Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 231: Head of Research and Developement.

After all…The three would appear for the first time in reality. They should be welcomed in the Empire where they belong. Not here.

His attention turned to Bulma, as he asked:

"So…What do you think?"

Bulma swallowed her saliva, even her couldn't possibly keep her composure.

"This thing…you created…."

"Is a bug, a complete bug…!!"

Marek laughed out.

"I know what you think. Bulma."

"You want to use this tool, too"

He titled his head:

"But as you see, only the subjects of the Empire could access it."

He sat in front of her and looked at her deeply:

"I respect you, as a benefactor of my country, as a friend, and more importantly as a Scientist."

Bulma sat, crossed her legs before taking a cigarette in her mouth and responding suspiciously:

"Go on…"

But one could see how boosted her ego was. Marek titled his head before speaking to the point:

"That is why…"

"I need you at the head of my Researsh Departement and Scientific Citadelle"

Bulma's eyes widened:

"You mean that Scientist Haven that Shahrazad told me about?"

Marek nodded:


"Both you and me, know that you are wasting your potential, on this planet."

"Your genius has long surpassed the technological limits of the current Earth."

"And while your enormous talent can replicate every feat of engineering that comes your way."

"You still lack the theory and knowledge to create something on your own."

Bulma smirked:

"You are always such a sweet talker."

"But you actually, just want to dump a bunch of work my way."

Marek nodded:

"I won't deny it."

He smirked back:

"But do you think that just anyone is worthy of me throwing work his way?"

She blew smoke out of her mouth:

"You seem in a hurry."

She smiled lightly:

"I thought you were going to suggest something like that, much latter down the line."

Marek sighed, a dark gleam in his eyes:


"But I just realized, that my enemies are much more numerous than expected."

"And also…The Creation of the Library accelerated some things. Without someone capable enough to absorb all the knowledge."

" This creation would be useless."

Bulma sighed:

"So, you thought of me."

She smiled as she visualized the marvelous gates in her mind:

"It's difficult not to be tented by your creation. I will give you that…"

"…And Vegeta seemed to root for your Empire."

She had an exasperated face:

"Although he is now even more annoyingly pride fueled than ever. Thank you for that, by the way."

Marek laughed:

"Well…He is the Prince of Saiyans, isn't he?"

Bulma sighed deeply:

"Well…you know I can't do much in a short time, even with the help of the Library."

The Emperor nodded:

"I do. After all…While theory could be explored in a good way. Engineering still needs more data."

Bulma nodded:

"It all depends on what are your priorities, Marek."

"With the Library we could atleast control the scientific advancement in a certain direction."

Marek laughed a shrewd glint in his eyes:

"So that is what you wanted to know from the start huh…"

Bulma had a crafty smile on:

"What? Did you think I would work for you without knowing what I would get into?"

Marek nodded, with a smile on:

"Fair enough!!"

Lelouch tsked in his mind, as did Schneizel. The Plans of the Emperor, they knew them best.

But they preferred, that they wouldn't get out this easily. Nevertheless, they still held it in.

Because they could see…Bulma was already tempted. After all, no Scientist could resist the attractivity of such a bug like existence.

How much is the value of understanding every flaw in anyone of your papers?

It's priceless.

Marek continued:

"The first and the most urgent one, for now. Is the component that could complete the Library."

"It would also be of great help to our Magus."

He looked deeply into Bulma's eyes before speaking:

"An A.I."

"An A.I.?"

"Yes…The information on the Library would only become larger and larger."

"And even if books can fuse to create a more correct information. Most Flaws will still stay unresolved."

"And it will become more and more difficult to organize such a monstrous amount."

"For now…I don't need an A.I. Great enough to completely process, the information of the whole Library."

"I need one able to process only the ones relevant for the current civilization of the Empire."

"We will then make it grow naturally as the technological level of the Empire advances."

Bulma eyes narrowed a tinge of dread in her voice:

"And for that…What kind of processing power do you need?"

Marek smirked:

"I would leave to you the specifics."

"But I would make an estimate that…"

"I need an A.I who could run a whole Galaxy level spanning country on it's own."

Bulma stood up!!

"You are not telling me to program an A.I!!"

"You are telling me to create a God!!"

"It's impossible!!"

Marek responded calmly:

"And why do I see a smile in the corner of your mouth?"

Bulma covered her mouth:

"Damn it!!"

Marek sighed:

"Stop acting….So I could give you better support."

"Don't worry, you will naturally get plenty of it…"

Bulma smiled craftily:

"Oh I see…And what are you going to do?"

She was not stupid, she already knew the key to the growth of the Library!! It was civilizational plundering!!

Every time any being of the Empire would come in contact with a foreign object, a book about it would be added to the Library!!

It was a rather terrifying concept!!

Imagine…One person, amassed enough information from a Virtual World to become a real being.

How terrifying when millions of troops wantonly do the same?

Marek sighed:

"Two expeditions will be made."

He had a deep glint in his eyes:

"A Universal Spanning one."

"And a Galactic Spanning one."

"Those two worlds would give enough data to complete the first and the next objectives."

Bulma a worried gaze:

"Univ- Wait!! Is that the expedition Vegeta is preparing for?!!"

"Are you crazy?!!"

"I thought it would be some easy enemies that wouldn't put him in danger!!"

Seeing the flames in the eyes of Bulma:

"Calm Down…"

"Let me tell you a little secret."

He smiled with fighting spirit in his eyes:

"The Galaxy Spanning one is much more dangerous than the Universal One."

Lelouch also had a hint of solemnity in his eyes, as he lamented:

'After all…He will try fighting those things….'

"I would probably need to move Izuna or a Marshall with me, in that one."

"As for the Universal while it is vast…It is severely lacking in substantial combat power."

Bulma finally calmed down:

"Well…I guess I can't stop him even If I wanted too."

She continued on, curiosity apparent on her tone:

"Okay…And What would You would use that A.I for?"

Marek continued patiently:

"Well…As for the next projects…"

He spoke and every time, Bulma's would distort in shock….

At the end…She continued:

"If all this was made…Wouldn't you be able to rule all the 6th Universe?"

Marek had a ferocious glint in his eyes:

"I am already the strongest in the 6th Universe…Why wouldn't I rule it?"

Bulma sighed:

"Don't tell this to Vegeta, he would start fighting by now."

The Emperor nodded:

"I won't."

"So…What do you say?"

Bulma chuckled:

"Dummy…Don't you already know the answer?"

"I would need to move away…Sigh…It could be hard on Trunks too…"

Marek responded:

"Well…There is still some time before the Scientific City is born…"

"But…you will still need to work so that can happen quicker.

Marek extended his hand:

"Welcome aboard. And Welcome to the Atleasian Empire….Head of Research and Development Bulma."

She shook it:

"Well…It does have a good ring to it."

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