Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 237: Little Bet.

Finally after spanning all day….The Emperor sighed before giving order to the rest of his court to rest.

Lelouch still stayed:

"You have worked hard, your Majesty"

Marek sighed:

"Not that hard."

"Not while my people are still not living at the top of the world."

Lelouch nodded lightly. As Marek stood up.

"Your majesty…Are you going back to the Shinigami World?"

Marek nodded:

"Indeed…After all, The Soul Society arc is quite close."

"And I need to experiment some things about souls too."

Nevertheless…He had smile on:

"Although, I still need to recruit some of my knights first."

He suddenly had a mischievous smile:

"Tell Esdeath, to be on stand-by. Maybe she would get to have some fun, later on."

Lelouch sighed:

"Well…She already butchered every little shinobi who dared challenge her."

"She even goes on more missions than her own jounin."

"While she still didn't kill anyone. She is clearly bored."

"A Visit to the Soul Society may calm her a little."

Lelouch added in his heart:

'And some time with you may improve her mood too.'

He laughed in response before opening his portal:

"Look after my Empire, Lelouch."

The Vizir nodded with a smile:

"I will try my best, your majesty."

Lelouch eye gleamed with a meaningful light, as he added:

"Try not to be too hard on 'him'."

"There is plenty of suffering waiting for him."

Marek who was about to step out stopped for a moment:

"Indeed…But he is the only one who could transcend suffering and etch it deep into his own blade."

He laughed lightly:

"Although, I might hurt him a little…The monster I want as my knight is the one who emerged from that endless ocean of pain."


"As my knight…I will not allow him to lose anything. Not this time."

Under the solemn eyes of his first vizir, the Emperor left.

Lelouch looking up at the sky, sighed deeply:

"Maybe…After this…Golden Lion might not stay the Strongest knight of the Empire."

Marek opened the void!!

And he stepped on it. He found himself on a Desolate, gritty, dirty and dark primitive medieval world.

In here…Disease, famine, deprivation, perversity were the norms. Be it the lofty nobles, who have to nobility only their names.

The Royalty, whose majesty has long been lost.

Or those beings who got corrupted by greed, lust and pride.

'The Apostles'

The Emperor smirked lightly:

"It will always baffle me…"

"That this era is called…"

"….The Golden Age…"

In the Emperor eyes endless suffering war and hatred wreaked havoc in the world.

The World grew so vile, it would be difficult for their people to discern evil even if it was in front of them.

And through the Rinnegan he could capture the existence of another dimension…

'So this is….Fantasia…'

But he quickly lost interest. For now, his attention was on a 6 year old boy, training at the sword under his 'foster father's' tutelage.

Marek sneered at the sight.

The boy was progressing indeed. But this certainly wasn't due to the Half-hearted advice he gave him.

The boy was progressing…Only because he has a monstrous sword talent.

The kind that was unrivaled in the World.

And not only this world. Even in the Primordial Realm.

It even made that father figure quite satisfied….After all…He didn't need a liability.

Marek looking at the hopeful young boy, who could easily mistake the greed of 'his father' for joy, frowned.

His eyes became complex:


Immediately, he appeared with a great fanfare from the skies!!!

His aura covering the sky and looking down on the world!!

Even…The Idea of Evil itself felt a cold shiver…as the Emperor with the Imperial Truth set a foot on the world.

Marek sneered at it:

"Just wait for me…Sooner or Later…"

"You will be in my hands."

Guts was deep in practice with Gambino instructing him from time to time.

When he felt an innate sense of dread!!

Gambino especially, felt as if he was facing the advent of a prehistorical beast!!

Staring at him, like a little mouse…In his eyes it was as if a dragon was looking down on him with endless malice!

Guts who felt much more comfortable looked up.

Only to be dazed!!

A Spiky haired youth descended from the sky and it seems as if the sky have lost it's color and as of the world was prostrating at his feet.

He could somehow feel as of the world itself revolved around him.

His child like temperament could only feel awe.

The turban around his head was cruising the endless sky, his dark green Imperial caftan was bathed by the wind.

And his eyes who he could somehow see from this far, seemed to hold a tinge of warmth.

His lips parted into a kind smile.

'God! He is a god!!'

But what looked like a deity to the child, was felt like a the advent of a demon as Gambino felt his whole body plunge in endless abysmal hell.


He then heard a word:


Immediately! Without a second thought he run with his life, without giving a second look at his son!!

Guts saw it, and a hint of pain appeared on his eyes.

He wasn't surprised. He was only disappointed.

Marek descended from above still observing the reaction of Guts.

'The More one values love, the more he is prone to getting betrayed.'

'What a sad existence.'

He descended and Guts who should be shivering in fear somewhat felt that no matter what.

The man here wouldn't hurt him.

He has been distrustful of others since a young age. But even that, seemed to fade away.

The Man slowly landed in front of him with a bright smile on:

"Guts, right?"

Guts nodded:


He spoke rudely without any reverence, but there was a hint of surprise in his voice. Yet, the man continued to smile and asked:

"I am Marek Vega. The Rightful Emperor of all Worlds."

"Would you like to follow me?"

The voice was calm but majesty could be felt from his speech. Guts looked up, but he struggled for a while before saying:

"…I…can't leave Gambino alone…"

Marek sighed deeply.

"I know that…"

"But you should know before making this choice."

"What is your destiny."

Guts had a weird look on his eyes:

"What do you mean?"

Marek had a trace of struggle in his eyes:

"I believe in one thing."

"Is that, no matter, what….I can't compromise the thing I cherish."

"I can't afford to lose anyone and anything."

"Be it my own conquest, my vengeance or my people and my Empire."

"I want it all."

"And my people should too."

"This my own Imperial Creed."

Guts had his eyes wide, he soon became thoughtful. The Emperor sat down on the grass, in front of Guts as he asked:

"What do you think?"

"How would you want to live your life?"

Guts eyes sharpened:

"I don't have things I particularly care about…"


"If I had them."

"I would use my sword to protect them at all cost."

The Emperor sighed:

"No matter how deep the cost is?"

The young boy, with dark and unbending determination responded:


Marek narrowed his eyes:

"Then let's make a bet."

"This Emperor will look over your life."

"If you can accomplish what you can do."

"I will naturally leave."

"If the final result is unsatisfactory for you. We will reboot everything."

"And you can start from the beginning once again."

Guts eyes gleamed with fright:

"You can do that?"

Marek laughed:

"There is nothing in this world I can't do!"

He then got serious once again:

"But if even after all of that…"

"You compromised…"

"Then you would follow me…Guts."

The boy was a little troubled:


Marek smiled lightly:

"What is it? Are you afraid?"

Guts as if provoked had a fierce grin!!

"Who is afraid!! See how I can shut your mouth!"

Marek sighed deeply:

"You sould take this seriously."

He looked deeply at him:

"Your life isn't easy. Guts."

"I hope you could overcome what is to come."

The boy then responded with a deep breath:

"Bring it on."

Suddenly, the eyes of the Emperor changed into a dark and deep stary galaxy, as he looked at the boy's eyes:

"Infinite Izanami!!!"



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