Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 241: Difference

He promised Urahara he wouldn't interfere with the Soul Society…Naturally he had his reasons…

The Four Nobles Families special rules are only here to maintain a frontal prestige…He titled his head in a condescending manner when he though about the rules of the Central 46…

'This what happens when you only impose restriction on Noble Families, not duties…'

The Central 46 is more of a counterforce than a ruling class…The real purpose of the Central 46 was not to rule over the Four Families but to restrain them.

After all…There was a big difference between a force whose only goal is to restrict the Nobles…And a force whose goal is to get the Noble Families to actually do their duties.

The First Goal is to fight for power. The Second is to fight for a better world.

Even though he seemed to be laughing and playing….If one had a keen perception like Yoruichi and Urahara they would still understand…Behind each word of the Emperor was a vehement show of disdain for their whole System.

The Central 46 was only here to restrict the Four Families…But the Soul King itself never imposed any duties on The Four Powerful Nobles Families…

The Reason why?

It's because the Soul King is weak and powerless…He is only a tool necessary to maintain a Statue quo….

But was this status quo really worth preserving?

Was it really worth it to get in the way of Aizen and Ywach…

In the end…Of the Story…Just what kind of Soul Society did you all protect?

Do the People in the Rukongai live better lives?

Do the Souls that are not Shinigami untitled to human dignity?

Do Families in the Soul Society still need to be separated?

Hahah…What the point of afterlife…If it's just a worse than life…Isn't in it just a weirder hell?

What's the point of the Afterlife if one couldn't even remember his past life?

Just what is the point of saving people from transforming into Hollows just to send them here?

All this is bullshit…

When he looked over the present system…When he saw how Byakuya Kuchiki…The 'Exemplary Noble' act…

He feels like he understood…

Aizen was indeed right…The Status quo doesn't benefit anybody at all…

'The Fact that Thousands of years old beings don't see it baffles me…'

Or maybe is it exactly because the beings are that old…That their vision of Afterlife is so twisted…They live in their HQ leisurely while the rest of the people live like dogs…

How beautiful!!

This society was older than all the Human countries…Yet it still has societal injustice, power hungry dogs…And Powerful People trampling on weaker ones…

Just why does people say this place is better than Hueco Mundo?

At least in the Hueco Mundo, people are free to purse whatever they wanted…

He looked deeply at Urahara with a mocking smile as if delivering the message:

'This is the statue quo you are working so hard to protect?'

Finally, as everyone realized the undertone of the Emperor's expressions…They all fell silent.

He finally spoke, he seemed to have pronounced these words to the air:

"It's easy to replace the Soul King with a Stronger Being…I hope you already know that…"

Urahara took a deep breath…He understood what the Emperor meant. Yoruichi sighed deeply…Her heart beating widly…

As she looked at the disappointed gaze of the Emperor overlooking Byakuya Kuchiki and Renji Abarai…She also felt a sense of shame…

She spent 10 years with the man named Marek Vega…She already knew how the Emperor saw the civilians and the people of his nation.

Each one of them was a treasure…Each one of them had endless value…Each of them was irreplacable….She had come to love this loving personality of his…

She thought they both shared that…She was after all, someone who cared deeply about her subordinates…

Only know did she understand the difference…Marek Vega, wasn't an Emperor because he was strong…

It's because he was an Emperor that he had to be strong… His power wasn't her to uphold some clans's vanity…it wasn't here to prove that his family is beyond others..

It wasn't even here to protect the people he cherish like Ichigo…

He was strong because it was his duty…Because this is his obligation and honor as the Emperor.

This is why…His strength was never here to protect his statute, it wasn't here to look down on others like Byakuya was doing…

Of course that doesn't mean that Marek was a saint…No when It comes to oppression, massacre and evil…He may be worse than all the people of the Soul Society combined…

But that does all have a goal…No Massacre is done without purpose…Everything is calculated.

He spoke calmly to both of them:

"I can only show you the way…The rest depend on your own will…"

His words were clear…As they rang on their ears…The Meaning was also clear

'I will show you my version of the Soul Society…It will up to you to judge.'

Urahara already deeply understood how messed the order of the Soul Society….Neverthless…He thought…that there was still hope for things to change for the better.

After all…People like him, the Vizords, Yoruichi and Ukitake and Kyoraku still existed…But for a momemt, for the first time…He felt doubt…

Because…In reality….Even them…Weren't much better, they were only the better solution.

He already that Aizen, Gin were evil. What he just realized….is that the rest of them might only be the lesser evil.

This is what the words of the Emperor were trying to communicate.

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