'What defines who a person is, his identity is….'

'His actions, his feats and his position in the World!!'

She smiled lightly:

"I see, your majesty."

"I hope to be one day, be worthy of your words."

Marek nodded before his eyes moved to the woman left here.

She was the most nervous of the three, after all. She was also the least experienced.

The Emperor smiled lightly:

"Little girl."

"Your name is Ultear, isn't it?"

"Kassandra's new little sister…"

Ultear's hearing the calm and steady voice of the Emperor, nodded with her head.

The eyes of the Emperor lingered on Ultear, before he sighed deeply:

"Your eyes are filled with resentment and pain."

"You seem to have something to ask of me, isn't it?"

Ultear's eye froze, before they gleamed with desire. The Emperor's spoke with indifference:

"The Ultimate Magic World."

"Hades's pipe dream."

"What a despicable little man."

Ultear couldn't even speak and her thoughts were exposed almost instantly. He smiled to the Dark Mage.:

"Your little wife really left a great successor, Zeref."

Zeref eyes widened before he titled his head:

"That airhead was always easy to trust others."

The Emperor titled his head:

"If you want to use the Arc of Time to reboot time."

"Simply relying on that is stupid."

"Lost Magic isn't incomplete because of lack of Etherano."

"Lost Magic is incomplete simply because no one has enough attainment to complete it."

He narrowed his eyes:

"And that is something, even our little friend here, Zeref, does not have."

Ultear eyes widened:

"Impossible, this…"

Marek smiled lighty:

"But it is something you could definitely accomplish…"

"More importantly your mastery over Arc of Time, could grow to the level of rebooting time in specific places."

"To the level of playing of the time of the whole EarthLand at your convenience."

Ultear eyes grew the Emperor continued, but he held a warm smile:

"To the question can you accomplish your current goals, by working for the Empire."

"The response is: Yes."

Ultear was about to kneel, but was interrupted by the Emperor's voice:

"But to the question would that make you happy…"

The Emperor held a tinge of sadness:

"The response is no."

Ultear body trembled slightly:

"How could you…possibly…"



Ultear eyes widened. Marek narrowed his eyes:

"Daughter of Ur."

"I know this."

"Because I know of your life."

"I know of your past."

"And I can easily foretell your future."

Ultear eyes dropped slightly. Marek eyes rested on her for a while:

"And I know of the truth about your mother."

Ultear eyes widened, she gnashed her teeth.

"Ur…The truth is that she abandoned me!!"

Marek smiled warmth in his voice:

"Silly girl."

"Look into my eyes."

Ultear eyes rose and met, the Emperor divine eyes . Suddenly….She saw everything.

She saw Ur.

She saw her crying about her death.

She saw her blaming herself.

A lifetime of memories grew in her heart…

And immediately, as if stuck by thunder. The quiet Ultear broke into tears…

Her hands on her mouth…Trying her best to not cry.

Under the kind the gaze of the Emperor, she stayed here, silent for a long while.

Finally, she looked up once again, her choking voice overwhelming her somewhat:

"Your Majesty…"

"Is this real?"

The Emperor chuckled. At the same time, she felt a warm and big hand on her head.

When she looked up, the mighty man on the throne was suddenly in front of her. He was somewhat big, yet lean. His grip on her head seemed powerful, but safe.

"Silly Girl."

"Why would I lie, when something like this could be easily verified?"

Ultear gathered the courage to look once more, at the now close eyes of the Emperor.

"Let's do this."

"I won't teach you to create the Ultimate Magic World."

"But I will make you a Great Time Mage. "

"With that, wouldn't you bring her back, from her current state?"

Ultear looked up once more, she was dazed.

Fascinating Abyss eyes, shining with warm light, like the soothing of the moonlight.

A warm smile, that seemed, to hold all the good in the world.

The slightly intimate touch, that weirdly felt comfortable.

"From now on. You are one of my people."

"Look forward to what the future can bring you."

"And make up for all the regrets of your past."

Ultear eyes were still in daze, teary, and clueless…But her heart was absorbing that Man's words like a nectar.

"Follow me. And I shall show you the day, where no regret and no sadness shall bear down on you."

His words seemed directed at Ultear, but it landed in the ears of the two others. Marek looked deeply at the three. Before he continued:

"I have hopes for you, Ultear."

"I am sure you will become a splendid and unparalleled mage."

He grinned slightly:

"I look forward to that day."

Ultear, tear eyed, knelt :

"Yes, your majesty."

The Emperor seeing the genuine smile on the girl's face, nodded. He turned around and opened a portal.

"Now…That I confirmed all your intentions…"

He had an excited tone.

"It's time, to start!!"

"Follow me."

"To your destinies."

The Four Mages followed in the footsteps of the Emperor.

The Four immediately felt the scorching hot air, the freezing cold.

The Earth seemed poisonous. And it felt as if slight contact would destroy one to his bones!!


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